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Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB  
Rated: E | (3.0)

August 11, TWENTY-TWELVE, Sat.

Good morning to you, Esomers. Is Esomers correct? Always wonder what goes thru the minds of folks chosing pennames. Hint -- you'll often see a user's name change with the season's sometimes. There's a spot for that onsite. Later, you may note ... if this is your first venture to acclimatize on wc ... .. Therefore ... April Sunday TEFFY welcomes you to http://www.writing.com.

About your poem, as the official part of this rev* starts now. ABOUT seems too brief a title. The refrain is good. Perhaps, lengthen title to include ... "When was the last time I really sat & thought ..." quote from ABOUT's refrain.

Which sticks in the mind, so adding to review rate. For *review, shall shorten to rev, okay?

Hang in there, E. Now with such a refrain .. you'll need edit and supply a question mark for questions.

Seems you step out and argue with yourself, as poet .. with --- an omnipotent God, which may not exist ...

Of course, with the 2009 US statistics for over 10 million hungry citizens ... "poverty stricken aren't only halfway across the world .." Yeah, even right nextdoor nowadays.

Lastly, breathe in, breathe out .. please realize we all make minor mistakes, later changes, hon.

AT: your given .. this is you're or you are ..

Thanks for posting open. The poem itself has potential, simply needs a re-edit.

Saw your poem listed under: READ A NEWBIE today. Best Summer ahead.

Cordially, teffom@writing.com
"Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!

PS: MORE Newby talk also this week @

 Invalid Item 
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#1594056 by Not Available.

Dear poet,
Another motto of mine has always been: Not all new members are new to writing. And this poem ABOUT has a chance to not only be the first one posted by Esomer ... but perhaps shall be just the beginning of a fine portfolio by year's end.

A floral display to cheer you ..

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Review of Saints Tale  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB  
Rated: E | (3.5)

August 11, 2012 --- Saturday

Hope, I'm reading this right. I am proud to be using a webtv and no we're not antiquated in the ISP line. Sorry, I digress.

Welcome to WDC. Spotting your poem SAINTS TALE in the newbie column must certainly say you place much here inside this poetic script in a chronological manner.

Carrying the the saint along ... all the way to the Pearly Gates is a great take, and sure a comical one, as well.

Note: you're using Ayero

Chuckles, you must visit my blog. "Invalid Item Where readers with a sense of humour (like yourself) are especially welcome. I wrote a bit about newcomers in general this week which may be of intrest to you. AND might you honestly enjoy the train we dub ..


Best weekend ahead.
Cordially, TEFF

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Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB  
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

Rev sent 8/8/12

Oh hello there Lightbringer ...

This item on reviewing & more-or-less (how-to/editing) on a specific pattern to all writing can perhaps help middle schoolers who are starting out with English Composition. Aha, assuming they still include this subject for students. Myself not included.

Your Comma Section is a brief turn back to basics for punctuation of that little bitty fusser, the comma. Oh how we'll all wish for nights when we didn't argue with our own bad selves over the beastly comma. So, at least you supplied this for those whose work you shall be rating or reviewing.

Watch Miss TEFF (That's Me!)
go on record once more by strongly stating that if there were a specific rule, not a reading preference or rather than ... for adverb usage ... it's tough to think that they (adverbs) should be avoided. These gems are the practical making of Sir Arthor Connon Doyle's short stories with Sherlock Holmes @ the helm. Try a few of those and maybe you'll begin to show the wonderful adverb a bit of honor. IF a word is inside a dictionary common sense shows it is preferable to use when searching for vocab gems in order to capture sound (style) or simply to impress.
Lastly, to moi this site agreement of tearing things to shreds hardly ever works. Low word counts are bad enough especially as the flash fiction ken for digial or e-writing took off by about 2001. Authors should be aware, sure although they may be technically novice writers as in un-published by comparison to our print greats --- meaning popular authorships from A to Z by surnames, found in libraries coast to coast ... sorry almost lost the thread ...

Writers should be aware at all times ... when one has something to say ... it usually comes out in a creative fashion. Maybe it, the work at hand, originally written by someone onsite aka a http://www.writing.com member ... but it stands always when the author adds .. two words. THE END.

Some people can't write their way out of a paper bag, others can't stop writing. All plots & genres are of course like beauty in the eyes of the beholder ... approached by individuals who hold their creativity as often a star trait meant to outline the best of the story or poem, itself a product.

You include the bugaboos which are easily gleaned in the grades schools. Not all writers or readers forget these and if so ... there's spots to research any questions on the confusing words such as a while or awhile.

I think it might have been in 2010 that I undertook to take a really thorough look at what was going on now with THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE. ON ---
 Invalid Item 
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#1594056 by Not Available.

