Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/beholden
June 12 1948
Danvers, Massachusetts
About Me
A Brit who grew up in Africa before moving back home and then, eventually, to the States. I have done a variety of jobs in my time (and I've had plenty of that!) but, until now, never been able to devote myself to writing full time. WdC is helping me to broaden my abilities and provides welcome feedback on what I write.
Type of Writer
Mainly short stories and essays about memories. Also poetry. In fact, mainly poetry these days.
Writing Style
I suppose I have an informal, conversational style but I use a lot of long words because that's how I speak.
Writing, editing, F1, Christianity, life, writing, history, geography and being contrary. Did I mention writing?
Group Memberships
Currently the most important is the WdC Power Reviewers. Otherwise I can't remember which I belong to. There aren't many as I'm not really a joiner.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, SciFi, Action/Adventure, Suspense, Mystery, Psychological Horror.
Favorite Books
Anything by the authors listed below
Favorite Authors
JD Salinger, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien. Okay, I'll admit to liking Grisham as well - although I detest him at the same time for being so successful. In my humble opinion, the greatest writer of the 20th Century was Gunter Grass.
Favorite Poets
My wife, Robert Frost, TS Eliot, ee cummings, Dylan Thomas, Edward Thomas, WB Yeats.
Favorite Quote
"Don't be silly - they couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..." General John Sedgwick, 1813 - 1864
Favorite Music
Beatles and Floyd, I guess. I recently discovered Leigh Nash on YouTube and she's my latest rave. Oh, and my secret addiction is anything by They Might Be Giants. And, of course, the greatest guitarist of them all, Mark Knopfler.
Favorite Movies
Zorba the Greek. Lawrence of Arabia for the landscapes. Pulp Fiction for its construction. Tarantino is a weird creep, however. 2001 A Space Odyssey. Robot and Frank.
Favorite Shows
Detectorists, Corner Gas, The Tick, Sneaky Pete, Peaky Blinders, Slings & Arrows, Rubicon.
    Rated: 13+ · Cultural · #2299350
    Poems for years 4 and 5 of the Promptly Poetry Challenge.
    Rated: 13+ · Writing · #2316158
    The second of my collections of poems written for "Express It In Eight."
    Rated: E · Fantasy · #2332715
    Storage of stories written for The Bradbury, 2025.
    Rated: 18+ · Fantasy · #2316938
    GoT plus the PromptMaster! and Cards Against Authors stuff (poetry and short stories)
    Rated: 13+ · Experience · #2223922
    A tentative blog to test the temperature.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/beholden