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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1197218
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland

Modern Day Alice

Welcome to the place were I chronicle my own falls down dark holes and adventures chasing white rabbits! Come on In, Take a Bite, You Never Know What You May Find...

"Curiouser and curiouser." Alice in Wonderland

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May 29, 2019 at 1:53pm
May 29, 2019 at 1:53pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 29th
I need help building the stock of prompts in the Challenge War Chest! Write four prompts of your own and then choose one to write your entry on

Okay, here are some prompts:
1.What is your favorite quote, who said it and what does it mean to you?
2. Genre Play - Pick your favorite genre and do a re-write of a classic fairytale like Three Little Pigs or Goldilocks & The three Bears in that genre.
3. Tell us your best ghost story, make us believe it!
4. Weather Patterns - Write a poem or story where weather (any kind) is prominently featured.

I would love to write something today, but I am feeling lost between raging allergies and violent coughing spasms that leave me feeling drained. My brain just feels fuzzy and while I have managed to write every prompt this round, today it just feels beyond my abilities. I hope at least my prompts are helpful, I feel like today 50% of the prompt is the best I can manage. Looking forward to reading everyone else's responses though!
May 28, 2019 at 9:24am
May 28, 2019 at 9:24am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 28th
On this last Talk Tuesday of May, let’s talk about bias. How do your own biases influence your life? Is it possible to ever be truly objective?

I've spent the morning catching up on the three prompts I missed this weekend and now my brain feels a little like mush. I have to really take a minute here and think about biases...what ones I may have, of those of others that affect my life. I can think of more examples of the latter that effect my life lately for sure.

First and foremost, many people in this country are biased against Muslims. I feel that bias pretty acutely because my husband is Muslim. He is pretty lapse but still goes to mosque on the holy days and still refrains from eating pork. I find myself always worrying over his safety when he goes to pray. Recently, a mosque he has frequented in the past suffered a fire they believe was intentionally set. It saddens me because I've attended that mosque with him on holidays. Despite being a non-Muslim visitor, I was welcomed in so warmly. They wanted me to feel that this was my space as much as theirs and everyone had an encouraging smile and kind word. I know that many people, even those close to me, have a different view of Muslims but I have only know them as loving, peaceful and welcoming. I fear for my daughter, that she may face those same biases one day should she choose the path of her father's faith one day. I fear very much what her world will look like then.

Political biases shape much of our world these days. While I try to keep my personal politics close to my heart, I still feel the pressure of a world drawn on taught lines. I feel sometimes that I am judged on the basis of what I am perceived to be, and as a result, I am grouped onto one category or another. There is a mother at my daughter's school who has formed an opinion about who she believes I am, and as much as I am tempted to set her straight, I can't bring myself to invite the confrontation. Is it even worth it? Sticks and stones...right?

As far as my own biases...gosh I have a few of those. I'm ashamed to admit it but I do have some preconceived notions and biases that I can feel working against my better judgement sometimes. I try very hard to push past then though. I do believe we can reach a place where we can be objective, at least in a specific space and time.
May 28, 2019 at 9:04am
May 28, 2019 at 9:04am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 27th
Today is Memorial Day here in the US, a federal holiday for remembering and honoring persons who have died while serving in the Armed Forces. How do you honor those who have passed (whether they served in the military or not)?

I always try to thank a service man or women when I see them out in public, especially those older gentlemen you see wearing the hats that say Korean War vet or WWII veteran. I want my daughter to see my example and learn to be thankful for those who served and continue to. We have started a tradition of making cards for soldiers at Christmas. She knows that we always give money to the veterans selling the little red poppies outside the super market. She understands the significance of that small red flower.

When she is a bit older, I will take her to Washington D.C. and we will visit the tomb of the fallen soldier and the great wall of names of all of those who have died in service to her country. I think those are such important lessons to impart on the youth of today, especially as an entire generation of warriors and heroes are passing on, leaving only their stories as evidence of their valor. It is our responsibility to make sure their sacrifices are not forgotten.
May 28, 2019 at 8:52am
May 28, 2019 at 8:52am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 26th
Share an instance in your life when you would have liked a do-over.

As a rule, I do not contemplate "do-overs" in my life. It is a dangerous concept for someone like me, someone who spent so many years trying to "fix" someone only to have it all come to nothing. I spent five years of my life with an alcoholic whom I loved madly but must have known, deep down in my core, that I could not save him. Regardless I threw myself into his recovery with a determination and a passion he himself never possessed. I missed all the signs that he had given up until it was too late. He died in his mid-thirties, taking a large piece of me along with all the promises of marriage and a family with him. I'd give him those prime years of my life when I could have been getting married and starting a family. I traded those ripe years for pain and disappointments, betrayals and urine-colored hospital floors and acrid smells of blood and antiseptic.