I penned a quote RE: same from the Boston Globe which dubs the Strunk -- do it this way only ... mannual ...

Ah, well ... "archaic."

You see literature changes as decades come and go. Yes, that E B WHITE work has been revised several times. However, in my humble estimation, judging or what amounts to rev rating onsite should perhaps lesson the burden for any adherence to what to write
or how to write
or how not to write.

That is why we move ahead and away from linear reading or linear writing.

Well, you show good points here as well. Maybe you can use these on your own works as you admit doing, but anyone revving might want to cite literary works that push the envelope outawrd. Right?

Turning to library finds, perhaps the latest copyrites, one can find renders a better sense to future works.

My best source for short stories of creative avenues which wouldn' fit any of the averages is The ANNUAL O'Henry Anthology. Plenty of those in used book format. Anyone on a writing website would seriously find comfort and joyful entertainment inside this publication's pages.

AT: AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB the push became to always smarty-up. Yes, there's grammar rules, punctuation musties, along with tons to consider before final final re-re-re-re-edit by all means. My premise is difficult to capture from mannuals or writing basics.

Better your article could consider adding some really off-the-wall fiction, citing titles or authors.

How come? Because writers interested in marketable, salable works usually learn primarily from one thing. READING. But not only reading here or reviewing here. Funny, isn't it how thoughts differ?

Best for all you future reads onsite or offsite, my friend.

Cordially, TEFF

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1594056 by Not Available.

Cordially, TEFF
Review of The Night Sky  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB  
Rated: E | (3.0)

August 8, 2012

Hello: Broke Richard, nice pen and a fond welcome to the train we all ride together as writers called http:www.writing.com

Hope you are flitting about, fitting in and moving about okay negotian wise.

Now of you brief essay, which reads in a poetic prose manner ... thanks for posting this onsite. Your information RE: Alaska even reminds me that I promised myself to rent some Northern Exposure tapes in order to cool down during these extreme heat waves. Alas, across the entire USA as you most likely take notice.

*Check* YES! Enjoyed the script. Wonder though if it is correct to assume that all men ... ME: everyone born have the makings of ... quote: "individual greatness." Sure, potential, yet education, slant, talent etc etc seem the name of any lifetime goal in that respect for such an advanced state.

All lines form specific thoughts, which can make a reader turn to thinking caps on mode. Nice one.

Cordially, Miss TEFFY
Returning to blog life this week after a three month relaxation.

Please, Richard feel free to come on down .... anytime for a look see.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1594056 by Not Available.
Review of Turning Dark  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

FEB 13, 2012

*Heart* Hi George, TEFF here. I am very pleased to announce to you on this public rev that you win first place in: "Invalid Item

Hoping many readers enjoy this crime scene fiction where the perp in question walks upon shooting a clone ... after he beats the rap.

Dear audience --- reading PRP --- Ride with us now as we flash forward to 2099.

@ frist thinking that uhoh ... well after clone discussions posted @ "Invalid Item a shiver overtook me. One would expect this after the hook where the main character enters one's life with gun in hand.

Opening hook: "What have you done, Stan Walinsky? .... Stans berets himself ..."in an alley behind the Crazy Cuban."

Staying in crime story genre as well as you do here, Mr. Lasher, is a talent you portray with ease. Thank you for this submission to "Invalid Item annual story contest.

TURNING DARK heads out to OUR Archive spot soon.

In sum --- turning up the heat one finds Walinsky denied a bank loan from "Jr Loan Officer ---Doe-with-an-astrisk."

Sure the clone gets creamed ... Walinksy skates however for clone species in this one are products like "cars" assembly line wise manufactured back in the Sixties, as the story informs.

Excitement, believable chases ensue. Then enter Lorraine, Mrs Walinsky, Danny Amalfitano, Boston Commonwealth Savings & Loan --- Where 2008-9 Bailout aka TARP Stats form into familiar lines.

All adding up to TURNING DARK being a TRUE MUST READ.

gerogelasher lists his ebook links at the end of this tradtional contest winner. A Christmas Crime gem.

Reader/ writer note: Makes one wonder how far away 2099 is when foreclosures are in every man's back yard. Hmmm.

Thanks again, George, you win again for:
Great phrases, fanmtastic plot & delivery ... action, to be sure.

TURNING DARK by GEORGE LASHER is one to emulate.

Cordially, TEFF
"Invalid Item

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Review of More Snow Melt  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

REV sent from teffom@writing.com

Snow, your serial pen starting @ "JAN 28 --- Inside the rental, character discovers a dead fits perfectly into murder mystery. This story is a gift for any contest judge, reader or upcoming writer with a ken toward the "Smarty Up Clause" located @ our CLUB /// "Invalid Item

All five parts each receive a FIVE *Star* grade.

