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783 Public Reviews Given
788 Total Reviews Given
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I like to always pick out the positive points in a piece, even if overall I am not enamoured by it. I tend to point out grammatical and spelling errors. I will be honest, but not unkind *Smile*
I'm good at...
Empathising with people, giving my opinion, analysing poetry.
Favorite Genres
Travel, Sci - fi, psychology, opinion, music, horror, gothic food, emotional, death/dark, animal.
Least Favorite Genres
Western/war, Parenting, History, Erotica/Adult
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, Flash Fiction, Photos, Articles.
Least Favorite Item Types
Campfire creatives, interactive stories.
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Review of Hide and Seek  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with Steph Bee's Bee Hive  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello summer blush

I really like this poem - I like the way that on the surface it could depict a simple, childish, game of hide and seek, however this seems a cover for something far more sinister.

It could perhaps be about someone evil, an abusive person who is coming after the "hider" - or it could be about a fantastical beast, a monster of some kind coming for them.

The poem has a sense of urgency and intensity. As the reader, one can feel like the person being chased and sought out, running and hiding from them. The voice of the speaker has a disturbing tone, I read it like a human voice but distorted.

The refrain of "Ding Dong" sounds trivial and innocent, the ringing of a doorbell - yet as the poem progresses it becomes something sinister and frightening.

At the end of the poem the hider is caught and it is left to the imagination of the reader what happens...

I noticed a couple of typos -

Where is it you've gone too? - "Where is it you've gone to?"

Where is it you've hide? - "Where is it you've hidden?" or "Where is it you're hiding"?

This was a really interesting poem to read, I like your writing style *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Vegan Bean Stew  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Choconut

I just happened to be looking in your Port and my little Vegan Eye spotted the "V" word so obviously I had to take a look seeing as this hardly ever happens on WDC! It's a simple recipe but imaginatively written with the emoticons - I love the *Chicken*peas *Laugh* - I am wondering if you added the word "chick" after someone commented - What are chicken peas?*Laugh*

I would definitely eat this with some fresh crusty bread and a glass of red wine *Bigsmile* *Heartg*

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Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024

I found your item on The Plug Page.

Your opening line encouraged me to read on as I also love looking at the stars, although I have never really thought of this as being close to God but it is an interesting idea. Maybe a God created the stars and maybe they didn't ?!

I agree with you in that I love the idea of space exploration and especially finding extra terrestrial life, but I do wonder what we would do with it if we found it - welcome the "aliens" with open arms? Most Countries of the World don't even want to welcome those from the next continent.

Have you seen District 9 - that is probably more likely the reality.

It's a sad thought.

And if we were to ever make it to another planet, would we just wreck that one?

An interesting topic of debate, and good to read.

Not sure about the sparkling pickles analogy but it's quite funny *Laugh*


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Review of Apprentice  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Just Jae

I came across your story perusing entries for the Daily Flash Fiction Challenge.

I thought this was a lovely little flash fiction story and an imaginative response to the prompt *Smile*

I felt like I could picture the scene in this fantasy story and your characters are intriguing, with good communication between them.

I think you told a fun story in just 300 words which still has a beginning/middle/and end which captured my attention.

And I love the name "Laora Nightwind" ! *Smile*


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello strlcuckoo

I came across your poem as you sent me a review request

Here are my thoughts on your poem -

First Impressions

I thought it rhymed and flowed very well and I liked the format. It has an ethereal quality talking about the sirens (assuming this means sirens as in mythical creatures rather than emergency vehicles!)

Imagery and Theme

The poem seems to indicate the writer is far from home and finds that "home" is calling him, interpreted by the sirens. It leaves me a bit unsure of why the writer longs to go home, what the secrets are, and why no-one cares to hear them. I feel the poem tells part of the story but leaves out a lot, although perhaps this is purposeful.


The poem is written in an ABCB rhyming schemes and I found no faults with the rhymes here.

Favourite Bits

I liked the first verse the best, and the image of the sirens calling the writer home.


Too many days have past - should this be PASSED rather than PAST?


