Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/annipon
About Me
Just a scientist and amateur writer looking for a writing community, inspiration, new friends and feedback. My dream has always been to get something published some day. But mostly, I just love to write and I've been doing it since elementary school.
Type of Writer
I write a little bit of everything, from poetry to short stories to long stories to scientific papers and manuscripts.
Writing Style
I would describe my style as succinct and purposeful, rather than flowery or verbose. I'm big on character development.
Reading, writing, music, cooking, science, art and photography. The only one of these things I actually do professionally is science.
Favorite Genres
Fiction, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, short stories, humor, poetry (including rhyming, if it's done well), philosophical, etc.
Favorite Books
Not a comprehensive list: "The Book Theif" by Markus Zusak, "Lexicon" by Max Barry, "The Starless Sea" by Erin Morgenstern, "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card, The Redwall Series by Brian Jacques, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Favorite Music
All of it! Ok, that might be an exaggeration. But let's just say my musical tastes are too wide to be put here.
    Rated: E · Health · #2310076
    There's a mutiny afoot.
    Rated: 13+ · Activity · #2293321
    A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
    Rated: E · Writing · #2241759
    Fictional stories straight from my imagination to your eyes.
    Rated: E · Contest Entry · #2332937
    Short stories written this year for the Bradbury.
    Rated: E · Entertainment · #2315278
    A collection of 8-line poems written for the Express it in Eight activity.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/annipon