*Snow2* Here's what happen to this reader .. in brief sum for this audience following "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Okay ... enter Andrea --- name well chosen ... who rents a room ...

Uh oh --- Out of the closet pops Uncle Harry, a stiff.

How does Mrs Mason explain these gopings on to her guest?

Well, join the cast all the way to the courtroom. And be ready for enjoying a very fine MUST READ!!! GP incentive enclosed.

Ta ta. *Heart* Best FEB 2012, on the 12th my friend.
"Invalid Item

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with AUTHORS DISCUSSION CLUB  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

REV sent FEB 11, 2012 from teffom@writing.com

This is a public review for a recent serial entered from Fivesixer in JAN closing of an onsite blog chal sponsored by many donors. SEE: "30-Day Bloggers Group

Dear contestant: Your story of CHET who ditches his job for a spate in a surban motel ... finds him with three dead things. Sure, anwering the instigated plot sequence by all means.

Part one ran --- First Segment prompt: Character rents a room ... then finds _____ body etc.

Author supplies: Two TVs (one a Motorola)
Red carnation ...

While the conclusion after the overload of no cable, no job, little food intake, crossing a four lane --- night & day ... time interval for Chet ...

May be only the cream of the crop inside this very well plotted tale.

When Mr. Duprew, motel manager, reckons Chet, his new guest rather killed his own daughter. One expects the fur to fly. The job seeking, the heavyness of well whatever the addiction CHET carries in this fictionalized serial will entertain and surprise readers.

Well, done! An enjoyable and memorable short story found here @ the untitled: "This one's about what he discovers.

Signed ... just another one of those crazy bloggers, huh?

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1594056 by Not Available.
Review of Pop's Boy II  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with 30-Day Bloggers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)

August, 17, 2011 Flea Market Day @ Leesport .. deadline nonspecific ... Oops, temps moderate ... low 70. Up the house here. Thinking over the last two stories written with titles: POP"S BOY ...

RE: Part One --- same title, Son, your first par -- opening hook containing a funeral scene for Mom, from the son, named I --- hardly matches the last par of Part Du. Hahha! A twist ... you say? perhaps check this again. Ditto on TEFF REV sent for Pop's Boy, especially not quite as memorably funny. Place scenes after HOTEL EXPLOSION anywhere. But no match up here found from this reader, a humble writer, author, poet, journalist .. group owner @ "Invalid Item

Oh, Sorry, Dogwood. *Heart* to say hey again this bright cheery morn. Apparently in Pop's Boy's conclusion, a male youngin named ... I -- name him for future rev comments from members @ http://www.writing.com is one suggestion. Plus: add to each item or combine --- ID bitems in both cases. It is almost as if you were waiting for this overall comment. They don't match --- ? Is this correct. Did I pass a test? Only kidding. Your port looks great, filling since 2006 ... If you like creating written works be sure to reach us where bloggers linger @
30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Thanks for posting open on Auto Rewards.

Ho hum. Meat cleaver -- yeah right? Please disregard this readers commentary IF you feel it offends you. Pretty, please.

Lights, camera ... Mom's alive. Hahahaha hah! You? Dogwood, I'd sign this Blonde but why push it?

*Heart* ----> TEFF. Oh this makes me cry.
Review of Pop's Boy  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with 30-Day Bloggers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
August 17, 2011

Rev sent after reading:
 Pop's Boy  (18+)
A short story about an adolescent boy and his dad.
#1750860 by dogwood212

--- a 2011 story/ Part One, I believe also listed on auto Rewards @ http://www.writing.com.

Now, truth be told, Dogwood does an excellent job here with plot and humour, without a doubt. Let's hop this is kept in mind before conclusion of this review, please.

However, being a major critiquer and avid fiction lover .. must confess pulling this tale out of the past perfect tense came with a bit of sheer patience. Thus from this reader, might we take a second look at this part of your second paragraph,
Dogwood, please. Namely: Quote: "I would never have known this man I refer to as Pops. To this day, I don’t know why he chose to pick me up after the funeral. No one would have blamed him if he hadn’t and I couldn’t have turned out much worse than I have." All one need do in a case like this is shorten. Using proper verb choices often reduces excessive use of should, could, would, hadn't, have, has, had or been. Plus: from "Invalid Item arrives this advice for ALL writers: "Invalid Entry Which incidentally pops into plenty of reviews sent from this desk lately. The piece is filled to the brim with these predicate additions bereft adverbs. Now, we all know adverbs reside inside the dictionary, and we also may note these poor little things are being shunned for no reason. So, might we ask ourselves how circumnvent sameness in the telling? The goal or BO (Behavioral Objective) being to reach an online audience quickly via less verbiage. Then allow for more space to impress even more.