I thought this poem was well written in terms of how it flowed and the imagery used, although it did not entirely convey to me the writers story and what it was getting at.


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Review of Food  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Genipher

I came across your story just looking at the February entries for the dialogue 500 contest!

Your story made me laugh *Smile* - I like the way it is just assumed it is normal for this guy to talk to his talking fish. I like the way the fish speaks with the limited grammar which may be how we would assume a creature to talk!

I was expecting the guy Steve to eat the food and something to happen to him, so a curveball with the dog - however I think there could probably have been a bit more dialogue here, with the man being shocked as the dog eats the food etc.

It was a good response to the prompt and I wish you well with the contest! *Smile* *Hearty*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

Thank you for sharing your fab page of trinkets *Delight*

I love the fantasy trinkets with the dragons, I like the colours and the images

I like that the wording on the trinkets is concise and not too long winded!

I thought I must comment on "The Princess and Her Fox" as I am very against fox hunting (which still happens today not just in medieval times!!) and I liked your shared sentiment on this.

I love seeing foxes, I don't see many where I live now but I used to see them a lot in Portsmouth, especially walking home late at night. I used to leave food for them out in the back garden. They are timid though and usually ran away from me when I approached!

*Hearty* *Heartp* *Heartb*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello NightShift

I came across your poem as you sent me a review request.

Here are my thoughts on your poem -

First Impressions

This is a dark poem which indicates from the text that the writer has lost all hope. I like dark poetry so this appealed to me. I wasn't so sure of the title, I am not sure "Coldness of Blackness" makes sense. I would probably call it just "The blackness" or "The Void" or something like that.

Imagery and Theme

The imagery is typical of dark or negative thoughts - the inky black sky, the closed road, the lack of light, the numbness etc I suppose it could be argued that some of these images could be a bit cliched! But they are the kind of images I would probably use myself, so I cannot really be critical of that. The imagery is vivid and conveys emotion.


The form here is interesting as it chops and changes, therefore it is more of a free form poem but different parts have a rhyming scheme - I think this works for your poem and makes it interesting to read. The last line is an abrupt statement, and has an air of finality to it.

Favourite Bits

The first verse is my favourite, I really like the imagery and the rhyming scheme *Smile*

I like the way the form plays out though, so the rhyming scheme is not the same throughout


"When road is closed before you" - I think this should say, "When THE road is closed before you"

"don’t grieve me." - I think this should be "Don't grieve FOR me"

I always think punctuation in poems is kind of up to the writer, however it should probably be consistent - as in, if you are starting each sentence with a capital letter, then you should probably do this through the whole poem, but your second verse has no capital letters.


I liked reading your poem, it is up my street so to speak. The writer speaks candidly about their feelings, and the ending is a bit chilling.....

The title is not really gripping and could probably use a rethink?


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Review of Never Again  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello strlcuckoo

I am reviewing your poem as you sent me a review request.

I am not quite sure why it says 128 at the top, unless you number your poems, much like Shakespeare and his sonnets, however the poem does have a name - "Never Again" - this indicates to me that the poem could be about regret, however, reading the first verse I am more inclined to think it is about loss. This theme seems to run through the poem until the last line, when the writer seems to reveal that the person they loved is still present, unless perhaps he is referring to looking at a picture, or a vision.

The poem mostly has an AB-CB rhyming scheme which works well on the whole and it flows well, however the line - "Love meaning more then the Pieta’s" - throws this for me - I don't know what this means, and I do not see how "Pietas" rhymes with "Lisa"

The poem describes a beautiful woman the writer loves, although I think a couple more verses could be added to expand on the image, as it is quite short.

The simile of the sunshine on the waving wheat is nicely descriptive.

Thank you for sharing your poem and Happy 2024!

...For the Super Power Reviewers

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Allen Mitchell

I found this story looking for new members' items to review for "The WdC Birthday Challenge!!! CLOSED


What the title says to me

Obviously it is a Writer's Cramp entry! *Laugh* although I am not sure you need to put this in your title, as the ACTUAL title gets a bit lost. "When Am I?" is intriguing as it is obviously grammatically incorrect so it must have a point. It encourages you to read and find out.

