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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That says it all. Something about that poem reminds me of a song that was popular when I was young (in college) back in the 1970s. Hang on while I see if I can find a copy of the lyrics...brb...

Here it is...


Your parents probably remember this one. It was popular right after the Vietnam War ended, and one of my friends told me that it was based on a true story.

I hope that what we're into now isn't a repeat of Vietnam--or worse. It's time to bring our troops home!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a wonderful, precious poem--and one containing such an important lesson: The importance of starting positive trends and being a good role-model!

The woman in this poem isn't even trying to do this--in just kinda happens!

This certainly makes us want to take a close look at the trends we set by the choices we make!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
As a fellow single Christian--and one who is even older (almost 54)--I think that you've really hit the nail right on the head bigtime!!! So much so that I'll be sharing what you've written in a number of places. You've said some very important things about marriage--and some of them can apply to people of ALL religions. There's too much pressure to be married--or, at least, coupled-up--in our society, and one of the reasons for so much divorce, imo, has to do with that kind of pressure, because it leads people to become in love with love and/or the idea of being married.

I'm one of the people who is sympathetic towards Jennifer Wilbanks and think that she made the right decision, even if she should have gone about it in a more sensitive way that didn't end up causing such a fuss.

But I see her as being backed into a corner by social pressure coming at her in all directions.

I'm getting ready to take off on a trip as early as possible with so much to do in the meantime, so I can't get sidetracked by a major discussion about her, but I'll say that I think it might be nice if you would get familiar with her case (if you haven't already) and write something about it!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Before all of the commercialization of the day, it was much more sane--that is, as sane as love can be.

Also, as I was growing up, getting Valentines at school wasn't some kind of popularity contest.

Each of us had fun designing our boxes during art class, and we were each given a list of names to take home with us. That list contained the names of every one of our classmates plus our teacher.

We got packages of cute Valentines at the store and matched them with each classmate.

When we had finised doing this, we brought them to school and put them in the correct boxes.

Nobody was skunked when the big day arrived.

Each classroom had its own party, and we would then open our boxes and remove the loot, smiling, waving, and mouthing "Thank you!"s to our classmates as we came to the ones sent by each of them.

After that, we had refreshments.

After that, we would play games and would, eventually, go to the gym for the soc-hop. We weren't forced to dance (The younger boys mostly stood around, and we girls danced with each other. As we got older, we both danced with each other and danced with the more willing boys.).

When I was in fourth or fifth grade, our principal took a liking to the then-popular song, Blue Velvet, so we always played it for him, and he would pick a girl with whom to share the dance. Nothing romantic. He wasn't one of those teachers where we stood around and ogled him but, instead, an older, married man who was 57 when I first started first grade and 65 when I graduated from eighth grade--but he was one-of-a-kind (and I mean that in a good way)!

Many years before that, there was a nice man who had a wonderful garden and loved kids.

I'm not sure if he were married or single, but he liked having the neighborhood kids come over and play in his garden. Even more than that, he liked sitting out in the garden with them and telling them about Jesus.

Sadly, this wasn't allowed in his country, so he was arrested and ended up in prison--on death row, no less!

Up until his execution (by beheading), he and the kids still managed to secretly keep in touch through messages.

After his death, people began to remember him by sending messages to each other on February 14. I'm just writing this from remembering hearing this story, so I don't know what the significance of February 14 was--whether it was his birthday, execution day, or some other day.

But Valentine was eventually made a saint, and that is where this holiday comes from!

I hope I've given you--and others who might be reasing this--a more positive look at this wonderful holiday!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Very good message!

I have nothing against big corporations making money and all that, but I DO think that we're often led into insane feeding frenzies when it comes to some products.

You probably aren't old enough to remember this, but I can remember back in the early 1980s when people (adult people as opposed to kids) were going to stores and getting into fights over Cabbage Patch Dolls.

One suggestion is that you need to fill your jingle folder with a lot more lyrics/poems/parodies of this quality!

Great Job!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Cool! I'm going to bookmark this list for all of my various moods. I have no idea what's inside each folder, but, if it's even half as good as the various descriptions you've given and their titles, it should be a real treat!

I think I'll be going first to the holiday jingles and see if they're right up there with those famous Singing Dogs barking Jingle Bells!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I hope that you know and love yourself now, because I'm sure that there's so much about you to love and very little about you not to.

Is Finnley your real name?

