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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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July 25, 2020 at 9:51am
July 25, 2020 at 9:51am
Reflect on your week. What was challenging? What did you do that made you feel successful? What made you smile?


Fairy playing a flute*Fairy*

Quotes: "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

-- Winston S. Churchill

2. "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."

-- Herman Melville ttps://www.inc.com/jayson-demers/51-quotes-to-inspire-success-in-your-life-and-business.html

The Week Isn't Over

A truck just drove in with a tractor on the back. Haying season for us is about to commence. Family members are younger and gearing up for haying means maintenance on machinery. Before they hay I will be doing some extra barn cleaning so all they have to do is drive the wagons in and unload.

My week has consisted of keeping laundry going. Trying out a new recipe of Vinegar, salt, and dish soap to kill grass in the dog pen. Mix it fill sprayer, spray the pen. The recipe does kill grass immediately and is biodegradable and won't harm the pets. The down side is that it will have to be put on regularly because it does not kill the roots of weeds or unwanted grasses.

Also, kept the floors vacuumed, dishes done, banking done, household banking data up to date. Mowed the back yard (might mow some more today) Fixed my glasses frame which is falling apart. worked in basement cleaning and rearranging family room. Read books two afternoons. Going to set up the back porch swing today; daily blog and daily playing Township, daily pet maintenance, kept the ice bucket filled, and the watermelon cut so people could eat it at leisure. Meal preparation. This is just daily and weekly living maintenance. Busy work. Storms a couple days this week.

Busy work can be boring but is necessary we can just walk in and out from bigger work and rest instead of do housework. I don't have a routine. Some work is harder than other work. Some weeks I'm more active than other weeks. I'm cooking less because we are eating less. That's actually good for us.

We received a package in the mail a small box. About 6 inches by 8 inches. When it was empty I set it on the floor. The kitten I got last summer has grown into a very large cat. She is actually bigger than my dog by a couple inches high and a couple inches longer. She squashed herself into the box in a sitting position and was quite satisfied with herself. I got a great picture of my dog who walked right up to look at her. The picture is of both of them. It made me smile. Tried to send it to my granddaughter but, the phone won't send or received pictures.

The most challenging part of any week now is having K here 24 hours of the day. He does not feel like doing anything. If he has his druthers he will just sit down all day. It isn't good for either of us to just sit to long. I think it's probably bad for him to have to live with me. After 40 some years I pretty much do what I want, when I want. We don't have a lot in common for every day living causes lots of strife. Lots of yelling over nonessential problems.

THE END{/center

July 24, 2020 at 6:33am
July 24, 2020 at 6:33am
If you could switch places with one other person, who would it be and why? What in particular would you do?

Fairy playing a flute *Strawberries*

Quote“Maybe it’s time to realize that our greatest contributions are not the monuments that we construct, but the lives that we change because we took the time to add to the monument which is them.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough {/i https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/changing-people


This is a difficult prompt for me. One of the types of movies I don't enjoy is one where two people move into each others bodies for a time and they learn how it is to live as someone else.

There is an old saying--Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. I remember this being posted on a lot of classroom walls during my life. I guess a real teacher knows what problems students face.

I've struggled to hold on to my own personality and talents for years. I finally realized that to join any church means to leave your real self behind and become one of a crowd that usually is being run by one family that wants to clone itself.

Maybe that is why I've read so much history about the Christ. I wanted to find the real message. I have a picture in my mind of the Messiah sitting on a hill surrounded by hundreds of people who wanted to hear and find something they were not receiving from the general message in their local synagogue.

I don't believe God intends to make us into someone else. He seeks out people who are individuals and know to remain what the core individual really is. Psychology tells us the environment we grew up within pressed itself on our individuality. So, it takes time to become who we really are. That isn't an easy job so working on your individuality may take a lifetime.

To answer this prompt I have to look, really look, at other people around me. K's health is failing and watching another individual meet the fact that he won't be on the earth one of these days is indescribable.

When I look at Hollywood characters I think the most successful actors are one's who know their own individuality and can slip into and out of a role like its a suit they put on for work. You can see I'm still working on my epic.

I know teachers who want students to be like them so they can't really impart knowledge properly because they can't see their own strength yet.

So I'm failing the prompt because I can't visualize the result of living in someone else's skin. I know I would end up applying my own solutions, in my own way, even if I lived someone else's life. People would just dislike some other person for being me.*Laugh*

KEEPON KEEPIN ON!*Mountains* to climb!