Like, I say --- POP'S BOY includes a humourously entertaining plotline firmly grounded as being quite well perceived. So -- salvage is the new name of the game, if the creator so desires.

Yes! Tense configuartions are out there and sure, we're stuck with them. However, here's an honestly rendered rule for writers to steer by.

From: HODGES' HARBRACE HANDBOOK, Thirteenth Edition/ circa 1998
from Harcourt Brace College Publishers. "Sometimes simple past tense can replace the past perfect." p. 91

Suggest @ "came to get me.." Try to avoid g-e-t which is wildly way overused these days, darlin. Perhaps try: Pop found me /// claimed me. See; "Invalid Entry

Cool! Ah, yee old the 'meat cleaver' ploy. Lights, camera. ACTION!

*Heart* neck infimaties after Pop shows his mettle. Well said, provides even more witty detail.

Uh oh .. transition in last paragraphs inconclusive for this reader -especially @ 'still closed' & naked bod -- no clue .. but onto part Two continues TEFF.

Thanks for this one, a good story, my friend.

Cordially: from teffom@writing,com/ using penname: April Sunday

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)
August 17, 2011

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>
REV sent for
 a kink in his tail  (E)
This is just the start of a short story. Any feedback would be appreciated
#1721378 by erina

Erina's story start, a work in progress from 2010 -- reaches by conclusion an element of the uncanny because of a cat, which comes off as a good ploy.

In the meantime readers are treated to about seven or eight paragraphs of a couple having coffee, breakfast, one looking out to sea in an undisclosed location. The piece is frought with body lingo, which appears complacent tucked inside many stories as if to alert the audience of the exactitude of reception between dialogue. Although, here's a chance to describe those adjacent waves.

Here is a one example sentence, among many. "I watch him take a seat, place his hands on his head and raise his eyebrows in expectation of a good response."

In a way it might be appropriate to let go (at least slightly) of the body lingo theme in fiction where it is seldom used in MOST of today's printed works. If and when used, these nuances of every facial muscle (my example or bugaboo/ bearing in mind, a sole member of the public) could cause holdups or draw away from actual --- uh action?

Midway in this brief pen one approaches the part about the "spurs," This is where the interest starts. Do suggest that be addressed/ presented earlier // which could be by mentioning what the character is thinking about as she adds sugar to her morning brew. Again, being of sound mind & body, often enough at "Invalid Item author-to-author hints come into play for CLUB memebers. One of these over the years, (here since 2004) is to include a hook sentnence or paragraph at the onset ... to reel in readers. Often enough we also see again and again this ken to waking up --- here --- Erina uses breakfast, etc.

In other words, toss in the hook element --- in this case Spurs ... earlier ... is one suggestion.

Now, in chronological order, working from handwritten notes ... Here are a few observations, perhaps the author shall consider for a future edit.

AT: What you keep secret ... maybe add 'are' -- Thus --- What are you keeping secret?

Less body lingo -- @ lowers his chin, narrows his eyes --- cutting down earier, allow for adverbs, See: {entyr:690704} And I hope that's open.

" ... just a tired ..." Do you mean: just so tired (?)

Here's a major hint for vocab extras from "Invalid Item

*Check* this entry -- if you like, Erina. "Invalid Entry

AT: "Next time you get one of us ... toss get -- try: bring/ ask/ one of us

AT: " ... get paid very little." replace: g-e-t with receive or are paid

AT: " ... and I heard begin wailing." begin is not an adjective, so rewrite to -- wailing begin ...

One paragraph forgot a capital at strat of sentence --- AT: "let

loose, is wild and whimsical --- here you need lose

Well, best in future composistions. Your imagination is key with this one .. and if you are into daily prompts and deadlines .. please consider another 2011 contest onsite. We'd love to see you take the plunge, Erina -- Visit: "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Cordially, TEFF --- teffom@writing.com
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Writing.com member, Jessica Evangeline's "Times may not have changed... spins a tale of two sisters, whose background is supplied in this flash fiction short story.

We find in sum: they are born twins, their parents meet an early death, and they remain close as the years go by.

What begins as a strory of their lives, zeroes in on certain aspects of childhood, then onto adulthood.

There are several mistakes in the telling (or writing of the story) which can easily be corrected with a thorough edit. Aka -- re-re-re-editing.

A second look at prepositional phrases is certainly required for the piece.

