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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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August 17, 2020 at 1:06pm
August 17, 2020 at 1:06pm
Day 15 Cairo, Egypt
         Once again I am amazed by the accommodations Lyn's a Witchy Woman has arranged for us. All I can repeat is wow. The Heliopolis Towers Hotel is luxurious and grand with its sunlit grand atrium , its lush gardens, its enormous palm trees, not one but two pools and eighteen restaurants. Virtual travel has its perks.
         So, today we embarked upon an eight-hour tour in the desert. The brilliant blue sky, the unrelenting heat, and the swirling sand made an indelible impression. People actually toiled here thousands of years ago to build pyramids. Did they contend with this blistering sun and the relentless sand?
         Of course, I've seen photos of pyramids, but nothing compares to standing next to one and craning your neck to take in its size. They appear to be so solid, so immoveable. We tramped around three today known as the Pyramids of Giza, the Great Pyramid Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure. Its no surprise they are considered one of the original seven wonders of the world. Monuments or tombs they are testimony to the determination of man. Look at what I can erect with envy and awe.
          The Great Sphinx is also impressive set against the desert backdrop. Is it a silent sentinel? It does not compare to the stone or plaster statuary some home owners display at their properties in suburbia. This behemoth required skill and muscle to raise, not a generic mold.
         When in Egypt why not attempt to ride atop a camel, a desert ship. Would it be similar to bouncing around on a horse, a very tall horse? First a handler cajoled my hairy, knobby-kneed, long-lashed conveyance to kneel. I witnessed reluctance, attitude, and bawking... from both of us. Could this clumsy-looking beast carry me? We eyeballed each other before I rose into the air grasping at a worn pommel. I liked the superior vantage point. The camel's gait could best be described as sedate, a casual saunter. I swayed atop its back, but I had no delusions I steered or coerced its progress in any way. I giggled imagining playing polo from this height.
         What do you call a camel with no hump? HUMPHREY.
         I bid 'my' placid camel and its equally solemn handler "salam alekum", Arabic for both hello and goodbye.
         I loved the Khan el Khalili bazaar. It hummed, bustled, and throbbed with chatter, shouts, and laughter. It vibrated and shimmered with a rainbow of colours. Metals glistened and gleamed. Lyn's a Witchy Woman Apondia WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024 💙 Carly Prosperous Snow celebrating BlueMoon and I opted to sit and people watch while we submitted to the application of henna tattoos. There's nothing like smuggling Egyptian art openly on your hands.
         We sat and caught our breath at a coffeehouse where we admired the roaming cats.
         I could not resist the gorgeous swaths of jewel-toned fabrics and I impulsively purchased several yards for my intrepid daughter. I can't wait to see what she'll fashion from them.
          Back at the hotel, we resorted to a good old-fashioned coin toss to choose a restaurant. Japanese cuisine won. Everything tastes wonderful after a full day of exploration.

August 14, 2020 at 3:01pm
August 14, 2020 at 3:01pm
Day 14 Agra, India
         After yesterday's pampering and quiet contemplation, a ride aboard a crowded, jostling train creates a stark contrast. The steady rhythm of the heclickety-clack served as a backdrop to a non-stop hum of voices. My fellow bloggers and I added to the nattering.
         Today is a people-y day. We become one with the pulsating throng eager to behold Taj Mahal. We shuffle along elbow to elbow scarcely blinking. Everyone cradles a camera or a cell phone and everyone jockeys for optimal positions to shoot photos. Patience is tested.
         At first sight, Taj Mahal is a glimmering, ivory marble configuration with minarets and domes. It dominates the landscape next to the Yamuna River. It's sheer size never mind its architecture would qualify it as one of the seven wonders of the world. Some refer to it as the gem of India or the "jewel of Muslim art in India."
         All of this grandeur houses two tombs; one for the Emperor Shah Jahan and one for his favourite wife, Mumtaz. Um, where are his other wives buried? This ostentatious building is simply a mausoleum, an expensive mausoleum.
         Reportedly thousands of artisans toiled for years at this site. Its architect, Lahauri referred to it as " illumined or illustrious tomb." A history of neglect and theft haunts this building. The British restored it in 1908.
          Taj Mahal is also shrouded in controversy. There are claims that it is a Hindu temple and some claim it is a Shiva temple. Some people argue it does not represent Indian culture.
         Apparently, the gangs of climbing monkeys do not revere this site. They clamber about to watch the tourists.
