Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/chrysanthys
February 17 1977
Belfair, Washington
About Me
I am happily married to a husband who loves playing on the computer as much as I do. I have a zoo of animals; five dogs dogs that we love. I do enjoying role playing and gaming as much as I do reading. Fantasy is my favorite genre though I have learned to love others. I am always working to make my first love and passion(writing), a full time job. That is a work in progress.
Type of Writer
I am very much a fly by the seat of my pants. I write what comes into my head, no matter what it may be.
Writing Style
I am not sure if I have a defined writing style. I am still trying to struggle for that identity.
I enjoy roleplaying games, fantasy and sci fi books, movies, animals.
Favorite Authors
George R R MArtin, Tolkein, Anne Mcaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Juliet Marillier, Glen Cook, E E Knight, Jaqueline Carey, Glenda Larke, Anne Bishop (Black Jewels trilogy), Lynn Flewelling are all inspirations to me.
Favorite Music
I like most any music I hear.
Favorite Movies
I have too many to name all of them but Labrynth, Dark Crystal, The Last Unicorn are all very inspirational for me and I am often using quotes from those movies to inspire.
Favorite Shows
My favorite shows are; Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, Revenge, Once Upon a Time, Bones, NCIS
A story about the elven maiden Chrysanthys as unexected events unfold around her.
Rated: 18+
10 Entries
Fantasy, Writing, Supernatural
Type: Novel
Updated 10 years ago
Chrysalis searches for her people, and those responsible for taking them.
Rated: 18+
3 Entries
Community, Fantasy, Mythology
Type: Collection
Updated 5 years ago
A story about David who rediscovers his faith in God, and an Angel who earns her name.
Rated: 18+
3 Entries
Family, Religious, Spiritual
Type: Novel
Updated 10 years ago
Samira is reaching adulthood. Can she give up Moon's Shadow when she's asked?
Rated: 13+
2 Entries
Fantasy, Friendship, Animal
Type: Novella
Updated 10 years ago
Althea is a unicorn without a horn about to go on a new adventure.
Rated: 18+
~1,371 Words
Fantasy, Animal, Supernatural
Type: Other
Updated 10 years ago
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/chrysanthys