So, from handwritten notes, from TEFF'S desk here are a few pointers of note in chronological order:

AT: " ... in a hurrying manner ..." this causes a blip (or interruption in the reading ... try: hurriedly or quickly.

@ disney --- needs capital D -- Disney

AT: sentence including: " ... number of candies ----- thru ---- possessions --- the later part is choppy. Suggest aim for simplification/ clarity here. Breaking into several sentences is another method for this section.

AT --- twice used part away --- part is sufficient

AT: at a decision --- One may reach a decision. Otherwise 'at' not needed as used here.

AT: propose her for marriage --- again perhaps -- preposition correction 'to.'

AT: took it in solitaty --- You mean solitary or took it alone. Spell correction needed.

others === other's

about a feet --- foot?

AT: "moved out of the house --- this implies vacated. Try walked/ left/ departed?

Well, good luck. This story might be cited as having too long a range ... or need be broken apart with either less background. Maybe (and suthor's final choice, of sourse) place plotline to confer with a briefer aspect of age (or time slot) for the twins.

Best, summer ahead. Cordially, TEFF

All bloggers welcome, all WDC members, and Jessica, you are invited to *Check*

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with 30-Day Bloggers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
JULY 29, 2011

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS @ writing.com Community.

Yes, you probably already heard the news in late June ... that the one and only creator of FRONTLINERS, our valued friend, popular published poet, 30DBC Creator/Founder
has acquiesced to bring back his famous blog challenges.

This one ran everyday in July. Yes, we're at the end of the line.

Prompts came in --- even Honest Abe made the scene -- or did he?

Stories, poetry, essays were written, houses were visited, while our daily prompts were privately sent via email ... YOU tell me who didn't wake up to punching in PC favorites for the next blogger to post a new prompt .. and those prompts sure did appear.

Blogging daily is similar to meeting deadlines, great practice ...

& a tried and true method to fight the laziness of summer

... While combatting any amount of that ornery devil --- known as writers block.

People are talking, people are walking that thin line between total I-net exploration into research, fiction or spelling out their takes when even the end of the earth, the solar system itself ... OR depths of the soul type prompts force our itty bitty blogs to eke out yet another blockbuster.

Bloggers stood the course, finished as best they could.

BETTER, YET, PRP READERS --- In order to grasp a rung on the ladder building for ROUND TWO --- go here, and sign right up.

AT his contest FORUM -- Namely:
30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

You'll easily find the sign up sheet at this post " Round 2 Blogging Challengers"  

We're here and we're listening. Miss TEFFY was Secret Judge, revealed on the Thurs.

Prizes are very generous for JULY!'s winners.

HOWEVER ---> ----> LOOK FOR: Upcoming secret places to meet & GATHER ONLINE while allowing further exposure for your own blogs from the group,

Click on: "30-Day Bloggers Group

Here members receive prompts/ updates/ carry on with information which can mean -- sharing as in --- here's a gift/ here's a place. Earl Zacarias offers all group members the best of links all week long! In in other words more fun FUN FUN FUN!!!

ALL those fine emails from our leader, Mr. Earl Pablo Zacarias ... are still coming bloggers' way. EVEN MORE is in the works.

My advice is not to tally. So, don't waste another second listening to the likes of Lil Old Miss TEFFY. Shoot on down to "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS plus visit Group "30-Day Bloggers Group in order to contemplate the gist of what online publication is truly about.

REV sent Cordially from April Sunday

"30-Day Blogging Challenge" is your summer MUST READ ! A summer must try activity, a writing contest like no other ... Oh, yes!

Without a doubt this contest is a TWENTY STAR SUCCESS!!

BELIEVE IT "30-Day Blogging Challenge" ROUND 2 is the place to cool your jets this summer.

Thanks for reading! "Invalid Item will see you at Earl's next BIG BLOG CHALLENGE. Don't be late.

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Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with 30-Day Bloggers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

BY all honorable estimations, 30DBC Creator/Founder has scored high with yet another new group, this one.
30-Day Bloggers Group  (13+)
Among the best bloggers on WDC can be found here. Join us, and expand your readership.
#1788309 by Fivesixer

One may find TEN STAR creation when checking this contest, open to all WDC members.

Where one may easily view all current blog challengers in another of Earl's fine creations. Yes, you heard it first ... back in DEC 2008 when the first Blog Challenge (EVER!!!) made the scene.

Now this one --- "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

nears the finish line in only six days. Yes, some fell away --- alas writing very little. However, early warning is up there in the challenge intro, to be explicite on content being the criteria for final judgement.

Many were read extensively, views to their blogs increased. Promo in portfolios was the name of the game for others as the heat of summer beat upon bloggers as daily prompts kept us on our toes.