         No doubt this is a stunning monument and it speaks to the artistry of its creators. I would describe it as extravagant.
         For supper, we , the band of bloggers extraordinaire, descend upon a chic rooftop eatery, Tea'se Me. Hmm, provocative name, no? It boasts a bold black and white decor accented by twinkling lights. It is a bustling, humming venue.
         I soon discover the restaurant's name indicates its specialty, teas, specifically iced teas. Oh, I can attest to the delight of a mango iced tea. Nothing satisfies a squawker more than quality iced tea.
         To better sample the menu offerings we order different dishes to share. We spare no expense and we refuse to consider calories. This is a vacation and we choose to eat our way along. We discuss the proper name for this type of tourism. Is this a food foray? A treat trek? The Anti-Calorie Consortium?
August 13, 2020 at 2:52pm
August 13, 2020 at 2:52pm
Day 13 Neyphu Valley, Paro, Bhutan
         Sigh. Groan. I am feeling extremely relaxed, mellow, languid. My muscles seem to have melted, dissolved into nothingness. I hear my breathing, steady and deep. It is difficult to form cohesive thought and type on my tablet's teeny tiny keys. I believe I am blissful. Where do I begin?
         Ah, yes, my fellow bloggers and I are nestled in at the Bhutan Spirit Sanctuary. We were welcomed with open arms and smiles before we were escorted to the site of the butter lamps and encouraged to light one. Okay.... this was a novel greeting.Oh, this spa hotel oozes tranquility with its spacious, open-concept rooms infused with natural light. A nearby mountain supplies a stunning view. Almost immediately this shangri-la's serenity embraces you and you understand its philosophy. "Connect to yourself and all that surrounds you; body, mind and spirit."
         Wellness treatments are offered here in the heart of The Kingdom of Happiness, a nickname belying the Buddhist mindful way of life. To that end, I consult with a resident healer who recommends several treatments for what ails me. Because of my accidents and orthopedic issues, I always deal with pain. I am open to try anything that may offer a reprieve.
         First, I stretch with some yoga out on the sun-kissed terrace. I am cautioned to move mindfully and connect with my body. Feel every pull, pinch, contraction. Yep, I feel the tension all right.
         Next, I opt for my first ever massage. Ah, damn, the pampered overly-paid pro athletes are onto something.I may have purred. Ouch, my kinks didn't stand a chance.
         Wanting to partake of some fresh air and meander a bit, I joined a group tour of the Sanctuary garden where I learned the benefits of herbs. Later,in the evening I will sample a few of them at the Tea Bar.
         I decided the idea of hot oil compression might alleviate some of my discomfort so I submitted to having my legs swathed for about ten minutes. This is meant to increase blood flow which in turn should reduce pain and speed healing. I did like the smell of the herbs.
          For my final indulgence, I chose to soak in an herbal infused hot stone bath. Now this is an experience! The tub is formed from oak and the river water in it is heated by red hot stones laced with artemisia ( wormwood ) leaves. To increase the heat all I had to do was ring a brass bell. This indicated I wanted more hot rocks. The attendant explained I should relax and soak for at least thirty minutes. As if! Of course, I could withstand this. Oh, a pot of tea kept me company. When the attendant awoke me she grinned knowingly. That is the best bathing experience I have ever felt. I expressed reluctance to leave. I climbed out on wobbly legs that had forgotten how to support me. They had also given up their usual complaints. Alas, no carry out service was offered, so I stumbled away.
         We were a mellow, muted group when we met for our delicious farm garden to table meal. I feared I could not possibly lift a fork to my mouth, let alone speak of my glorious day. My misgivings were groundless. My appetite demanded to be appeased and my tongue longed to let loose since it had meditated in silence all day.

August 12, 2020 at 1:01pm
August 12, 2020 at 1:01pm
Day 12 Halong, Vietnam Continued...
         The staff of the cruise ship greeted me with wide grins and thumbs extended in the "all right" position this morning. Last evening's raucous karaoke has met with their enthusiastic approval. My fellow squawkers and I wave and return the smiles. Rumour has it that our vocal ploys lured a record number of curious squid. That's fine with me, I don't like to handle bait if I can avoid it. Wait a minute, didn't mermaids lure sailors with their singing? We entrance seafood?