July 23, 2020 at 9:56am
July 23, 2020 at 9:56am
You've been given a full budget and creative license to bring a book you read to film. What book would you pick and who would you cast as the characters? If you choose a book with an existing movie adaptation, what changes would you make?

signature dancing owl


Movie Quote: "Just keep swimming" - Finding Nemo, 2003

What fun this would be. I guess I would choose to make an epic. Wikipedia says Chesapeake by James Mitchner covers 400 years of history. No one ever tried to make a movie of it, because of the amount of historical time it covers. I think with a full budget and creative license it could be done and the story has everything--rivers, Indians, several different wars, plantations, church problems, settlers, ship building, pirates, moving history.

The difficult part would be the parts that show the spiritual struggle of the colonies, catholic settlers vs. protestants vs. Quakers vs. Indians. The changes in a sociological movement as people learned to live in America instead of Europe. How they were schooled. How owning their own ships spurred a freedom of movement they had never known.

It would be important to show the movement of time. Changes in living conditions as time marched forward. Changes in abilities to school children as time moved forward. Specifics about the way the war between England and the colonies evolved. Ideas and attitudes.

As for actors there is a lot of room for many different characters. I'm not good at picking character actors though. So, I'll leave it up in the air for now.

I looked up some names here are some of them that I would try out in parts to see if they fit. Johnny Depp, Jeff Bridges, Terrance Morgan, Colin Firth and females Hallie Berry, Kate Winslet, Charlize Theron, Zoe Saldana. I saw more but, it would require some specific parts for specific people and more thought than I'm going to put in to it today.

I'd like to read the script in view of making it into a movie, that would do some justice to the Book. A serious story with a view to entertain. Wouldn't be easy, but fun, and maybe even profitable if done right.

Little cartoon ships to introduce segments of time. An epic in the making.


July 23, 2020 at 9:43am
July 23, 2020 at 9:43am
You've been given a full budget and creative license to bring a book you read to film. What book would you pick and who would you cast as the characters? If you choose a book with an existing movie adaptation, what changes would you make?

signature dancing owl

July 22, 2020 at 8:22am
July 22, 2020 at 8:22am
Make a list of the top five most important virtues and why.

owl for signature use *Strawberries*

You're Listing Without Virtue

Quotes: Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.by Nicola Tesla Quote is from Wikipedia

It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects. Nikola Tesla
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/nikola_tesla_127335?src=t_virtues

Nicola Tesla: https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/nikola-tesla

List: Honesty-courage-compassion-loyalty-humility combined with grace.


Honesty,*Bell* because life gets scrambled with out honesty.

Courage,*Earth* because it takes courage to face living from day to day. We often have to face the actions brought into our lives on a daily basis by laws, lacks, and limitations.

Compassion,*PoseyY* because knowledge brings into your sight all life around you.

loyalty,*StarGr* because it requires wisdom to use it.

Humility,*Surfing2* because ageing proves you're not the only fish in the sea and grace to give you all the virtues you need.

There are so many I just could not stick to 5. Some of them seem to lean on others.

Happy Trails. Keep Smiling.

July 21, 2020 at 10:41am
July 21, 2020 at 10:41am
Write a letter to your fifteen-year-old self.

Dear 15:

I'm not 15. I"m busy trying to go forward not backward. I don't wish for a different life. This is the one I live. Other people need to get over it. If I could give you flowers today I would. You need cheering up. *Flowerw* *FlowerR* *FlowerB* *FlowerV* } *FlowerY* *FlowerT* *Hug* Hope this makes you feel better.

July 20, 2020 at 6:09am
July 20, 2020 at 6:09am
In 1969, Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon. Afterward, people commonly complained, “If they can put a man on the moon, why can’t they ______.” How would you finish that statement today?

owl for signature use *PirateFlag*

Quote: “Space is for everybody. It’s not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That’s our new frontier out there, and it’s everybody’s business to know about space.”Christa McAuliffe


Quotes and Space

The thing I'm finding as I look for quotes on the internet to use in this blog concerns the opinions of various people. In each website the opinions don't always agree.

In the website I linked today there is a timeline that shows opinions, from 1969 the year of the first moon landing to 2020.

At one time people were telling us the way to space would be paved in the best interests of all mankind. Science and Math would bring countries together to work toward a better system of mankind. Space has room for everyone.

Then the USA government stopped financing the space program.

Sociology tells us that competition breaks up families, and social order. Now, the idea being pushed on the public is space can be best conquered by competing corporations. It will be paid for by wealthy people who want joy rides into the outer limits.

