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My blogging here

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Shi Blogs Too: from out of the mountains where I live.

I will now be keeping a journal. This is something new for me. I have no idea what I am doing, just that I am diving in. This should be an interesting journey for me. Mainly because I consider myself to be a semi-private person. I live with my fiance and our two kitties, in what I have come to recognize as a small community in a somewhat remote area. Retirement has it's own life style and livelihood. Far away from the norm.

Photo of Mt. Baker

Another Photo of Me

Me on my 64th. birthday.

Ron and me.

My sweetie and I

Recent photo of my man and me.

Merit Badge in Blog Camping
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Sorry for outbidding you in the  [Link To Item #2113623] ...I'm not a fan of bidding wars and feel bad about it. I know this isn't the same thing as the package itself, but it's the least I could do. *^*Smile*^*

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#1477420 by ShiShad
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November 10, 2008 at 9:33pm
November 10, 2008 at 9:33pm
These are Patrick's delightful children.

** Image ID #1494356 Unavailable ** Sierra - age 15 years

Photo for my blog
Jayce - age 11 years
Christian - age 9 years
November 10, 2008 at 6:24pm
November 10, 2008 at 6:24pm
A prayer from drjim

My Prayer for Patrick

Dearest Great Spirit in Heaven,

Tonight, just moments ago, a dear friend who has been terribly frightened by her son's illness, has left with us a small note, humbly asking for our prayers at this time in her family's life. Dearest God, there isn't the slightest doubt that among all things, we have the greatest weapon of all - the power of prayer - to ask you outright for your intervention at this most important, critical time. Shi's son Patrick, as we have been told, has suffered a severe setback due to an asthmatic attack, one that all of us healthcare providers know is fraught with difficulties. I pray directly to you, our Great Physician, to help Patrick right this very minute, for we know, loving Father, that all things are given to us if we only ask. As I close my eyes and open my mind, I feel far within me, in the very depths of my heart, the fact that your will shall be done. All of us know that Shi and the entire family is so very sorrowed, so very scared. Please help her and her grandchildren and the children's Mother too. Please lift this great weight from their shoulders, this awful burden. We give it to you, Great Spirit, directly to you. We absolutely feel that be it your will and your way, Patrick will return to his home and be with his beloved children. We are all here, right here, on stand by, knowing that with each and every prayer, even the angels above can be sent in a fraction of a second, straight to his bedside, protecting him and nurturing him spiritually. Please Father, allow for the family to tell Patrick in all ways possible, just how much they love him. He certainly knows, Lord, that they do - but at this time, at this precise moment, a surge, an absolute surge in love is called for. Give Shi and her beloved family every ounce of strength they need to convey to Patrick - for the power of love will heal any single disease or illness known to us in this world. It is the living power of a miracle of holding hands, of giving a hug of the heart.

Father, I thankest you for listening to me, for hearing my humble prayer. Please help us now in our time of need. You never, ever let us down. I know you will do what is best.

In your name I pray,


We love you SHi!!!!!!

Doctor Jim


This prayer and so very many others that I have received in my email, and here in my blog mean so much to me, and are so deeply appreciated.

I cannot thank you all personally at this time , but I am deeply grateful for your prayers and your caring words.

Patrick is improving. With time he will come off of the ventilator. It will not be real soon, however, and he will come off of it paralyzed from the meds that are saving his life. He will have to endure weeks of Physical and Occupational Therapy I am sure. That is the information that I received this morning. It does sadden me...but I am so thankful that he is still alive.

Thanks again for all of your support!

November 9, 2008 at 2:30pm
November 9, 2008 at 2:30pm
The prayers and concern coming in from so many here are so deeply appreciated.

I am overwhelmed by the LOVE and concern.

I cannot answer all of these wonderful emails and comments of care and prayer...but please know that I am so touched and uplifted by all of you.

I've gotten the first real positive report on Patrick this morning. The ventilator settings have been decreased as his lungs are now finally beginning to move more air!

Praise God and I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear this news. He still is very critical...but improving!

Thank you all for your much appreciated support.
Love, Shi

November 8, 2008 at 8:41pm
November 8, 2008 at 8:41pm
Photo of Patrick

Photo was taken a few months ago.

Any of you who believe in the power of prayer and would like to say a prayer for my son Patrick ...please by all means do so.