         We're in high spirits as we cruise to Sung Sot Cave, or Surprise Grotto on Bo Hon Island. I'm impressed by all the preparation the Vietnamese have taken to make this cave accessible. Our boat moored at a large dock with other water ferries. This pointed us to an installed staircase. I glance up and sigh, only about one-hundred steep steps to climb, no problem. As I sweet-talked my reluctant knees, we were jostled and pushed along by an eager flow of tourists. Once I mounted one step there was no turning back.
         The entrance to the cave is not impressive at all. It is but a wee slash in the rock. Our guide referred to the first chamber as the waiting room and it squeezed us together. He assured us the second chamber would be more accommodating and he did not exaggerate. This cave is humongous, massive, surprisingly ginormous! In here, there are marked pathways and lighting. Many of the formations are highlighted as if they were giant sculptures awaiting our perusal.
         We were encouraged to 'see' recognizable shapes in the stalactites and stalagmites. Did we not notice the sentries guarding this cavern, or the general commanding his troops? Did some of the ragged protrusions in the ceiling not resemble the spine of a dragon? Could we be staring at stone dinosaurs? This reminded me of spotting familiar shapes in cloud formations. It's all in the eyes of the beholder.
         I liked the coolness in the cave. It's a welcome relief. Strangely, the atmosphere felt hushed, yet the many voices echoed. I expected to roust at least a bat or two, but that never transpired. Of course, we snapped pics and copious selfies.
         What goes up must come down and those many steps awaited my descent. I dreaded tripping and bowling over unsuspecting stragglers like bewildered dominos. Even a mountain goat has its limitations.
         We returned to Titop Island named in honour of a Russian cosmonaut, Titov. I declined to re-ascend the four-hundred and fifty steps to the summit. If you've seen one gazebo...Instead, I lounged on the white-sand beach and splashed in the azure water. Since this is a virtual tour, I did not fear a sunburn. I threw caution to the warm breeze and chose to swim in a bikini. I dared to dabble in a bit of snorkeling, too.
         Lyn's a Witchy Woman 💙 Carly Apondia WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024 Prosperous Snow celebrating BlueMoon and I explored the various vendors near the beach. We purchased different finger foods and combined our finds to create a makeshift picnic. Ah, sun, sand, and snacks!
August 11, 2020 at 3:42pm
August 11, 2020 at 3:42pm
Day 11, Halong Bay, Vietnam:
         OMG! Now we're experiencing a cruise. Are we participating in our own unique travel film, Planes, Trains, Tuk Tuks, Buses, and Ships? Even if this two-day cruise should somehow leave us stranded like Gilligan's Island, we will be blissful. Wow, Halong Bay is stunning! The water is a shimmering shade of turquoise. The azure endless sky frames many limestone islands swathed in vibrant green.
         Our ship is spectacular, a floating hotel. My room is airy, lovely and multi-windowed, perfect for an eye feast. It is said that keeping one's gaze fixed on the horizon combats seasickness, but this beauty is mesmerizing. How could I feel queasy?
         Day 11 of our virtual adventure and I am still evading fatigue and weight gain. Bobbing in the sun-sparkled water, I feel weightless, alive, free. I concentrate on my breathing as I paddle. Under the kayak, sea creatures dart and dash, mysterious shadows. Craning my neck to follow their course, I tip myself into the surf. Spluttering, I remember to roll and right myself. What's a bit of dampness? I shiver thinking this could have happened in Antarctica. Today, clad in a swimsuit I am able to drip dry.
         Titop Island beckons with its crescent shaped white beach and green-topped hill. I disembark on that warm sand which means I stumble and lurch. Have I forgotten my land legs already? After a stroll along the beach to stretch my muscles, I take a deep breath, square my shoulders and begin the climb to the summit. I lose count after fifty steps and I later learn it is four -hundred and fifty steps of slogging and perspiring to reach that gazebo. I may have appeared to be transfixed by the panoramic view, but I was wheezing and gasping. I consoled myself with the theory that a descent should be less strenuous. I also reminded myself that calories abhor physical exertion.
         My return to sea level is motivated by the opportunity to explore Me Cung Cave. It is aptly named with its maze of corridors. The multi-coloured stalactites sparkled and noise echoed.
         I wonder if pirates once stood here? Could this island have been a rest stop? Imagine them frolicking in the turquoise water and sun bathing on the beach. Pirate bonfires?
          Back on the cruise ship, crew members whispered that they know this island as Cemetery Island because of the 1905 wreck of a French cargo ship. Huh, it seems so tranquil, idyllic. That beauty hides her secrets well.