Today in this pandemic scene people are fighting behind the scenes about these kinds of questions. Are we going to have dollars or bitcoins? To wear a mask or not to wear a mask? Who is going to ultimately run G5 WIFI? What kind of health system should we use in the USA to continue to cover the health of everyone properly? Is Covid 19 as dangerous as the media coverage indicates? There are lots of other questions I'm sure you can think of some not on this list?

The coming societies of the world can not be built just on majority public opinion. Social life must be built on working knowledge. The public has to be informed about everything not just about how many people died today.

"If they can put a man on the moon why can't they teach people to appreciate the pattern of life that includes truth, and helpfulness between individuals and nations."

They push it toward people through fiction movies and stories and they imply it in media stories but why is it not taught in schools like a subject?

I'm presently reading STAY by Catherine Ryan.

Question: Can gravitational waves be formed into a tunnel. Could a beam of light then be thrown through that tunnel? Just wondering.

Merit Badge in Point of View
[Click For More Info]

Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne

July 19, 2020 at 10:48am
July 19, 2020 at 10:48am
Besides writing, tell us about a hobby you have. How did you discover it? How long have you been doing it?

Manx Cat from Japan *Dragon*

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
Ernest Rutherford https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/stamp-collecting.html

Geography Found in Hobbies

My lifelong hobby is stamp collecting. It's more like a hobby than anything else I do. Grandma Fellows my first husbands grandmother got me started. Date was June of 1962. We honeymooned at her cottage on Lake Erie. She took us out in her boat and scolded Richard for trying to make me sea sick with his stories about how big the lake was. *Smile*

She started me on collecting stamps. When I was seriously interested she gave me a group of stamps from an Island. I promised I would never sell them and I never have. At the time the stamps were illegal to own, but that isn't true any more, so probably the value has diminished. She gave me a cat which I carted off to Texas with me.

I don't stamp collect with any seriousness any more. Probably haven't added any since about 1990's. One of the fascinating things about stamp collecting is not just the beautiful artwork, but also how many things you learn about the countries who issue them. Once in while, I get out the collection; which has grown beyond the book Richard bought for the original collection. USA stamps have always been intricate. The older ones are not so much beautiful but have intricate designs and artwork. Now more photograph art than handwork art.

I like geography. Stamp collecting is part of that interest in other countries.

Coyote singing at 3 a.m. Hope it doesn't stay around. Sooner or later someone will shoot it. Probably eating stray cats and rabbits.

July 18, 2020 at 10:53am
July 18, 2020 at 10:53am
Have you ever boycotted a company or product? If so, tell us the story. If not, what would a company have to do for you to boycott its products?

owl for signature use *Gag*

Boycotting Yes!

Quote: Boycotts have been a critical part of social justice in American history, particularly for African-Americans. Stacey Abrams
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/boycott-quotes

Verizon, No way

Yes I boycott Verizon whenever I get the opportunity. This is going to be difficult to explain. Plus this is an old old old situation.

K's mother worked for Gen Tel and then Verizon. I've been told she worked in an investigative office for them. But I don't know if it's true since I've been lied to a big bunch about all kinds of things over the years.

We always had trouble with the company. High bills, bad telephone lines that never were repaired. I use to tell people if there was a repair truck parked on the road for sure our telephone service was going to go out. I finally taped the box on the end of the house where the service came in so they had to ask to use it. And, they could not tell me the repair was my fault.

We attended a Bible College for a year and when we came home I would not start the service up again for awhile until K insisted. I said if people wanted to talk to me they could just come to the house.

After that came the Reagan years when I got so many hang up calls and actual death threats. I finally had to have a tap put on the phone. And for that I had to pay twice. I was billed by the state police and Verizon for the wire tap. They caught some girls from a local town but said they would not prosecute them because it would ruin their lives. It was just a prank.

Then I learned that repairmen from Verizon would stop to service someones phone and dial my number to see if the other persons phone was working and hang up on me instead of identifying the call. I found this out after caller ID became available because I could call the number the telephone man used that came up on my phone. Pretty soon it became well known that the service men for Verizon were harassing lots of customers. I once talked with a Verizon line service man who said he was well aware of the history of our property and the people here and indicated that's why they did what they did. But, did not tell me what he was talking about so I'm still wondering what they thought happened here that I don't understand????*Crazy*

When I got out of college I applied to Verizon as a telephone operator and worked for them for a trial period of time. They had a test at the end of their trial period, which I passed. But, they let me go anyway. Did not matter much since they closed the office and moved their service office to Texas within 6 months. Another operator said, they probably did not want me there because they would end up paying my college bills. Huh??? My son-in-Law said to take them to court they would give my job back.