Patrick is a status asthmatic who suffered a most severe asthma attack on Sunday, Nov. 2. He is in ICU and on a ventilator since Sunday as he stopped breathing in an ambulance in route to hospital.

At the moment his vital signs are stable...but he is critically ill...and will not come off the ventilator until his is able to breathe on his own. He is know where near being able to as yet.

He is thirty five years old and has three children.

Thank you for your prayers and for caring.

October 31, 2008 at 8:55pm
October 31, 2008 at 8:55pm

** Image ID #1490953 Unavailable **

Halloween Sig
October 29, 2008 at 11:23pm
October 29, 2008 at 11:23pm

** Image ID #1490346 Unavailable **
October 28, 2008 at 3:33pm
October 28, 2008 at 3:33pm
Yesterday I spent the day making new signatures. I had to buy some clipart because I can't run my Print Shop with my new computer because I have Windows Vista now, instead of XP.

So I have been having fun playing around with some new images!

Yesterday I made a dozen signatures for The Rising Stars and sent them to Gabriella. They were supposed to be a gift of course...but she insisted on giving me GPs for all my time and effort she said.

She is a kind and sweet lady that's for sure.

It will be fun to see if the Rising Star Members use any of my signatures!*Bigsmile*

Our nice fall weather is still hanging on here at home. The leaves are especially brilliant this fall. We got some beautiful splashes of yellow, gold, and red just everywhere! It is so pretty. We need to get out and take a bunch of pictures for sure.

Ron's sister Pat ~Windsong~ has finally finished her book- "The Shelties Of Windsong Castle" and is uploading it to Lulu today! I can't wait to see how it looks on there. I will be buying that one from her for sure.*Bigsmile*

Halloween Sig
October 25, 2008 at 10:29pm
October 25, 2008 at 10:29pm
I had so many views show up on my Christmas Shop that I decided to open it early!
So for any who read my last entry...the shop is now OPEN.

I have been spending way too much time making images. I even got hired bysimplycomplex to make her a Christmas cNote Collection. Which I did today. I hope she liked it. I haven't heard yet.

If any out there would like an image collection just let me know. I'd love to do it for you!*Bigsmile*
October 23, 2008 at 3:21pm
October 23, 2008 at 3:21pm
Well, you might think I'm an early bird, but that's okay with me. I'm opening up a Christmas Shop on November 1st! I just wanted to get a jump on the Holiday thing.

You can check it out here:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1487725 by Not Available.

I know I may be rushing it, but hey...why not? I see it starting everywhere I go anymore.*Bigsmile*
October 21, 2008 at 9:57pm
October 21, 2008 at 9:57pm
Extra blog entry... here's two photo's I took this evening.

** Image ID #1487351 Unavailable **
Autumn in the evening.

** Image ID #1487350 Unavailable **
Sauk Mountain at sunset.
October 21, 2008 at 3:17pm
October 21, 2008 at 3:17pm
My daughter Julie arrived around four o'clock on Friday afternoon with her daughter Alex and
Alex's friend Amanda. I had prepared a roast dinner and apple cobbler for dessert. It had been a longtime since Julie had eaten Mom's apple cobbler. She was delighted. It was, however, the first time that Amanda had eaten any cobbler! That really surprised me because Amanda is fourteen years old. I guess times are different now-a-days!

My children grew up on home cooking, home made cakes, pies, cobblers, and the like. Yet, Julie confessed to have never made an apple cobbler herself. Though she has made plenty of pies.

Amanda felt right at home immediately. I took to her instantly. She has a sweet disposition and one can't help but like her bubbly personality. She and Alex have been friends for seven years. It wasn't long before she was calling me Grandma too!*Bigsmile*

We watched the movie "What Happened In Vegas" with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. It made us all laugh all the way throught it.

Saturday, Julie and I went through my mounds of photo albums of pictures of my kids when their Dad was alive. She ended up with several albums to take home with her.The two girls made cranberry oatmeal cookies. That made Ron really happy when he got home from riding all day.*Delight*

Then the gals all left to go up to the Lower Baker Dam and tour Concrete. They visited the Skagit River while they were down there. I made a big spaghetti feast while they were gone and it was waiting for them when they got back.

Later on I cleaned out closets and gave Julie so many of my Christmas decorations that I don't bother putting out anymore. She was just tickled to get them all. I didn't stop there though, I started giving her clothes that I don't wear anymore. She actually liked them! When she was younger she never would wear anything of mine. Of course she was always this tiny little thing and most everything I had didn't fit her anyways. She likes things a bit baggier now though, and her tastes are similar to mine now when it comes to pajamas, sweats, and t-shirts.

