Male |
April 9 1994 |
Philippines |
I'm just some guy who writes shit about shit. Shit. |
I do poetry for the most part. I enjoy writing around what I see as problems in society. |
"Literal yet analogous" is my self-titled style. I write literally, but in such a way that the analogy is clear...I hope. |
Dark poetry, Atheists, other autistic people, boobs, and bacon. |
Dark |
Neckbeard uprising, a game of thrones, icecream and sadness. |
Me, George R.R. Martins, the Cyanide and Happiness team. |
Me. |
A man chooses, a slave obeys. -Andrew Ryan |
Classical, Jazz, pre-2000 music. |
Batman TAS, game of thrones, the atheist experience, the non-prophets, clannad, HOUSE M.D., Conan, pete Holmes Show, adventure time! |