Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/andie4356
April 3 1956
Flathead Valley, Montana
About Me
Raised in the Spokane Valley, Washington, moved to Montana 30 years ago. I am a mom of four grown children; grandmother of six; and one great-grandson. I studied creative & technical writing in college many years ago. I went for a time without writing when my kids were young. I am now getting back into it through Writing.com. Before rekindling my writing tasks, I worked as a caregiver and phlebotomist. One of the things I enjoyed most was being a board member of a small Montana museum.
Type of Writer
I write about characters I have met or imagined. I write short fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.
Writing Style
I write "by the seat of my pants" usually without an outline. I research, then I write.
My interests include hiking, reading, writing, watching crime drama on TV and movies, working on the house. I am political in my private life, and activist when the cause is important. I love my dogs and cat. I like to travel and camp.
Group Memberships
Mental Health Writers Alliance
Favorite Quote
"All women are born gifted." Pinkola-Estes "For the great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."--Vincent Van Gogh
Favorite Music
I love that old-fashioned rock and roll.
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · None · #2335300
    A short story about a young man's journey to realizations of what's important in life.
    Rated: E · Other · #2151575
    A site for future story characters.
    Item Cover
    Static Item Icon
    Rated: E · Philosophy · #2171216
    Silence in peace dies from deception.
    Rated: E · Contest · #2153086
    Contest entry using 140 spaces
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · Contest Entry · #2160292
    A simple little goose possesses the heart of an eagle.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/andie4356