The opening paragraph

The opening paragraph is exciting and intriguing, it does not give away much, the character could be anywhere, but it makes you want to read on.

How I felt about the characters

I liked the fact that there was a lot of dialogue in the story between the characters as in general I prefer dialogue rather than long paragraphs of description, I think it helps the story to flow better. I didn't get a sense of the supporting characters being in the "modern day" however, perhaps this was done on purpose?

What I liked best

I thought the story was really imaginative and I did not know where it was going, I thought parts of the story were funny, I liked the ending, as though that points to a whole new story....now what does he do?? *Laugh*


The "smelling salts" that the doctor has did not seem fitting with the modern day, it made the story still seem to be set in the past. Perhaps introducing something like a mobile phone, or modern clothing would have been more relevant here?

In Conclusion.....

This was an entertaining story, I thought it was well written and super imaginative, I did not see where it was going. The ending leaves the readers in suspense....


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello jackiesmuse

I found this story looking for items about birthdays for a challenge at "a Mod-o-Poly Celebration!


What the title says to me

The title made it clear that the story is about a birthday party, and introduces us to one of the characters.

The opening paragraph

We quickly learn when the story starts that this is not necessarily your average birthday celebration nor a happy occasion. The opening paragraph sets the scene in a hospital straight away.

How I felt about the characters

As the story goes on, I empathise with the main character - whose name we do not know. She evidently has a connection with her grandmother and has fond memories. The other characters do not seem to know her as well, summoning a priest even though this is not something she would want. This is cemented by the fact that Maudie turns out not to really like them. The other family members seem to be a bit bumbling and foolish.

The plot

The plot is fairly simple although this is only a very short story, I had a feeling that the Grandmother was going to wake up at the end, so I would not say it was a surprise, however it makes for a good ending.

The setting

The story is set in a hospital which is not your usual setting for a party. The description of the room is effective especially the "smell of decay and pine spray". Hospitals do have that weird smell...

What I liked best

I liked the dynamic between the different characters, and the description of the cousin as a roly poly baby! *Laugh*


I am not sure why the last line is in red but assuming it was for a prompt. The grandma awakening from a coma saying Let's party is a bit far fetched *Laugh* but it works for the story and the last line.

In Conclusion.....

I found the story easy to read and engaging. I liked the writing style. The plot is simple and predictable but works for a very short story.


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Review of Scammed  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Sumojo

I am just checking out your entry as a fellow member of this challenge!

I love your micro flash story *Laugh* - you really told the story in 100 words. The ending made me laugh - it is that classic stereotypical story right? You tell it well in 100 words.

The only thing I was not sure of is the word "babushka" - I thought this was a Kate Bush Song. (well, it is as well). I had to Google it because I did not know the meaning of this word, on reading the meaning I see how it fits in your story but I am not sure it is a well known word??? Maybe it is just me there....

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Fading Memories  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Graywriter

I thought I would take a look at your poem as I entered the Dark Dreamscapes contest, which you have also entered. For some reason, I must have been confused and I thought your poem was called "All cats are gray in the dark" and then I was confused when your poem was not about cats. Incidentally, if you are thinking of writing another poem -this would be a great title. Or maybe for an album. perhaps I will steal it.

With regards to your poem, I did like it. I like the way that it tells a story and has vivid imagery. I can really picture the girl on her bench, in the sunshine with the geese and the ducks. I like the repetition of the dreaming and the bench and the park. I also like the ending, where it seems that the writer is talking of a love lost, or of the past.

All in all I enjoyed reading your poem and I wish you luck in the contest *Heartp* *Shamrock*

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Review of Chess Pieces  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello KingsSideCastle

I came across your portfolio at random and I clicked on it - and on this item - because of the chess reference. My Mum is obsessed with chess and so I hear about it a lot (I can play, although I am not great...)

I loved your chess poem because it does point out the technical points of the game, whilst still having a light, almost humorous tone, and a really good rhyme scheme to boot *Delight*.