Who wins ??? - Well, Earl, we all did because we made our deadlines, toasted our new pals, enjoyed the reads? Maybe yes, maybe no ... but these things reach out toward competition ....

WHILE fairness here shall stand the test of time. THANX EARL!!

REV sent:Cordially from April Sunday "Invalid Item
Review of Darius Thorn  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

FEB 27, 2011

Good Morning, Cleo. Welcome to http://www/writing.com. Checked your bio, noting in a realm as to meet & greet you today --- Noting: Cleo ---already you posted three items since joining on FEB 23. WOW!! Just this week! Well, way to go there. Sometimes we call that type of writing energy ... burning the midnight oil. Guessing previously prepared, right? A very good thing in any new venture, of course.

Of your poem: DARIUS THORN, where you indicate this is about a character from a novel you are striving to construct. Now, the name Thorn is a bit catchy. While as we know (and perhaps agree) out here in Critic Land, well chosen names and titles are most apt to gather readers to one's online portfolio available onsite.

Since, TEFFY (That's Me! teffom@writing.com) has in the past dabbled in vampire genre. Thus, this poem clocks in as appealing. You give the fellow in question old clothes, he's thin, comes off as rather eerie (etc) One reads here of sharp teeth, waiting for the vampire to find his true love ... ??? Yes, can see that this is a character analysis with future pen-to-paper thoughts in mind. Best good luck there. And of course, as it is, when we research vampire stories, once sequestered inside horror genre, but nowadays, a complete genre all their own .. we see the silly, lifelike vampire, the everyday Joe who infiltrates, and then the side of vampire genre as you put it .. for vampire hunters. In this line from DARIUS THORN --- oh let me find the spot ... ah yes ... " ... a vampire no hunter can every slay ..."

Goodness, now I feel scared. But then I always have to save myself, especially living in this neighborhood ... with "I don't really believe in vampires."

Okay, betwixt you and me, and other readers of PRP (Public Rev Page or Public Rev Cenral, (PRC) Cleo dear? Do you think that maybe after vampire research that possibly these vampire creatures (as tie to your content & poetry item's introduction) could actually ONLY be fictional in origin? Lastly, author-to-author hints from TEFF indicate over the last few years that this is a possibility.

Cordially, TEFF, Creator of NEVER BUY A VAMPIRE LUNCH, CIRCA 2009.
Review of I wish  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Goooooood Morning, Just a Kid .. Emm, welcome to http:www.writing.com. Here's hoping you evict the hang of things, move about at ease as you join the wing of things on this, our writing-reading community.

Now .. OF: your posting, I WISH. This is indeed a thoroughly well written poem. When new member, Just a kid pushes into the fifth stanza ... Starting @: "Bringing sunshine ..." same line --- "to the likes of you ..."

Are you indicating someone specific? With the use of you? A second person pronoun?

If not, then how do you know anyone in the overall audience, which is also an unknown audience --- since that is most often what items and bitems, stories or poems are written toward approaching -- ME: for whom these are written, of course.

Now, myself, I love sunshine, embrace it every day, even follow bright light from a full moon around my windows .. so simply curious at that line.

OF: earth's --- Maybe you may require a capitol E for Earth. Well, best all day and into Spring ... & nice to meet you.

And this you must know. The use of the natural aspects are well presented and slightly visible, especially the fields.

Cordially, TEFF

Welcoming visitors to "Invalid Item
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

"The haiku pen, THE PRAYING MANTIS written by Lenna Rivoli and shown on http://www.writing.com Auto Rewards Items, brings the image of said insect creature directly to view. These, as tie to content are few and far in-beteen these days. Whole summers go by nowadays when they are seldom seen. Which in my neck of the woods is contrary to the way things used to be in the fields and in the outdoor yards. Well, maybe pesticide use causes them to die out. Do you concur?" REView sent Cordially from teffom@writing.com -- blogging @ "Invalid Item Onsite posts welcome @ "WDC Frontliners Discussion Forum Hope to see you there, Lenna. I enjoyed this one.
Review of Believers  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

"BELIEVERS from the portfolio of http://www.writing.com poetry minded, dogwood212 asks a few specific questions. This poem also ends with the final word ... in like manner to ANONYMOUS, also by Dogwood, concluding by speaking or writing rather about .. a kiss. The poem itself is a bit sad, although not evoking tearful as in tragic. Lastly cannot concur how this fits fantasy genre. Wishful thinking comes to mind, so better not venture too much farther here because while poetry can be allusive, readers tend to elicit interpretations out here in audience land." REView sent --- Cordially from TEFF// Feb 9// 2011/ "Invalid Item

Oh, sorry almost forgot to mention that by a fast *Check* @ CONTESTS PAGE, you might find some spots that are right up your alley.
Review of Anonymous  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)


This morning on my blog, Dogwood, there came a time in the morning's occupation when a tie to poetry flew in the window like a starling keene for few crushed toast crumbs. And that too reminds me to mention directly to you that your poem ANONYMOUS seems more to speak to one person than to an entire audience. Maybe IF this is the case it might help to add that information to your item intro. Or -- IF that is the case, to even think about on next edit, of course --- adding a real name of the one that may be being addressed.