Julie will be thirty seven on New Year's Eve. It doesn't seem possible. Seems like I'm still not much older than that.*Laugh*She looks much younger still, I think.*Heart*

She and the girls left on Sunday morning with that Trailblazer loaded up in the back end!

My granddaughter Alexandra
** Image ID #1487317 Unavailable **

Alex and Amanda dancing to "The Twelve Girl Band"
** Image ID #1487314 Unavailable **

Halloween Sig
October 20, 2008 at 3:30pm
October 20, 2008 at 3:30pm
I don't know what's wrong with the site today, but I had almost finished a full blog entry when it vanished right before my eyes! Then I tried typing out another one and almost finished it when it did the same thing.*Sad*

So, instead of typing it over on wordpad and then entering it here, I am only putting in this picture I took of my daughter Julie during her visit here.

I'll try entering the full blog when this problem is cleared up.

Photo of my daughter Julie
October 17, 2008 at 3:49pm
October 17, 2008 at 3:49pm
My daughter, Julie, is coming up for a two day visit today. She is bringing her daughter Alex and Alex's friend Amanda with her. I am very excited to have them all visit for a couple of days! She didn't get to come up during the summer months as her schedule was too busy.

I love her once a year visits and really look forward to them. I keep many of my family albums sitting out in my office here. But, we are going to go through my huge box of family photo albums that haven't been opened since my move two and a half years ago! I have collected way too many photos albums over the last thirty plus years. It is time to divide them up amongst my kids. Julie will help me to decide who will be getting which ones. We will be dividing them up between her and her three brothers. Instead of going through each album and separating photos; I have decided that the whole album will go to each individually.

There are many photos of their Dad in these albums I am referring to. I would rather they get them all now. It has been seven years since he passed away and I don't want to see them get lost if anything were to happen to me.

Ron will be riding tomorrow all day with his motorcycle chums, so the girls and I will have the house to ourselves while we go through pictures and reminisce.

I think we are going to have great fun.*Bigsmile*

Halloween Sig
October 14, 2008 at 3:01pm
October 14, 2008 at 3:01pm
Here is an example of the comments I receive on The Legend Of The Phantom Of The Hallows (of course I won't say who it was from) ~

You have just received the following private comment/review about
Item #1483417 entitled: "The Legend Of The Phantom Of The Hallows"

I enjoyed this piece. It is short, concise and tells the story in an interesting manner.

The descriptions are great. Good word pictures, I was able to see everything in my mind.

Stories with a curse in them can be fascinating and scary at the same time. This story worked for me.

Dialogue was excellent, as was the plot, setting, and characterization.

I do think that you can make this good story even better. It does not really need any changes, but I feel that your writing is good enough that you would be successful if you tried different ways to approach the story. For example, it could start with a small group of people gathered together for a story. Then the narrator begins the story.


A first person narrative.

These are only two. There are endless styles.

I don't mean this as a criticism, as I think your story is great. I just wish I was more able to experiment, I tend to stick with one style, but I like to encourage others to experiment when I read a good piece of writing.

Liked the story, well done.

Character Count: 1,064
Rating included: 4.0 stars out of 5.0 stars. (Note: A 3.0 is Average.)


That's pretty much what everyone says "Great Story" and then I'm lucky if I get 4 stars out of them!

See what I mean about them wanting to be a part of the story? Is'n't that what this person is implying here??? Or am I wrong in interpreting it that way?*Smirk* .

Come on help me out here.*Bigsmile*

Halloween Sig
October 13, 2008 at 10:18pm
October 13, 2008 at 10:18pm
Wow, you wouldn't believe the editing that I have done on my Halloween short! It seems that in everyone of the reviews I've gotten here they all mention how much they are intrigued by my story , or how much they loved it.

Yet, most are asking for clarification as to "why" or "how" did this happen - or - what did this person feel? "How is the Phantom haunting his accusers?"

Don't get me wrong I have gotten a lot of useful feedback for editing. Some with really good ratings and some with 3 1/2 star ratings! I am trying not to get discouraged and I am putting their suggestions into my editing.

I do however, refuse to give up the bit of mystery that I have woven into it for Halloween by stating "how" the phantom haunts his accusers! Let the reader go figure...