I liked the bit about the "raid" - because my Mum always tells me I play too defensively (I hate losing pieces.....)

This is my favourite verse -

"Let me give you one more tip
I know its sounds a hassle
A good defensive posture trick...
You're gonna want to castle."

*Laugh* *ThumbsUpL*

My only negative point is in this stanza -

"You'll want to have the most point value
after each exchange."

this is because I feel the first line has too many syllables, and therefore does not flow as well as the rest of the poem.

I think this poem is great, and I have never come across a poem about chess before!! *Crown*

Thanks for the trinket too *Smile*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Vaishali

I saw your post on the Newsfeed and decided to click on your link as I did not really know what "Holi" was, although I have heard vaguely of a festival of colour. I liked your description and insight in to this festival and the idea behind it. I visited Bali in 2019 and I keep meaning to find out more about Hinduism, as I do not know much about it. I am not sure I would like to get water balloons thrown at me but I live in England where it is freezing cold at this time of year, perhaps I would not mind so much in a hot country like India!

I am presuming that this is a festival that you celebrate and it would be interesting to have a paragraph about your personal experience and how you like to celebrate this festival!

Very interesting, and I like the cheerful picture *Smile*

*RainbowL* *RainbowR*

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Review of Israel  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello -bob county

I have come across your short story via "Read and Review"

As a keen traveller, I always like stories about travel and other countries, although I have come away being unsure as to whether your story is autobiographical or not - especially coming to the bit about the prostitute! Not that I am a prude about that, that is your business if it's true, I am just not sure it is something a person would actually share, if it were true.....

I find the story of Israel interesting and I feel it is wrong what is happening in Palestine, from what I have seen and read. You make a good point of the irony in both religions.

I found that I wanted to keep reading through your story and felt engaged by it. It is almost a piece of travel journalism, although there are a few typos, and the sentences are rather sharp and do not flow from one to another as you may expect in travel writing. It could probably be written to flow a bit more effectively.

I would like to go to Israel, although in another way, I don't really want to support the political state in the Country. It is a difficult one!

Jellyfish sig created for me by Leger :)

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with Under Construction: MHWA  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello LeJenD'

I am reviewing this poem as part of "Invalid Item

A candid look at bi-polar disorder (I am presuming) with stark imagery describing how this illness takes hold of one. I am wondering if "they" are actually asking the question out loud? Only because I find with mental health "they" don't tend to be so blatant, but you can see it in their eyes, in their boredom, frustration, or exasperation. Certainly I can see it when I remove my mask.....what a mistake huh! *Shock*

My favourite verse:

"Lost in the darkness -
touching the sky -
aflame with my anger -
or wanting to die..."

I like the way you have portrayed the extreme highs and lows here, the way the anger is akin to fire...


"Emotions, like winds
over a raging sea."

I suggest taking out the "A" so it reads just "Over raging sea", to me this just flows better.

I really like your poem, and although I would not say I relate to all of it - I can definitely identify with parts of this.

Love Jellyfish *Heartp*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Abby Nolan

Cool username btw!*Smile* I am reviewing this item as you sent me a review request.

Now I am not familiar with "The Screwtape Letters", so this did not have any relevance on me when I read your piece, and I don't know how closely it does or does not resemble this text! In fact I haven't even heard of this. I did have a little Google of it though after I read it, it looks interesting - my Mum might like it (she's a devout atheist) Anyway I don't think this necessarily matters when reading it, as the meaning behind your piece was quite clear to me nevertheless.

I did actually like the idea that you were writing as a "demon" addressing the subjects of the bad place, or whatever you want to call it (Are you watching that show btw, "The Good Place" - it's very good *Smile*)as if in a political address, pointing out how the opposing deity is scuppering the plans to turn everyone evil. I found this quite imaginative - although having looked up about "The Screwtape Letters" I can see it is not your original idea (although to be fair, what can be considered original these days?)

I thought your writing style was excellent however, you write very eloquently and the piece has a poetic tone. Although your language is more creative than simple, I found it easy to read and to picture this character addressing his nation.