Also, while not a connoisseur of books of poetry, myself .. you might want to at least think about upping the vocab choices. IF SO, and that then be on your docket for poetry .. your finished portfolio work may up the ante for the serious poetry readers located among the membership @ http://writing.com.

Well best along the lines of good luck in the future for all your fine writing endeavors.

Cordially, TEFF "Invalid Item

PS: Dogwood --- Posters welcome @ "WDC Frontliners Discussion Forum
Review of Tideborn  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)


Greeting to Vanna M and a hearty welcome to http://www.writing.com. Must say never did hear this term before, namely: tideborn. Quite a word and lovable for sound, is it not?

Now of you brief poem -- titled TIDEBORN --- this one seems to convey a lot but certainly can't help thinking of sea creatures in the script. Especially, sea turtles, born on beaches, of course.

Best writing all month long ... Don't forget to *Check* out Poetry Contests onsite, you seem to portray a knack for these.

Cordially, TEFF
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

FEBRUARY 7, 2011 --- Monday

Hello again, Ozhan ... Reading your very well defined article/ essay titled: REPORT FROM AMERICA ... takes my breath away. What we do not know can fill a book here in the states. Yet, you give a grand rendition of your experieinces and admiration for one fine country. Then later you take it apart, the same way we all do, and that is your perogitive by all means.

Enjoyed the chronological style here as your move us with you from inside your first home, surrounded by family opinions. The list of American fads is quite a collection of decades. Enjoyable looking back at what fads we buy or music being the I-Thing for whenevers.


@ "80s" Generally these are written like this, always using the capital letter, as Eighties becomes a proper noun. Likewise: Thirties, Sixties, etc.

Thanks for the slash of Los Angeles, most imformative due setting detail in a hands on way. Being from the East, can't even imagine such places myself. Although due to the thing they call the wide world web, most cities include photos.

@ let down -- then later you do use disappointment -- Simply *Check* for sameness, @ one point the writing goes with let-dwon ... Ahah! Gadzooks, best hope is to try the thesaurus route which should be easy enough.

No snags in reading straight on, however ... so all of the situations stipulated are coming through loudly and clearly.

plain -- plane

*Heart* the people, all of them on both sides of the Atlantic

Now, TEFF's tie to content. Okay? I do recall that about 2003 it was said the European tourism trade made sure to announce that they (Europeans) may disagree strongly with the US Government's Iraq Invasion/ War & Occupation but that it was well known that Americans were well received as kind folks when taken individually.

Thus RE: " ... the government's actions does not necessarily represent the people." Glad you picked up on that obvious nuance.

Wow, great take, a MUST READ which might curl some people's hair. This one taken in stride since all of us out here do not dance to the tune of the media/ corporate owned, news venders. Some folks go as far to quote those as non-news.

Well, here's some news from http://www.writing.com author, Ozhan who sums up a fantastic piece which OVERALL remains quite impressive.

Cordially, TEFF
Review of When I heal  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

"Dogwood212 has written a poem with the title: WHEN I HEAL, which delves into the "personal genre" for the audience reading works presented on http://www.writing,com. Apparently the poem bespeaks of an affliction which remains unidentified.** At that point is it up to the reader to guess, assume, consider earmarks from his/ her own imagination? Well, poetry, the allusive entity form. Then, of course, the pasttime of reviewing equalling dwelling & thinking in some cases other than content sum only. Venturing less on guesswork, so centering a take on ... let me see now .. on: "They stumble along in the shadows .." ??? Who does this .. ahh, okay those not the first person narrator. Then, lines of comparison are scripted. Sometimes, and here's a true guess work note, one writes things quickly without a care for looking back or: revamping the item. Or, enough on a subject flits out of the keyboard --- Sorry must run with: 0r, or, or? Wheras @ "hug the walls as I walk" regretfully cannot suggest changes, as poetry edits should be individualized methinks. But it is certain this poem certainly tries to reach out." REV sent from teffom@writing.com /// Feb 5, 2011// "Invalid Item
Review of Walk Alone  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

"While Dogwood212 presents poems on Auto Rewards, we can assume here at http://www.writing.com -- his portfolio is brimming with poetry.