If I had a do-over, would I even have handled it all differently? Would I have still fallen in love with my best friend? Wouldn't I have still tried everything to save him from himself? No, do-overs are not something I allow myself to contemplate ever. Instead I remind myself that all my choices, good and bad, brought me to where I am today and it is exactly where I am supposed to be. I met a wonderful man, got a second chance at love and discovered the amazing gift that is motherhood. Life has brought me blessings, three times over any pain and heartache I have been forced to bear.
May 28, 2019 at 8:38am
May 28, 2019 at 8:38am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 25th
Write about your plans for the weekend. If you had 48 hours to do whatever you wanted, no holds barred, how would you spend your time?

I'm playing at catch up again today because this weekend went exactly as I had planned! We kicked it off with an after school Friday evening playdate for my daughter and her friend that morphed into a sleepover. It had been about a month since she's had a proper play date and I was happy to see her laughing and goofing around on the trampoline with her bestie.

Since she was occupied, I was able to switch over my closet to my spring and summer garb and catch up on the laundry pile this effort typically generates each season. The rest of the weekend was spent at home, working on the yard. It was the thing that had been the most neglected when we purchased the home. There was a lot of overgrowth that was hiding lovely natural rock formations and the process of recovery is surprisingly rewarding. It has been a wonderful way to reclaim the property, laying fresh mulch down and planting new flowers. The weather was absolutely perfect, making up at last for so many days of rain.

The weekend ended, as I would like them all too, with a cookout with family. We ate on the deck with the torches and toasted marshmellows on the fire table. It was seasonal perfection!
May 24, 2019 at 2:13pm
May 24, 2019 at 2:13pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 24th
Congratulations on making it to the last week of the competition! You all should be proud! *Heart* How do you celebrate your successes? What is your favorite thing to give yourself as a reward?

Lately I don't feel that I have had too many successes. Whenever I feel accomplished I give myself the gift of a little extra "me" time. I take a few hours off work or leave early to go to the book store or enjoy the sun somewhere. That's my favorite way to celebrate successes really, just taking some extra time to spend an hour or two doing something I enjoy, without being or doing anything for anyone else.

I'm looking forward to a long weekend and to being able to wrap up the weekend blogs on time this week. Hope everyone enjoys themselves!
May 23, 2019 at 9:46am
May 23, 2019 at 9:46am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 23rd
What is your learning style? Do you prefer to learn through reading, images, audio, discussion, hands on, etc.? What is something new you learned in the last 30 days?

I started in my field about twenty-two years ago without much training and no one really to learn from. I had to develop the procedures that I use now. I had to self-teach many of my responsibilities and roles here. I did that by asking questions of my peers in the industry, by questioning our vendors and working with people more skilled and experienced that I was at the time. I absorbed a lot by just immersing myself mostly. At times that was a tough way to earn my stripes and there were a lot of stumbles along the way. As a result, I believe practical, active learning works best. Immersing yourself in the environment and putting the tools to practical use early on is the best way to learn - if and whenever that approach is possible. I also believe strongly in cross-training. There are many things here that only I know how to do and as a result, I think it weakens us as a company to rely on just one individual to keep the essential gears turning. I try hard to train people on different aspects of my job so I have someone I can rely on and if I should get suddenly hit by a truck, my company stands a better chance of being able to transition in my replacement from within the organization.

The last thirty days here have been slow. When our business is slow, there isn't much of an opportunity to learn anything new. I am hoping the Spring will bring kinder flying weather and with that, will come more deals. If I've learned anything new this month it is outside of work. I'd have to say it would be something to do with my daughter's horse hobby. She's learning the routine she will need to make her first show in July. I'm learning all the terms, and what they meant for when takes her first "test". She will have to work her horse through several elements, like rising trots between sections of the arena, a salute and change of directions and resting walks...all while making sure she stays on the right diagonal. Its all new to the both of us and I've learned that there is a whole lot more to riding than I once believed.
May 22, 2019 at 9:44am
May 22, 2019 at 9:44am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 22nd
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

With the exception of a brief stint where I wanted to be a roller skating rocker at the age of eight, I had always dreamed of being an ocean explorer. My heroes growing up were Jacques Cousteau and Dr. Eugene Clark, aka "the Shark lady". I was positively captivated by the sea and spent more time under water than I did above it. I attacked my future career path with a healthy ambition too. I got my scuba certification before I could drive. I read everything I could about the sea and its creatures and ecosystems.