         Luckily, I did not have to sing for my supper. I merely had to learn to cteate spring rolls and sample them. This did not prove to be a problem. Food and I are sympatico. The staff made the class fun.This served as the appetizer to a seafood feast. When in Vietnam...
         In the evening, we were given two options of entertainment, karaoke at the bar, or squidding. Lyn's a Witchy Woman 💙 Carly Apondia Prosperous Snow celebrating BlueMoon WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024 and I decided why not combine the two? We belted out tunes as we trolled for squid. In the eery green glow from the water, we sang. I suppose we are now squidders and squawkers.
August 10, 2020 at 1:46pm
August 10, 2020 at 1:46pm
Day 10 Pak Chong, Thailand:
         Ten fun days of exploration and we're still on speaking terms. What vast extremes we've subjected ourselves to as we've wandered. Never did I imagine myself sleeping under the stars in Antarctica, or kayaking amongst iceberg sentinels. In the wilds of Australia, I experienced the desolate desert and the lushness of palm trees surrounded by brilliant flowers. It's a land of contrasts. I've been jostled on a train named after cameleers. I've been suspended in a cable car, soared in a small plane, wobbled on a bike, meandered through gorgeous parks, relaxed on a sight-seeing bus, hiked, mined for opals, avoided an arrest for theft, cuddled a cute joey, thrown a boomerang, shared silly songs 'round a blazing campfire, and binged on local delicacies. Whew! That guaranteed non-weight gain is still lingering from Antarctica. I'm on the move and the weight cannot keep up with me. In Cambodia, I bounced around in a tuk tuk, learned to cook as a native, reveled in the luxury of a Rolls Royce, and soared weightless, again, in a hot air balloon. Keep the adventure rolling!
         My feet have landed in Thailand today. They have behaved admirably during this whirlwind jaunt. I'm not certain, but I've heard the refrain, " these feet are made for walkin' " shadowing me.
         My eyes were stunned by the vision that is the Kensington English Garden Resort Khao Yai. I do not banter the word lush about, but this hotel site epitomizes that word. The manicured green lawns, trees, topiaries, red and pink roses exude gorgeousness. This complex is vast with pathways and fountains. I salute the gardeners and surely there must be a team.
         I noticed that bikes are offered for the use of patrons. Hmmm, perhaps I can persuade my fellow boggers / travelers to explore the area. We will be a bike posse?
         Our first foray of the day takes us to Bonanza Exotic Zoo. Okay, with our entry fee we were given two boxes of carrots, not to munch on, but to proffer to the animals. I've never been so close to giraffes before. Here I stared from a raised platform, but these magnificent beasts are still much taller than moi. During my saunter, I espied tigers, white lions, llamas, meerkats, and orangutans. The fluttering birds are bright jewels amongst the greenery.
          Lyn's a Witchy Woman has arranged for us to visit and picnic at Haew Suwat waterfall. Woohoo, ogling and eating! The hotel staff are kind enough to pack some life-sustaining snacks and they smell divine. We will not starve with corn fritters, Thai shrimp lettuce wraps, Thai spring rolls, chicken satay party sticks, Thai fried ribs and Thai fish cakes.
          The hike into the park to view the two waterfalls, or twins is a short one from the parking lot. To access the base of the falls we creep slowly down a set of too many steps. At the bottom of our descent, we stumble amongst slippery boulders that test our balance. A guide has warned all of us, "no swimming." Um, yep, that's a practical plan. I could not help but consider the possibility of tumbling into the lagoon. I had my defense ready. Oh, me? I'm not swimming. Technically, I am thrashing, floundering and flailing.
         During my brief stay here in Thailand I have noted the questionable English displayed on warning signs. The Falls' signage warns "Do not collect anything but rubbish." Sure, I'm a tourist, but I prefer to collect fabulous pics and memories NOT garbage. Yes, I understand the intent of this wording. Yes, English is not the first language spoken here. Yes, I will not litter.
         Um, er, Lyn's a Witchy Woman another sign admonishes "Do not bring food to eat around waterfall." Not that I wish to dine precariously perched on the slimy rocks. Of course, we will find a more suitable dining spot. I'm tired of yelling over the falls' roar anyway. We will picnic near the falls. Our appetites will be voracious after we ascend all of those steps anyway.
         WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024 Apondia 💙 Carly Prosperous Snow celebrating BlueMoon Lyn's a Witchy Woman gulp... another sign warns "Beware of wild elephants." Do you think our choice of picnic delicacies will attract them? Did anyone save a few of the carrots from the zoo? Could we toss them as bait into the jungle?