Your name is what made me notice you. That was my uncle's name during his time on earth (probably still is) except that he spelled his with a single "n" as in Finley.

Finley Ralph Jobe was his full name.

He was named (the Finley part) for my maternal grandma's cousin, Finley Minnick, who went by Finn.

I can see that you have something up about Boxing Day, which must mean that you're from the United Kingdom.

Grandma's ancestry was Scot-Irish and English, and she has lineage tracing back to The Pinkertons.

Although I feel as if I know her, she passed away almost ten years before I was born. She had a chronic blood condition of some sort (my guess is porpheria), and the meds she took to control it eventually killed her liver when she was 47. This happened in the spring of 1943, and I was born on December 12, 1952.

Harry Truman was still in The White House when I came into the world, and Ike would take over that January.

It was certainly a different world back then--in some ways better and in other ways not so good. It certainly was a safer time back then. You didn't hear of schools being shot up. I know that I was personally very pleased with my experience of growing up, and I believe that most of my friends were, too.

Yet, we mustn't forget segregation, McCarthyism, and The Cold War.

My personal wish for the people of your generation and those now going through childhood would be the kind of carefree lives my peers and I lived but without segregation, McCarthyism, The Cold War, Polio, nearly a sure death from childhood leukemia, etc.

Anyway, I've strayed way off from this review, but that's okay, because those of us who look in the mirror and reflect on our lives are also the ones who look at life, reflect on it, and make changes when both necessary and possible.

I'm going to enjoy reading you, I'm sure!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Erganblah  
Rated: E | (5.0)
There's something fishy about this quiz. Or should I say that there's something kibble-y about it. Whatever it is, I wonder if anyone would be able to do any better than I did on it.

Therefore, I'm going to make this a public review to try to get other suckers--I mean players--involved...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This sounds like a winner of a forum for novelists of horror fiction. I don't have any horror novels, but I have some horror poems and short stories. If you would like to see something in the way of well-done horror depicting something that really could happen and is based on a true story, take a look at this story I discovered earlier this day. The whole thing is enough to raise the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck!


Best wishes with this forum!

Eerily Yours,
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Close to 40 years ago, I was in a high school classroom where some people came in to promote the idea of equal rights for women.

I spoke up and said that I wasn't sure about such a blanket law, because that would also mean that women would be in danger of being drafted.

It was bad enough, in my book, that men were being drafted--and, especially, to serve in another war that just seemed to go on and one without end.

One of the people said that, even if this were so, the time was coming when we would be in safe rooms and not fighting wars with bodies but, instead, with computers.

Today, we're once more at war--though, thankfully, not being drafted into it--and it's being fought in the traditional way. This time, both men and women are out there in the thick of it.

Yet, I find that there is more than one way to fight a war--and one of those ways DOES involve no bodily harm and doing it from a room with a computer.

It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword--which can be modernized to give the message that the keyboard is mightier than guns and bombs.

The best way we can promote peace is to really get to know each other, and the computer has been a blessing in this way!

(and I've just ended up writing a review that has turned into a comment)

Now for the real review...this piece says a lot. I don't really place a lot of blame for this war on our President and other elected officials. However, I agree with you that it just might be time to change our methods of fighting this war on terrorism in order to make the tragic scenario that you've just described less likely to keep repeating itself...
Review of Meet Mr. Blizzard  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really rich--as in it's a total riot!

This sounds like a children's show that's just perfect for grown-ups--as well as kids with a very sophisticated sense of humor.

What did Walter think of this piece? I bet he thought that it was a hoot!

I like how you were sure to include the skeptical kids that add those little surprises to children's programming and all of those show-related toys, junk food, etc.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Random Writings 2  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You have an amazing way about you when it comes to writing flash fiction. I hope to be reading more and more of you in the future. I came to your port thinking that I would discover someone with whom I hadn't spoken for awhile but, instead, found you with all of your little slices of life. I hope that you get a lot of readers!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Random Writings  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You're a different cunning linguist, I believe--but a very good one. This are such poignant pieces of flash fiction. So much of each person's lifetime has been placed into each short short short story with such TLC. Welcome to the neighborhood here!

Warm Fuzzies!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
What is there about these chocolate-eyed children that makes them such angels!?! If I were to see a picture of Jeff (I'll try to remember to call him that!), I would likely describe him as having "Ray Phillips eyes." This because my own dad had the darkest eyes. They were like the eyes one would expect to find on the face of a Black person, even though he was White.

