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by kat
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1972989
My thoughts ~ Imagination is even more valuable than knowledge.
My topics this week

*Bullet* How would your life change if you won the lottery? More importantly perhaps, what would stay the same?

*Bullet* It's practically impossible to escape modern technology. Tell us about something you still do 'the old fashioned way'.

*Bullet* The saying goes that 'You learn something new every day'. What did you learn this week?

*Bullet* Write a list of at least ten sentences, each starting with the words 'I believe...'

*Bullet* Who is your 'blogger crush' and why? That is, which blogger (on WDC or offsite) do you most admire and/or wish to emulate? What's stopping you from achieving something of the same standard?

*Bullet* Tell us an excuse you used this week to get out of something or explain something.

*Bullet* What cause are you passionate about?

1.What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
2.Where do you see yourself 5 years from today?
3a) What do you want to be remembered for? what will your legacy be? Write your obituary.{{/b}
3b) Are your priorities today at odds with how you wish to be remembered? If so, what changes will you make?
(Note:This is not meant to be a morbid exercise but rather a personal assessment of our priorities. For me I often decide what I want the end (of anything from a book to my life) to look like and then what steps do I need to take in order to achieve it.)
4.Write your own personal mission statement.
5.What single thing are you most proud of?
6.What could you imagine never living without
7.What does the word content mean for you? Describe what it looks like in your life.

1. We are creatures of habit. Tell us some of your habits, and how they affect your day.
2. What three adjectives described your day today? Why did you choose those three?
3. Tell us five things you were thankful for this week.
4. How do you think the blog you're writing now would be different if you were writing it in a paper journal?
5. Share something you wrote today.
6. What was your latest writing accomplishment?
7.What are your writing habits?

1. What made you happy today?
2. Do you consider yourself an optimist or pessimist and why?
3.What are you writing/working on today?
5. Do you have a bucket list? If so, what is on it? If not, why?
6. What made you sad today?
7.List 10 great things about your day/ week.

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January 23, 2014 at 2:17am
January 23, 2014 at 2:17am
Tell us something you learned today

I woke to the phone ringing; the clock read 5:30 am. It was the automated system notifying me of a possible job for the day. I went through the motions accepting the job then lay back down to rest for an hour or so. When I woke to my alarm I remembered I had an appointment to keep that conflicted with this job so I called to retract. When they informed me there was no one else to fill the position I agreed to work for as long as possible.

This was a job with the same little boy as the previous day and I was excited to see his smiling face. He was not in a good mood and seemed to be having more trouble staying focused which makes a hard day. The behavior exhibited by the child paled in comparison to the behavior of his “teacher”. She is a typical older teacher who feels she has more knowledge than most and is set in her ways and opinions. I felt attacked and belittled repeatedly by her and have vowed not to go back even if they are the only call I receive.

I learned today that no matter where I go there will be people who treat me like I know nothing. I also learned that life is too short to dwell on it. Chances are this will soon be an open position that I could possibly apply for. I know that if I were to get a job like this I would be miserable and it would take more effort to enjoy the good things in my life than I want to exert. As much as I have enjoyed this little boy I am glad that I have an obligation that keeps me from saying yes if they need me tomorrow. I also wish luck to whoever draws the short straw and ends up filling this job. I am happy to be home tonight and wish everyone would be kind, tolerant, and wise (Like Me  ).

January 21, 2014 at 10:19pm
January 21, 2014 at 10:19pm
What excited you today?

I am still recovering from my illness but today I went to work. All went well until the boy I was supposed to be supporting wanted to play ball for gym. Since he had missed his normal gym time it was up to me to either make him happy or cause a behavior, so I played with him. It was exhilarating and rewarding to see him smile but it left me with the painful reminder of how I spent my weekend. Upon realizing the effort I was expecting; my body quickly gave up and I resumed the feeling of being run over by that truck. Lucky for me the day was almost over at that point and I was able to return home to practice dying in my chair. When the ache lessoned I booted up my computer to log in and check on my writing accounts.

When I arrived at my writing.com account I noticed immediately the red boxes indicating I had two messages and one notification. Going to the message first I found that it was a review of the piece I wrote for the writer’s cramp. Never having won before imagine my surprise when I realized that all of the red boxes were because I had won the contest! The piece I wrote was a scene from the novel I am creating. I thought the characters were compelling and the plot strong but it is being reaffirmed by the response on here. I am so inspired to write this story that even when I don’t have time the story swims around in my head, the characters are saved by hero’s in my head. I am excited that my characters are also invading the thoughts of those who are lucky enough to read my stories.

It is almost enough to make me forget the state I am currently in, if only for a moment. I have finally created something magical and amazing. There is nothing more exciting than that!

Write on. 

January 21, 2014 at 3:07am
January 21, 2014 at 3:07am
What distracted you today?

I have had a rough weekend praying to the porcelain god and praying that the aching in my body abates with the magic of the medicine I have taken from the cupboard. Those who know me well know that my house is often not too clean but it has been some time since it has been in this state. As I went to the sink to get a drink I was shocked to find that I could not find the sink. I staggered back to the chair to die for a while but I could not stop thinking about the foul sight in my kitchen.

I laid curled in the chair watching “Once Upon A Time” on a borrowed Netflix account but even with the gripping story before me I could not keep my mind off the tasks awaiting me when I finally could move without feeling like I had been run over by a Mac truck. Once the magic began to happen and I could move with minimal pain I fought my way to the kitchen. I began to dig out from a weekend of my family not having me alert enough to delegate tasks and crack whips.

The foulness I found gave me new resolve to not ever be ill again. As I sit here recovering and trying to make up for a weekend of neglecting my writing tasks I wonder what other treasures my family has left for me in my time of need. Tomorrow will be another day and I am sure as I continue to recover I will be able to handle whatever awaits me.

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