I especially like the part:

"In recent years, we have made it so the humans are unable to understand why they feel increasingly isolated despite hardly leaving their homes other than when absolutely necessary. They move through their fleeting lives forcefully attached to routine, never quite satisfied with the circumstances and company they have chosen"

A very good observation on the human condition in the 21st century.

I did have the feeling that the piece should be a part of something more, rather than a stand alone story - but I do like your style and the imagery here *Smile*

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Review of Black Water  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon

I am reviewing your item as part of "I Write in 2019

I really do like this poem, it's dark, with vivid imagery, and has a dreamy quality to it. The writer to me is falling, is drowning in the river, but this is a welcome ocurrence. The writer desires the black, peaceful safety of the river and wants to leave this world for another. I can picture the icy river in this poem. Alas the River is not real - the writer is only dreaming. I like the last line, I feel it concludes the poem very well.

My favourite line is

"She wraps me softly in her inky arms,
protecting me from that which calls my name,"

I love the metaphor of the "Inky arms"

I had never heard of the river Styx, so I decided to employ my friend Google to enlighten me. I will post what I found here, in case anyone is reading this review, and, like me, they are ignorant when it comes to Greek mythology:

"The River Styx is a principal river in the Greek underworld (also called Hades). The river forms a border between the underworld and the world of the living. The word means hate in Greek and is named after the goddess, Styx. She was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys."

Now, this is actually really interesting, because now knowing what the river Styx signifies, it kind of gives a new meaning to the poem - but actually, if you thought this was just an ordinary river, like the Severn, or the Thames - the poem would work just as well *Smile*

My only negative to offer, is that I am not 100% sure your poem will qualify for the I WRITE, as it was not written in Week 2.

Otherwise, it's really good *Bigsmile*

Jellyfish sig

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi 🌕 HuntersMoon

I am reviewing this poem as I also entered the same contest, so I thought I would check out what other people were writing and as your entry was first, yours is the one I read!

I really like this poem - rather than being all cliched and "Yay! It's New Year! Everything is going to be so wonderful and different this year", you have regarded life candidly and conveyed this through your poem (which is kind of what I did do....although I prefer your if I'm honest! *Laugh*). It's probably a bit positive for me, but I could still imagine it could just as easily be about me.

The rhyme scheme and rhythm is pretty perfect tbh, even when trying to be critical.

Fave bits...

The “new” in New Year is a trope

I love that you have got this underline explaining what "trope" means. I have to admit, I didn't know the word, although made an educated guess before I figured out what the underline was.

I feel time’s just a single breath
that starts at birth and ends at death

Great metaphor *Heartp*

Had I the foresight at the start
to warn “not for the faint of heart,”
I’d still have journeyed to the end
enjoying every twist and bend.

(This is my favourite verse...)

Good luck with the contest! (You will probably win...)

And Happy New Year!

Jellyfish sig

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Review of Dear Me 2019  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi charitykountz !

I am reviewing this item as part of "I Write in 2019 *Smile*

It was interesting to read your letter and find out a little more about you. That must be really tough having two additional needs children and also working full time. I do not have any children, and imagine that even one, with no additional needs must be hard!*Shock*But in my job I come across children with varying disabilities. I am not really sure what kind of house an "RV" is. I am thinking you may mean a caravan? If so the housing situation in the states (I am presuming.....) sounds as bad as here *Sad*. I'm in the UK btw.

I have to say, I am never tempted to enter the "Dear Me" contest. I feel like it is kind of like all this "Mindfullness" Sh*t. Not my kind of thing. Most people would say I am fairly pessimistic about life, and I suppose I am. However, despite the fact I would not normally go for all this overdone positivity stuff, reading your letter made me feel quite good. I'm glad you can say you are glorious and be so confident about yourself. And why shouldn't you?

These are my favourite lines:

You're bleeding on the page as the saying goes and that will reach people.

I like this expression, Bleeding on the page - very poetic

Just don't forget some people won't like your writing so don't let it discourage you when you don't win.

A very good attitude to have. I always remind myself, and others, that writing is subjective - winning a contest normally depends on the opinion of a few people only.