August 9, 2020 at 5:49pm
August 9, 2020 at 5:49pm
Day 9 Angkor and Siem Reap, Cambodia:
         Is it the ninth day of travelling already? We're accumulating the miles. I barely feel any jet lag.
         Here we are descending upon Angkor, Cambodia after an uneventful flight. Despite Covid protocols we were not escorted from the plane. Our exuberance did not ruffle any feathers.
         The Viroth Hotel is wonderful to behold. It oozes welcome. Its atmosphere preceded it when the vintage Roll Royce picked us up at the airport. Never before has a grand gesture screamed you are important to us, we value your presence. We sank into the comfy leather upholstery and absorbed the decadence. We could imagine ourselves speaking with a posh British accent and calling the chauffeur 'my good man.'
         Later, I intend to swim in the saltwater pool. My the staff is friendly! No one frowns.
          The first thing I do before sauntering on my own two feet is hail a tuk tuk. The cute name intrigues me. It is a motorcycle pulled cart complete with a canopy. Yes, this announces I am a tourist, but no one will mistake me for a native. From my perch, I am free to people-watch. I note the hustle and bustle, the constant hum.
         My intrepid driver/guide deposits me at the site of an enormous temple, Angkor Wat. Here I climb and meander amongst the stone. Walls, columns, arches, steps and statuary of stone rise from the ground. I admire the design and ingenuity.
         Emerging from this site, I am surprised to see 'my' tuk tuk driver, smiling and beckoning to me. He has adopted me. Without question, he escorts me to a cooking school, Le Tigre de Papier, The Paper Tiger. After perusing a fresh air market for ingredients with a master chef I tie on my red apron ready to create a feast. Soon I am chopping, mixing and sauteing. The tantalizing odours tickle my salivary glands. I am far from disappointed with my humble efforts. The fish amok and the banana rice cake taste divine.
         I wander on foot through the Old Market in an attempt to lose some recently acquired calories. Due to my recent gorging, I am able to decline a sample of crispy fried tarantula. Cooked or raw, it does not appeal to me.
         Finding I can breathe a bit better, I opt to clamber aboard a hot air balloon confident I am no longer too heavy to lift. Wow! There is nothing to compare to floating suspended above Angkor. The mountains seem smaller and the rice fields present as a geometric quilt of lush green. With a sigh of reluctance, I return to the ground.
         I am speechless. My tuk tuk benefactor is awaiting my next move. I ask him to recommend a night spot and he drops me off at Miss Wong's Cocktail Bar with a deep bow and a beaming grin. Oh, he has earned a generous tip.
         I feel right at home with the high ceilings, red walls and flickering lanterns. With a cool drink in hand I settle back to hear the escapades of Apondia 💙 Carly WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024 Prosperous Snow celebrating BlueMoon Lyn's a Witchy Woman .
August 9, 2020 at 2:54pm
August 9, 2020 at 2:54pm
Day 8 Perth, Australia... Perth By Bike...
         "Hop on, blend in," smiled the tour guide
         pushing to me my two-wheeled ride.
         In Perth atop a bike it's posh
         to perch wide-eyed, mumble "My gosh."
         Wiggle, wobble, heart a'hammer
         through King's Park I stutter, stammer.
         Head a'swivel I snatch quick peeks
         of fellow bloggers' flushing cheeks.
         Huff, puff, gasp we strive to propel
         our bikes through lemon-scented dells.
         'Round lush green trees and lawns we loop
         snagging bits of our guide's swift scoops.
         Cheerful, non-stop Aussie patter
         urges me on, no quit natter.
         Careening amid perfect Perth
         my bike top perch bemused my mirth.
         I found my balance core in Perth.
         The Down Under trip proved its worth.
August 7, 2020 at 12:04pm
August 7, 2020 at 12:04pm
Day 7 Darwin, Australia:
         Is this the seventh day of our virtual adventure? The days are blurring together. Australia is awe inspiring.
         I breathed a bit easier today and I found myself relaxing more. Now I can laugh about it, but Lyn's a Witchy Woman had me jumping at my own shadow and recoiling at loud noises. I expected to hear and feel the cold clang of hand cuffs at any minute while in the desert. She spun a yarn of our involvement in an opal heist. Ya, right, jewel thieves hit a mine in a desolate desert. We escaped in a cloud of red dust. Bumbling tourists or genius cons?
