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by Harry
Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1490694
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March 25, 2014 at 2:21pm
March 25, 2014 at 2:21pm
My crime-heist-mystery with a dash of humor and a bit of sex novel Zack’s Choice has received these comments in reviews: “Zack's Choice is literate, fun, and entirely unpredictable, and I enjoyed it immensely.” from Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite;

“The total package has cinematic appeal – especially when you throw a sexy romance into the mix. Zack’s Choice is sure to appeal to anyone who likes a well-told tale about clever, risk-taking characters in love and in danger.” Posted in Palmetto Review;

and “Quill says: This book will keep you guessing at all the twists and turns right up until the very end.” from Kristi Benedict of The Feathered Quill Reviews.

March 15, 2014 at 3:46am
March 15, 2014 at 3:46am
I am having a Giveaway for five copies of Zack's Choice at Goodreads from now until 15 April. Please drop by and enter to win a copy.


Zack's Choice is a 182-page in print version,153-page in e-book version, 44,533-word crime-heist-mystery with a dash of humor
and a bit of sex story published 17 February 2014 by CreateSpace. It is a quick, fun, and enjoyable read filled with surprises.

Link to cover and book details:
March 2, 2014 at 4:56pm
March 2, 2014 at 4:56pm
Please check out my brand new trailer for A Wandering Warrior, my action-adventure, historical fiction novel published last year:


I'd sure appreciate your doing so.


February 20, 2014 at 2:02am
February 20, 2014 at 2:02am
My newest novel is now available on Amazon's Kindle: Zack's Choice


Book Blurb: Zackery Gresham has his life all planned. His mother is a lawyer; his father is a federal judge; and he is Pre-Law at Yale, with Harvard Law School to follow before he joins his mother’s prestigious law firm. He plans to marry his high school and Yale girlfriend once he graduates from Law School. During a school break Zack takes a once-in-a-lifetime motorcycle trip through the southern states. In New Mexico he has a chance encounter with a strange hitchhiker. The resulting chaos will bring Zack face-to-face with a choice that could alter his life forever.

It is a crime story with a bit of mystery and some romance. It is for adult readers. The paperback version should become available soon.

This was my first experience using CreateSpace at Amazon. I love it! It is fairly simple to follow their directions to publish your book. The ISBN and distribution is free. From start to having the book available on Kindle took only five days. It is a great way to self-publish a book, in my opinion.

Please check out my book, Zack's Choice. It is only $2.99 at Kindle. I'd sure appreciate it, y'all.

This is my ninth book to be published.
January 17, 2014 at 1:33pm
January 17, 2014 at 1:33pm
My action-adventure, historical fiction novel A Wandering Warrior finished first out of thirty entries in the Preditors & Editors Readers Poll in its category of "All Other Novels." I thank all those who voted to make this happen. I much appreciate your support for my book.


-- Published 2013: "A Wandering Warrior", an action/adventure/historical fiction novel, 4RV Publishing. At 4RV bookstore or Amazon.com.
-- Published 2012: "Poetry Books Don't Sell!", a collection of my poetry. On Amazon.com.
-- Published 2011: "Aldric & Anneliese", an action/adventure/historical fiction short novel, 4RV Publishing. At 4RV bookstore or Amazon.com.

January 1, 2014 at 2:00am
January 1, 2014 at 2:00am
While my 2013 novel was being edited and re-edited by 4RV Publishing prior to its eventual publication on 15 April 2013, I contracted with a professional designer/artist to prepare a book trailer for A Wandering Warrior. The specifications were agreed upon and payment was made in full in September - October of 2012 to that artist/designer. I thought the book trailer would be prepared and released PRIOR to the novel's publication – you know, like a trailer is supposed to work to drum up interest prior to the novel's release – but the designer/artist suffered calamity after calamity (illness requiring hospitalization, dead computer, another family illness, financial difficulties, another computer failure, and more). To say the least, 2013 was an extremely difficult time for this designer/artist.

Well, here it is fifteen months after payment was made in full and nearly nine months after A Wandering Warrior was published and still no trailer for it has been released due to all these circumstances. As 2014 begins, it looks like perhaps the trailer finally could be finished soon. Therefore, I wanted to give you a preview of what the trailer will contain. This preview requires that you use your imagination to "view" it. Therefore, to fully enjoy this trailer preview please ensure your imagination is turned on to its maximum.

My Imaginary Trailer for A Wandering Warrior

Imagine background music that fits well with the medieval era playing.

Front cover of A Wandering Warrior appears on the screen.

Text on next screen will be shown in bold type as here:

Thomas Beaumont, a commoner and itinerant soldier, travels across late 12th century England to avenge his brother's murder.

Map #1 from the book = large map showing all the shires of 12th century England

Thomas encounters two young ladies in the woods fleeing from Royal Guard soldiers. He saves the girls from capture, suffering a wound in the fight.

Trailer new illustration (#1) = Depiction of Juliana and Beatrice in woods --
Juliana: Her long, blond hair framed a rather pretty, delicate face. She possessed a tall, slender body with small breasts. Sixteen years old.
Beatrice: Her sister, Beatrice, however, seemed very much an immature girl, with a less attractive body build both shorter and plumper than that of her older sister and with darker blond hair, almost as light brown as his. Thirteen years old.
Woods: trees and greenery. (LOL Duh.)