You've overcome so much to emerge like a phoenix from the flames.

Ha ha - A bit of a cliche but I do love the old "Rise Like a Phoenix" simile.

Have you seen this one:

Anyway, all my best with the contest and with your books and moving house this year *Hearty*

Jellyfish sig

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a great idea for a contest - completely different to the usual theme of writing having to be new....plus I guess it means you get an eclectic mix of entries. Very generous prizes too! The only trouble for me is, I can't remember which contests I entered my poems in to! *Facepalm* *Laugh* *Pthb*
Review of Awakening  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello M.P Nichols

I am reviewing this item as part of "April Review Raid Super Party. I found your poem on the Shameless Plug Page where you were looking for feedback.

As you have asked for answers to specific questions, I will attempt to answer them - in my subjective opinion *Smile*

I am trying to capture an image of realisation and a moving on. Is this clear?

I would not say this is clear to me. I don't really get the metaphor and I wouldn't have thought of this at all reading the poem - I would have taken it at face value, as a nature poem depicting the moment described - The still lake....the wind causing the ripples and (I am assuming) the raindrops falling on the lake, then the Carp rising to the surface. Even with you telling me that is what you are trying to say, I still don't quite get it *Rolleyes* - but that is not to say the poem is not effective in itself -and also, don't forget, everyone interprets poetry differently - such is the beauty of poetry *Smile*.

Also - am I writing in poetic verse?

I definitely think this sounds poetic. Your poem is free form - but your use of alliteration, structure and imagery definitely makes it read like a poem, rather than just a piece of writing. In fact I think your imagery is pretty good here *Smile*.

Does this poem make sense?

As I mentioned earlier, I'm reading the poem and taking it at face value - so yes, it makes sense in terms of the images depicting a scene and telling a story. As for whether any deeper meanings make sense, I cannot really say.

But sometimes, I think poems have to contain their own secrets. That is, in a way, what poetry is about *Smile*

A pink fluffy Jellyfish :)

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sixties Scoop  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Elizabeth

I am reviewing this item as part of "April Review Raid Super Party. I discovered your poem whilst judging entries for "Project Write World".

I have to say, that I had to read your poem a couple of times before I really got it - I think that is because of the colloquial language/dialect you use in the poem. But I think this is an important part of the poem so I don't think you should change it - I hope people take the time to read the poem through again if they don't immediately connect with it.

I say this because once I had done so, I actually realised I really like this poem. Your footnotes really help with this, and are actually interesting too - I am a little familiar with this topic (of native Canadians) as I have been to Canada and have Canadian friends but it isn't something I know much about. It's a sad story you tell here *Sad* - but it is well told, and I think it works telling it in the voice of the child, he/she is candid and matter of fact but also frightened and desperate.

I am not familiar with this form, but it flows well.

Your poem was my favourite of the PWW entries this month. Good luck in the contest *Smile*.

A pink fluffy Jellyfish :)

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Raindrops  
Review by Jellyfish
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Robert Hayes

I am reviewing this item as part of "April Review Raid Super Party. I came across your poem posted on the Newsfeed highlighted by GabriellaR45 .

On reading your poem, I have to admit, I had mixed feelings. Not because of the quality of your poem, as in fact I think it is pretty well written, it flows (for the most part) and rhymes well and your imagery paints a picture of this day in the life of a childhood memory - I can picture this child waking up, listening to the pitter patter of the raindrops on the window, then grabbing his wellies to go and jump in some puddles and chuck mud at his Mum *Laugh* *Smirk*.

But the ideas behind the poem make me shudder with distaste - you see, I hate the rain....I really hate it...unfortunate really because I live in a rainy City, in a rainy country, but there you go. If you are curious, you could read this - it's only short "Ombrophobia.

But after reading it, and walking away from my computer, my thoughts came back to your poem - because despite the fact that I couldn't relate to it at all, it made me see that we don't all look at things from the same point of view, and a thorn in one persons side can be a rose in someones else's garden.

And in a way, isn't that what poetry is all about? *Heart* *Smile*

A pink fluffy Jellyfish :)

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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