IN: WALK ALONE, the first person narrator does just that in a few brief stanzas -- while letting readers know that things have opposites for: "no wealth" .. Later "no future golden." Of course the poem mentions but does not define "pain."
However, there's one hint as the genre chosen by the writer is "Relationship."

Well, everyone reading PRP (Public Review Page) here's a Saturday, a weekend ahead .. so without another word on the subject, Dogwood, now more time for us to Rhyme on! And Write on!

Cordially, TEFF
Review of Warned  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
*Snow1* FEBRUARY 5, 2011

Good morning, Dogwood .

Finding quite a few of your poems this morning, always glad to read these since insight seems to be included inside them for all to savor.

OF: WARNED -- You seem to begin this one with exactly that, a warning about a something which maybe happened, maybe didn't. Myself, tend to read into this one, with a look at the last decade. Lies, then morphing to media spin? Unsure.

The last line is sweeeett. In the sense it takes such things as simple words, ties together the entire poem. The result becomes a line to roll on the tongue and perhaps remember. Well, winter upon us, perhaps for yourself --
time to -----> RHYME ON!!

Cordially, TEFF
Review of Tales of Terror  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

*Snow2* FEBRUARY 3, 2011

Good morning, Lottie, For the life of me, I tried and tried to read this in one spot without the right left mouse click on my PC .. then I tried it in print .. but it apears too large. Well, now I have it, by jove.

Okay, your TALE OF TERROR FORUM/ CONTEST offers adequate prizes, word length determined at this point from your forum answer for such a defining of the game at hand. Yippee, owrd length not shorty shortness, sneezing tiny word count --- open with a suggestion for judge preference. NICE!!

The prompt is explicit and values of such a thing become wildly speculative. Maybe this borders on the like the character, writing advise which overall generally refers to main characters, not villians. Yes, the surprise for this reader fully hits moi @ two important aspects of your contest theme this month.

Suggested commentary based on an opinion --

RE: The Blood Countess -- Yes, I also researched this fiend, evident @ "Invalid Item sorry not sure which entry at that spot -- back in 2008, maybe.

Don't feel that this is the type of character to insist that writers portray a 'sympathetic' ken for, nor any of the other things you mention in your promt here as being equal to a fondness for 'serial killing.' In many cases, as we know --- Writers need not have their hands tied too tightly with prompts. Yes, granted one could dabble with a story or a contest entry and in this case it might also be wise to quote a biblio reference at the end of said submission or perhaps also for your findings introducing this months prompt. Citations can often send folks looking in all directions. Yet -- this one's past to my knowledge comes historically with a ton of un-recorded and uncited biographical data. Be that as it may, suggesting that neither readers nor writers fall into a mislabeled assumption that all characters must be liked. That is bogus information, hon.

And of course, always to each his own, those words -- sympathetic explaining at that section of the contest intro -- really threw this author for a loop. Logically one encounters the dislike side for the above mentioned prompt. Ah well, maybe you meant something else entirely. Unsure.

Cordially, TEFF still easily shocked..

Best ahead all year, good luck, perhaps a slight re-read and possible re-edit are needed here. Suggesting that as well.
Review of Green Thumb  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

FEBRUARY 3, 2011

"GREEN THUMB" arrives on http://www.writing.com from the portfolio of Jonas. This flash fiction, English Compostition, pen is tangled with plants in the theme of a boogey man type .. where else but in a basement. We see flash backs to a bit of the same old when stories & movies link humans to rather odd contraptions for experimentation sake. Plus, a recent look @ Extraterrestrial abduction on the I-net -- gives info which could be kinda similar to this tale of dastardly deeds. Yes, awful, yet out there for the non squeamish, opf course. And plenty of variations, indeed.

Now, the funny thing is that while we speak the tiny, three letter word "get" is taking over predicates around the globe. So, in order to not stuff a Dagwood, Verb Sandwich with the silly get usage, like onions & relish -- we see so much of, and speak, and read, and know publishing houses accept .. these sly get adaptions, these days. Tis true!

Let's consider for the sake of better vocab choices .. The following ---

Suggestions --

@ get up to the fence --- approach
@ getting closer -- nearing

@ getting out --- moving out or away
@ got to the door --- came to the door

Wondering about: " ... egging him on silently" Do you mean gestures? What gestures?

get thicker -- Especially RE: the plants --- try: grew thicker.

Well, not a bad contest entry and a fun to read story which can indeed also fit into Adolescent LIT or Young Adult (YA LIT)

*snow* Best all month, write away this winter --- Sure, beware heavy snow ...

Cordially, TEFF

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