When WIFI came in we got off dial-up and onto Verizon WIFI. It was a really good service but, they kept raising the price on it and priced us right out of the service, which we were using for telephone and our computers. However, K pays for the service so he kept the in home telephone service. We had cell phones at that time with TracFone. I once inquired about Verizon cell phones and the woman I talked to said Verizon could not supply people with cell power at the price TracFone was giving us.

Tracfone service was provided by Verizon. TracFone was also a hassle for me. Two years ago Tracfone sent me an email about the phones we were using. They said, the service would be changing in 6 months and they would no longer service the phones we were using. They wanted us to buy new phones for the low price of 75.00 dollars.

I researched the situation and discovered the info about G5. So, we bought the new phones they offered. About 2 months later they put the style of phone we paid 75.00 dollars for on the market for 39.95.

Sometime around this time I found out that Yahoo which I had been using since college was being sold to Verizon. I quit my Yahoo account and moved to GMail.

Next, although I really liked my phone. Someone else was able to change things on my phone. My phone was being hacked. Then I discovered that K was able to use his phone to stalk my phone. And, I found a woman on line who was starting a backwash against husbands who were stalking their own wives phones causing all kinds of problems. The woman I found is making congress aware of this situation, trying to get states to make laws against husbands stalking their own wives.

So, I bought service with a different carrier. That is when I found that TracFone brands their phones. So, in order to get service I could afford I had to buy an unbranded phone and find a carrier that does not brand their phones. Which I did. Now, I no longer personally have any connection to Verizon although K does still have his Verizon house phone here. Since we each have a cell phone I asked his to dump the Verizon home phone service but, he is loyal to the Verizon company or just trying to irritate me?

Look, in all this story, I am finding out about how little people in this country understand about the lack of real freedom we have. The Corporate situation is causing high prices and fixing class systems in place by what people can and cannot buy or use.

So, I found information about these types of systems in a book, Catholicism and American Freedom: A History by John McGreevy.

Now, I'm having trouble with my new phone again. You see I changed my number with my new phone. Who ever had the number before was in debt and I have had to talk to Discover to tell them I'm not her, because I now have a number that was issued to someone else at another time. Yesterday, I got a message from Instagram giving me a code number to get into an Instagram account. I don't have an Instagram account.

This week I read and in depth account of how the new G5 phone system is going haywire, because
European companies that the USA is forming the system with are in competition with a G5 system being developed by China. G5 is suppose to supply better service and cheaper service but, prices are not coming down and some providers like T-Mobile have had break downs because of China interference. I hope all this is only growing pains.

So, Yes, I boycott the Company. During George Bush's term in office I found information about Verizon linking it to a lot of Government spying on ordinary citizens of this country. I'm amazed at the fact that it's true and probably still goes on but no one seems to care. I guess I don't really care either because I'm not doing anything wrong or illegal and many other people who have phone problems aren't either. It just causes constant irritating things to go wrong with individual phones. Covid 19 pandemic just adds to the stress factor. I realize a personal boycott just doesn't even bother such a large moving Corporation and they would run right over me in the road of life if I really got involved against them. So, I move on.

Merit Badge in Point of View
[Click For More Info]

Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne
July 17, 2020 at 10:48am
July 17, 2020 at 10:48am
How important is the role of music in your life and in your creative process? Do you write to music? If so, what kind and why do you think it helps?

signature dancing owl *Clef*

Music is Necessary to Life


Music and its profound effects on the human organism are very real indeedby Jeffrey Werbock this is the opening sentence from his article on Quora. Find the link above.

Music is an integrated part of my life. I never get enough of it. Before pandemic on days when K was working away from home I would fill the house with music. I play music for the pets to calm them.

I like a variety of music. Just to name a few I have discs of bagpipes, guitar, flute, piano, violin, harp, wind chimes, bird songs, and other sounds. I will not name all the artists who sing for me or their styles of music. I'm playing my guitar lately and really enjoy doing it.

However, I do not write to music, read to music, or study to music. I need silence for those things. I like to be able to hear the real sounds of life around me. It's keyed to my fight or flight mechanisms. I like jazz and dance music to clean house to, because it energizes me.

Four A.M yesterday, there was the howl of a real coyote close in to us. I'll be glad when the hay is off, because maybe the predator wild life won't come in as close.

I have a disc of bird sounds that the parrots are always happy to hear. Their favorite movie is Paulie

This is real life music.

I have a lot of new age meditation music because it soothes me. I also like spiritual music which sings praises to God. One of my favorites is Celtic music singing scriptural Psalms.

I do like some kinds of country music and specific artists and groups but, don't listen to it as often as instrumental.

I guess I could live without music but surely would not want to live without it.

See Ya!

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