I have to admit my story is better now than when I first wrote it. However, I can't help but think that the reason so many are picking it apart is because they really like it and want to be a part of it!

Is that too far fetched to think?*Wink*

Never have I gotten so many reviews filled with so many suggestions here and there. Of course I don't usually write a lot of short stories either. In fact this is probably my very first fiction write...and fantasy fiction at that.

Could be that is the reason for all the critique. When you write something non-fiction from personal experience they tend not to rip it apart as such.

Well, believe me it is not that easy for me to get my creative juices flowing and make something up!*Bigsmile* So writing this one is really out of my ballpark...or comfort zone, if you know what I mean.

I've entered it in several Halloween contests around the site...so can't wait to see what happens there.*Bigsmile*

Halloween Sig
October 11, 2008 at 1:53pm
October 11, 2008 at 1:53pm
After reading my poem "The Phantom Of The Hallows" a reviewer asked me who the Phantom Of The Hollows was. He said he never met such a creature. So I decided to create a story explaining who the phantom really was.

Okay, so here is my story behind the poem ~

The Legend Of The Phantom Of The Hallows

As dark clouds were forming overhead, outside of East Ayrshire, Scotland there was going to be a Shinicle. At Shinny Hill a bonfire was lit to signal a hanging on Halloween. It was medieval times, and crimes were punishable through death by hanging; at the gallows on the hill near a castle.

This time it was different. They were going to hang an innocent man. The curious onlookers came from all around to climb the hill where the fire raged. The fire also drew the man's friends, Jamie and Nathan, a pair of rough reckless lads who had betrayed him and falsely accused him out of their own greed for land. They had shared with him a Barony; an area of land from the King of Scotland. Both loved to drink and their follies caused them to go on rampages and rape the women who lived on the properties.

When the council got news of these rapes, the men turned on their friend Jack, and convinced the royal court it was he the Baron, or tenant in chief, as he was called; who committed the crimes against the King. Both men proclaiming:

"Spare us, it is Jack's duty to hold power over his clansmen, he is the legal head of the barony!" they shouted out at the council.

The court deemed Jack's guilt and announced his "doom" as the sentence was called. He was granted his one last wish to be able to sit upon his Herial Horse, which was the best horse his barony possessed.

As he was being led from the courtroom, his glazed eyes met with those of his shameless accusers, and he retorted in bitter anguish; which made their blood run cold:

"I curse you, Jamie and Nathan!" Your souls will never rest and you will never be rid of me. My soul will be free to wander the earth as a mortal until the dawn after All Saint's Day. I warn you both: I will come for you someday."

The thunder rolled in the distance and it began raining in torrents. The innocent man was being led to the gallows upon the back of a monstrous black steed. The noose was placed around his neck. Just then a deafening crack was heard, the nostrils of the great beast flared in fright as he reared back, then bolted, snapping the noose from the hangman's rope. Lightening streaked across the hilltop as the black beast and his slumped rider galloped off into the shadows of the night; never to be seen nor heard of again for centuries.

A stream of sightings began in the early 1800's and never ceased. In the graveyards or kirkyairds as they are called in Scotland two figures clad in robed disguise were said to have been seen running through the cemetery grounds; weeping and moaning. Upon being approached they would simply disappear before one's eyes!

On one dank, chilly evening a horse and rider stopped near the entrance of Old Dalnellington Cemetery and the rider asked a passerby if they knew where a certain lad was buried.

"Try the crypt over there" he was told. Then he and his horse vanished into the mist.

It's especially spooky on Halloween night. Beware, if you go near the narrow pathway winding down to the crypt. You will hear the shrieking coming from inside the walls!*Shock*

Crypt Image

October 9, 2008 at 1:14pm
October 9, 2008 at 1:14pm
I wrote a Halloween poem yesterday ~

Image for Halloween Poem

The Phantom Of The Hallows

Arrogance rides a black horse
On a dark scary night in the fall
A Demon, who sets his course
Searching for corrupted souls of all

Those who sent him to the gallows
Try to escape the masked crusader ~
The Phantom of the Hallows ~
The feared graveyard invader

'Twas greed they were seeking
That caused them to be disloyal
Now masqueraded they run shrieking
Unable to hide their betrayal

But the Phantom of the Hallows
Wants vengeance for injustice
So every Halloween he follows
Those wearing costumes with malice

If on the eve before All Saint's Day
You hear loud clop, clop, clopping
As you creep past the cemetery
It's just the Phantom's horse galloping

Don't be afraid he's not after you
It's only those souls of the dead
That he's so desperately set to pursue
Aye! Just run for your life instead!