In less than a decade, he's going to be old enough to run for President...perhaps, he should!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of The Final Goodbye  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful and comforting story!

My own dad passed away in the middle of the night when his heart simply stopped beating. He had a smile on his face.

He was, in many ways, like your Jeffrey with dark-brown eyes and an angel-like sweetness.

We liked to go on a drive on New Year's Eve and end up driving into the new year after spending the evening looking at Christmas lights.

The first New Year's Eve after his passing, my mom and I were both thinking about how much we missed having him with us when this tiny red light began to dance around on the dashboard for just a few minutes!

Jeffrey surely must be a very sensitive person to pick up on things like this. Your son is nothing less than amazing from all I've read about him here, and your dad sounds really amazing, too.

Of course, you also are because you can tell these stories so well!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of "Paid In Full"  
Rated: E | (5.0)
May I have Jeff's autograph!?!

To me, he's deserving of celebrity status for being such a wonderful role-model!

Some woman is going to be awfully blessed when she lands this treasure!

Is Jeff taken?

I have an e-pal who told me that she keeps attracting frogs in her search for a prince.

I think I'll share a link to your port with her so that she will not give up hope, because Jeff is living proof that single (if he is) princes still exist!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Jeffrey's Gift  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story is BEYONDbeautiful!!!

What a blessing your son has always been to you! No wonder that you were so brokenhearted when you had to leave him behind at college.

I'm so hungry to know more and more about your son!

This story has me in tears, and I'm going to put it on my website ( "Invalid Item ) here as a permanent fixture for as long as both it and my website are available!
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a sweet story! Go back over it and proofread, and you'll catch some errors. Please hurry up and do this, because this story is just far too good to be blighted in the least bit with typos, etc.

This sounds like it would be a great Hallmark commercial--the same story...only, at the end when Jeff comes home, he will also hand you a Hallmark Card.

What's Jeff up to now?

Will have to snoop around in your port (found this story thanks to that great idea called "The Shameless "Plug" Page) and see what else is waiting there!

Love & Warm Fuzzies!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (4.0)
I gave you a 4 for this. It isn't a perfect piece in the technical way, so it wouldn't be fair for me to give it a five. With the 4, I'm averaging a 2-3 points for the lack of organization, some forced rhyming, etc. with a score that goes way off the charts (even above a perfect 5) for the heart and soul this contains.

Actually, what you have written here is perfect for the purpose that it has served: to be therapy to you in your grieving.

It is like a kind of freewriting exercise to get you in touch with yourself.

When you're ready to, you'll be able to write your feelings down in a way that turns out professional poetry.

However, always keep and cherish this first bit of rambling, because it's a very personal recording of your feelings and has a lot of value as that alone.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is 9/6/06, so I'm going to celebrate by sending you 9606 GPs your way in celebration of Writing.com's 6th Birthday. What an occasion!

Everytime I look at it, it looks better and better, and you're always figuring out ways to make it better yet!

So glad that things are going well for you here after six years, and I hope to see things continuing to go well when six MORE years have passed.

If anyone happens to be reading this review, I hope that it will remind you to participate in some way in celebration of this important milestone and to give lots of hugs and kudos to the dynamic duo behind this endeavor and all who have helped them out--which, of course, would be ALL of us!!! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a clever play-on-words--which makes this poem outstanding from others!

Many, many times people write of falling in love, but you have written of falling in linguistics.

With you, the romance is the romance of communication--more specifically, the romance of being taught to better communicate.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Exodus  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I don't think that the last line really belongs with the others, because it's so negative while the others are positive and comforting. But that's just a matter of opinion and doesn't take away from the fact that this is a beautiful and inspirational poem!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
It's amazing how you're able to take longtold stories and tell them in a new way. I'm looking forward to future offerings of you and your friend.

The traditional versions are still ours to enjoy, and you've given us brand-new fairy tales to go with them!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is an ugly picture painted beautifully--and just goes to show what a talented, young lady you are and how courageous in how you're able to share this story!

I'm so glad that faithforever directed me your way in her blog!

I'll be back for more in the near future--in fact, I'm currently building a website, and you're going to be part of it!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a really fun game! When I get my website built, it's going to be among the first games I feature!

In real life, I would have a much harder time finding things around my house, because it's such a cluttered pig-sty at this time.

One of these days--when I have nothing better to do--I just might get around to straightening it up!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
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