         Today, I shrugged that off and continued in my role as an intrepid sightseer.If I am a wanted woman, they, whomever they be, will struggle to find me in plain sight. I will blend in and become one with all the camera toting visitors.What better hideout than a tour bus?
         From my perch on the upper section, I lulled myself into feeling safe. I relished the gentle breeze tugging at my hair and the warm sun caressing my skin. Wow, Darwin is a beautiful city. This is a leisurely way to get a feel for a place. I noted the vibrant hustle and bustle of a coastal centre. It is blues, greens, pinks, reds, and yellows in an exotic motif.
         I hopped off my transport to check out Crocosaurus Cove. Oh, I espied saltwater crocodiles. They are massive prehistoric looking creatures with yawning jaws of teeth and beedy eyes. Nothing cuddly about them. Um, some adrenalin junkies opted to swim with the young crocs and I assure you I was not one of them.Even babies may bite and any baby teething will nibble on anything handy.
         I hiked through an area of trees, rocks and water known as The Cascades. It's a serene, lovely area. For a peaceful spell, I simply sat and dangled my feet in the clear, flowing stream.
         My next bit of exploration took me to Bicentennial Park a lush, green oasis in the city. I meandered past towering palm trees and striking flowers.Along a stone wall, I stopped to survey the coast.
         I saved Mindil Beach for my evening foray and it did not disappoint. I wandered amongst vendors and marveled at their wears displayed in booths. I sampled nibbles from foodies as I soaked up the animated vibes.Wow, just wow. I viewed a spectacular sunset of reds, oranges and golds. It shimmered. It glowed.
         Darwin is indeed dazzling.
August 6, 2020 at 3:17pm
August 6, 2020 at 3:17pm
Day 6 Katherine to Darwin
         Is it just me? Does anyone else read Katherine to Darwin as a prelude to a romance? Will there be desert sunsets and amorous clinches in the sand? Yuk, I hope not! I am touring as a single gal, hubby free this August. In my virtual reality I am seeking fun my way. I choose my adventures for better or worst.
         Dusty Kate appears as a desert oasis shimmering in the heavy heat. It's billed as outback meets the tropics. I discover more than just endless sand.
         Okay, I am roped into attending an amusing show featuring animal training at the Katherine Outback Experience. The different horses are put through their paces. Sheepdog / collies entertained me with their antics herding cattle, or not. These characters have their own endearing petsonalities and who can resist cute puppies. Our ringleader Lyn's a Witchy Woman attempted to depart with a wiggling, furry souvenir tucked under her shirt. Claiming it had followed her failed to convince anyone.
         Imagine meeting a singing cowboy here of all places. Tom Curtain is talented. His lyrics speak of his love for this ranch and this territory. "It's who we are running through our veins. We're battered and bruised with nothing left to lose and we're still here. We've lived through the dust. We're not going anywhere, we're still here."
         Despite friendly warnings re freshwater crocodiles, 💙 Carly Apondia WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024 BlueMoon Prosperous Snow celebrating Lyn's a Witchy Woman and I kayaked the gorgeous Nitmiluk Gorge. No one lost any toes or fingers and nothing loomed up out of the clear water to surprise us. The fumbling created a refreshing splash. No one slipped or flipped from their balanced seats.
         We decided to be natives for a few hours and we joined Aboriginal Manuel Pamkal to learn Rarrk a cross hatch style of painting. I am messy and my shirt resembled a tie-dye rainbow. Manuel taught us how to light a fire simply by rubbing a stick between our hands. It's a lot of work to coax a spark into life. Throwing a boomerang is an experience and I reflexively ducked after I set it zooming into the sky. We oohed and aahed our way through the Katherine Art Gallery.
         Oh, the hot springs are phenomenal! I'd like a hot tub like this at home. Soaking should be considered a sport.
         We rounded up our latest adventures with an Aussie bush tucker dinner served at a campfire. I enthusiastically tucked into the grub offered. The hilarious stories and the rowsing campfire sing-along were the perfect night cap. I taught everyone a few Guiding songs.One of them is about a kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree and another is about Alice the camel who has one hump. I knew they were saved in my repertoire for a reason.
         I did manage to whisper a question aimed at Lyn's a Witchy Woman . She hissed at me to shush, but I only wanted to know if we are hiding in plain sight? We are not opal thieves! I'm a tourist and the only thing I steal is awed looks.

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