October 8, 2008 at 3:25pm
October 8, 2008 at 3:25pm
Just a note to let you all know that Halloween Sigs are up for bid in my auction here -
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1438718 by Not Available.

My auction is a slow go this round...but there are some really nice signatures in there.

This Round goes until the 15th October then closes for dispersing.

If you haven't checked it out already pop in and take a look around.*Heart*

Halloween Sig
October 6, 2008 at 5:17pm
October 6, 2008 at 5:17pm
I guess it's time to get back to blogging again! I keep getting these reminders in my email.*Smirk*

My visit with the kids and grandkids was really fun. My son Matt picked me up at the ferry landing in Kingston on Wednesday, and we talked all the way to Port Orchard. His job was his main topic. He had full responsibility of the meat department at his store for one week when his supervisor was gone on vacation. It just so happened that a coupon advertising bacon for 99 cents had come out and they weren't prepared to deal with it ahead of time. So Matt had to call around their other stores in the area to get the amount of bacon he needed. He spent one whole day rounding up the bacon and then going to pick it up. It was a chaotic day for him, but he managed it quite well. Someday he will probably be managing his department there.

When we got to Port Orchard we swung by the cemetery to visit my son Chris's Memorial on the wall there. It had been a couple of years since I had been there. I was able to leave a flower for him. His urn is in a crypt in the Memorial Wall just inside the cemetery.

From there we went to pick up some groceries for our dinner and then to Pat's apartment where I would be staying for two days and two nights. I fixed a real nice chicken salad with cheese and garlic dressing, a roasted chicken, and mashed potatoes. Matt went to pick up his kids to join us for dinner, bringing a loaf of garlic bread to add to our meal.

We all had a good time sharing our meal together. Afterwards Matt, Karly and I played 500 Rummy while the rest of the boys watched a movie. Then we topped off the evening by pooling all our pennies and playing 21 Poker!

What fun.

The following day It was just Pat and I doing a little shopping down at the mall. I was able to get in touch with my friend Pam by phone and we talked for about an hour catching up.

That night when Matt got off work we went to Fred Meyer to pick out some bedding. It was off to bed before eleven on Thursday night.

The next morning, Friday, Matt's new girlfriend Kim came to have coffee with me at 10:00 A.M. Then my son Mike arrived soon after. A few hours later my daughter Julie arrived after picking Alex up from school. My son Pat's two boys Jayce and Christian were there also. My goodness how those two boys have grown! They are eleven and nine...but BIG boys. Jayce is bigger than his daddy! He tips the scale at 175 pounds and he is only eleven...will be twelve years old the day after Christmas. He takes after his maternal Granddaddy, Jay.

I took a lot of pictures , but I am just including this one of Jayce and Christian here.

Photo for my blog

Halloween Sig
September 30, 2008 at 3:11pm
September 30, 2008 at 3:11pm
I leave tomorrow morning to catch the 12:55 ferry out of Edmonds to Kingston to go and visit my kids and grandkids for two days! I have not been down to Port Orchard since May...so I am overdue with this visit. It takes almost two hours to drive down to the ferry landing at Edmonds...depending on the traffic. The ferry crosses the Puget Sound waters in about twenty minutes. Then it takes around forty five minutes to drive from Kingston to Port Orchard. It is not a trip one would want to make all in one day...thus the planned overnight visits.

I am spending the day today getting ready for my trip. There's not a whole lot to do really.
I just have to get the laundry caught up. Pack my suitcase(the one with wheels;for the ferry ramps), and make sure that Ron has a menu for his meals while I am gone.

Right now I am charging the battery on my digital camera so that I will be able to take some pictures.

I hope to get some good ones of the grandkids. They grow so fast...and I don't see enough of them anymore.

They are just as excited to see me as I am to see them! They have asked that I bring copies of my story "The Skagit River Visit" for them all. So I have printed off several for them to keep. I will be buying several copies of my latest book called "Concrete Reflections" at Lulu.Com real soon so that they will all have the book with that story in it also.

I am my best customer when it comes to buying my books.*Laugh*

I don't mind though...after all THEY are the reason for me publishing them in the first place.*Heart*

My Bikers Sig gifted to me from Sultry Enchantress

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