Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/777stan
August 26 1960
Statesboro, Georgia, USA
About Me
Born in Fort Worth, Texas, I'm the son of a Baptist preacher. I became a Christian at age six, which is important to know because it affects the way I see the world and the way I write as well. I became a writer as a poet at age thirteen. Poetry has been great for cleansing the heart of intense emotions as well as a venue for expressing emotions of great joy. On August 1st, 2016 I celebrated 30 years of marriage to my wife. I remain amazed and gratified to have a great relationship with her.
Type of Writer
Poetry is a large portion of my writing, but I like using prose to express, like essays or op-ed pieces.
Writing Style
My beliefs and my opinions will be laced throughout my writing, but I give the reader the same latitude I wish to receive.
Poetry & piano playing are the right and left sides of my escalator out of depression. They express, my being & feelings, especially when the words just will not come. Gardening and running have been my two consistent outside activities. Real Joys!
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Group Memberships
Having joined Writing.Com on July 14, 2016, I am now part of the Newbies Academy Group, The Poets Place, the Rising Stars Program. The Poetic Traditions Poetry Contest is my home away from home. Classically written poems are so beautiful!
Favorite Link
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Favorite Genres
Poetry, biography, didactic non-fiction, stage plays, humor, drama, speeches and fantasy, especially Lewis & Tolkien.
Favorite Books
The Holy Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, Hinds Feet on High Places, Pagan Christianity
Favorite Authors
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Hannah Hurnard, Frank Viola, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Ravi Zacharias
Favorite Poets
Carl Haselton, Jr., Robert Burns, Ogden Nash,
Favorite Quote
"O, wad the giftie gie us to see oursils as ithers see us." (Robert Burns) “Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great Lion...'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.” (C. S. Lewis)
Favorite Music
Christmas music... Christian instrumental, (piano by Dino Kartsonakis) Classical music, like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Clementi, and Diabelli
Favorite Movies
The Sound of Music; Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang; the Star Wars septology; 10 Star Trek (Original-Next Generation;)
Favorite Shows
Star Trek - Original Cast, Star Trek - Next Generation, Star Trek - Voyager, Full House, Family Matters, Home Improvement, Gardening By The Yard (with Paul James, the Gardener Guy on HGTV,) Extreme Homes (on HGTV,) The Carol Duvall Show
    Rated: E · Personal · #2172808
    We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
    Rated: E · Military · #2336914
    Our veterans can never be honored enough. This poem is an attempt in the right direction.
    Rated: E · Inspirational · #2102722
    The United States is a relatively new country in world history, but it is significant.
    Rated: E · Spiritual · #2335016
    This is where I place my thoughts for weekly Bible Studies.
    Rated: E · Spiritual · #2335020
    This is where I place many of the Bible verses, that help me rest assured, I am saved.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/777stan