I became an avid science student and eventually a high school aquanaut. I took my inaugural submarine dive as a softmore in high school. My junior year I took a week long trip with Semester at Sea out of Woods Hole, MA. Woods Hole was like my mecca, with it's harbor heavy with vessels bearing NOAA and National Geographic emblems on their bows. My senior year was spent in independent studies with Project O and the US Coast Guard marine studies core. I tried, unsuccessfully to talk my parents into allowing me to go shark diving off the coast of California and to camp out with the Orca pods in Nova Scotia. They did grant me permission to go to Australia and New Zealand as part of the People to People Science Exchange the summer before my freshman year of college. At seventeen I was blessed with the once in a lifetime opportunity to dive on the Great Barrier Reef off the Queensland coast of Australia. It was easily the highlight of my entire academic career.

At seventeen, I felt like I had amassed a pretty amazing resume of experiences and that I was well on my way to pursuing my dreams. I took a semester at the University of Hawaii on Hilo, an opportunity for in-field study that was offered as part of my marine biology degree program. Two weeks in and I had already decided to transfer to there to finish my degree when a very frank conversation with a very honest professor, turned my life around. He was someone I had really come to respect in such a short time and he spoke with me about the world I was planning to immerse myself in. This teacher had perhaps the best take on my personality and potential as any I had. He saw the passion and ambition in me and cared enough to tell me the truth about a world I had only seen through rose-colored glasses. The world I was after was not going to be a golden, grant paved road to the Discovery Channel I had imagined for myself. It was going to be years and years of frustration soaked service to someone who had more letters behind their last name than I had. It was a life spent on rolling oceans and in under funded laboratories that might give me the opportunity to seize on the next great scientific discovery...but that credit would likely go to someone else first, someone who had already put in the time, the money and the blood and tears. He spoke to be very candidly, in the way he wished someone had cared enough to do for him when he was in my place all those years ago.

That conversation, and the ones that would follow that summer, changed the trajectory of my life for good. I can easily say, with some minor regrets, that he had been 100% right about everything.

May 21, 2019 at 8:49am
May 21, 2019 at 8:49am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 21st
Write about an opinion you’ve had that has changed over the years.

I feel as if I have been fiercely opinionated for most of my life. It was so easy in my youth to become inflamed with causes and crusades. It was easy to take up the fight for my passions and beliefs and to believe that my opinions mattered. If anything has changed more over the years it is my general understanding that most people don't care what you care about. It sounds harsh but I have realized to be largely true. I'm no longer confident in the pervasive power of words or the compelling nature of a sound opinion.

I believe social media has provided a platform for so many various opinions that it has desensitized the masses to advocacy and activism. If recent politics have shown us anything, it is that the world is divided and wounded and it takes far more than one or two well-stated opinion posts to change minds and alter hearts.

I know that my opinions are just that, mine...and that most would prefer I keep them to myself...a hazardous belief for a writer and a blogger I know. These days so many of us are fighting our own battles, dealing with our own personal causes and strife, that we are too road weary to throw our support behind something unless we feel strongly. Those that volunteer, that give their time to others, do so with an uncommon grace and charity.

As I am writing this, I realize I must be feeling soured this morning...that I can't possible have so little faith. But there it is, another hazard of blogging...you get what you get when you tackle the prompts on any given day. Today it looks like disillusion and insecurity are on my electronic ink menu unfortunately.
May 20, 2019 at 9:39am
May 20, 2019 at 9:39am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 20th
What time of day are you most motivated? Least motivated? For me, I’m most motivated and productive in the morning, and least in the mid afternoon around 2pm. What do you do to renew your motivation in those slumps?

I wake most mornings with full energy reserves. I can power through most of the day, until about 2:30pm...when the day seems suddenly so much longer than it should be. It feels sometimes like you hit a wall. I have to abandon my desk and computer and walk around the facility. Sometimes I spent a few minutes on the hanger floor talking with the techs. Sometimes I run to get the mail or take some pictures for the social media pages. A hot cup of coffee will give me a little charge at times, giving me at least the spark I need to rally through the remains of the afternoon. My day officially ends at 3:30, when I leave the office to pick up my daughter from school. Emails and texts can continue throughout the day but at least I am not behind my desk any longer. I always get a pick me up when I see her emerge from the back of the school, shouldering her backpack and scanning the crowd for my face. I almost always get a smile then which charges my batteries and motivates me forward like nothing else does.

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