As Thomas recovers, his wound becomes infected, and feverish and weak he is encircled by hungry wolves. He loses consciousness.

Trailer new illustration (#2) = Thomas lying on ground with wolves surrounding him --
Thomas like he looks on cover. Lying on ground with several wolves tightening circle around him menacingly. Wolves' eyes are a glowing yellow.

Thomas awakens to find himself being tended by Emalda, a Traveler dark beauty, while he recovers.

Trailer new illustration (# 3) = Depiction of Emalda with vardo/wagon close behind her -
Emalda had long hair that was black as a raven; a glowing, dark complexion; and quite a lovely shaped body, displayed well in skirt and low-cut peasant blouse, which revealed her ample cleavage. She looked to be in her late teens or early twenties.

Thomas resumes his quest eastward, in spite of his hating to leave Emalda. He buys an old, well-used, gray horse (named Horse) for his journey.

Trailer new illustration (# 4) = Thomas with Horse --
Thomas as on cover. Horse was an old, well-used, gray horse that stood covered in dirt with matted mane and tail and sores. A dilapidated-looking saddle lay by the doorway.

Thomas pulls off a daring rescue of two young ladies of nobility -- Juliana and Beatrice, whom he met in the woods previously and who now are held captive in the castle keep by Sheriff Mowbray.

Map #2 from book = rescue path map showing route taken in the escape = through which shires.

Thomas has his desired showdown with Sheriff Simon Mowbray, a brute of a man with a mean nature, in a fight to the death.

New trailer illustration (# 5) = Fight scene between Thomas and Simon (sheriff) using battleaxes on foot -- Simon Mowbray was a large man with powerful, muscular shoulders and arms. His hair was unkempt; he had stubble on his face. He was a rough-looking character who looked like he could handle himself in a fight. He was in his late 30s. Impressive rival to Thomas. Each man armed with a battleaxe, a dagger, helmet, and shield. No chain mail worn. Just clothing like on cover. Show each man bloodied with blood on axe blades.

Thomas has many adventures involving searching for his lost love Emalda (Map # 3 from book = search for Emalda map showing route of Thomas' search through various shires) and disputes with nobility, culminating in Thomas' gaining a higher position in life.

New trailer illustration (# 6) = Thomas as knight with chain mail and helmet holding sword in ready position -- Thomas wearing a long gambeson with chain mail covering body and head. Chain mail down to knee-length. Armored helmet on head. Holding a sword like on cover but out in ready position.

Will Thomas ever find peace and happiness? Will he ever know love? Can Thomas survive his encounters with royalty? Come and travel throughout medieval England with Thomas on his wanderings and adventures.

There you have the gist of what my book trailer for A Wandering Warrior should contain. There will, of course, be the necessary title page, publisher information about 4RV Publishing, and other details included as well.

I hope you enjoyed your "viewing" of this preview of the trailer for A Wandering Warrior.

A Wandering Warrior is an action-adventure, historical short novel (66,000 words) set in late 12th century England. It is available as both a print version and as an e-book through Kindle, Nook, and others.

Links: 4RV Publishing Bookstore = http://www.4rvpublishingcatalog.com/harry-gilleland.php

Amazon Print Version = http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Warrior-Jr-Harry-Gilleland/dp/0985266198/ref=sr_...

Kindle e-book = http://www.amazon.com/Wandering-Warrior-Jr-Harry-Gilleland-ebook/dp/B00D33E1PG/r...

-- Published 2013: "A Wandering Warrior", an action-adventure/historical fiction short novel, 4RV Publishing. At 4RV bookstore or Amazon.com or B&N.com (print) & at Kindle or Nook (e-book).
-- Published 2012: "Poetry Books Don't Sell!", a collection of my poetry. On Amazon.com.
-- Published 2011: "Aldric & Anneliese", an action/adventure/historical fiction short novel, 4RV Publishing. At 4RV bookstore or Amazon.com.

December 29, 2013 at 12:13pm
December 29, 2013 at 12:13pm
Greetings, All ~

My novel A Wandering Warrior has been entered by the publisher in the Preditors & Editors™ Readers' Poll. I am also entered as an Author. I would greatly appreciate any of you willing to do so to please vote for both my book and me as author.

Link for A Wandering Warrior is to page for Print/Electronic Novel (All other genres) published in 2013...
--- Print/Electronic Novel (All other genres) published in 2013... Toward top of list is A Wandering Warrior by Harry E. Gilleland, Jr - 4RV
Publishing. Please vote for my book:
Click on circle before title, then drop down and fill in your name and email address for verification plus fill in name of author on book cover shown for the verification box. Submit and then click on link to verify in email they will send to your email for verification. Done! You can only vote once per category.

Link for Authors page is http://critters.org/predpoll/author.shtml
--- Scroll down to Harry E. Gilleland, Jr and then follow same voting procedure as outlined above.

I will greatly appreciate all of you that take the time and effort to do me this huge favor.

Many, many thanks!

November 26, 2013 at 12:59am
November 26, 2013 at 12:59am
Yesterday my portfolio had 22 items viewed for 194 total views. The strange thing was one item, a storoem entitled A Lifetime of Walks Along the Seashore, received 167 of those views. These 167 views were all by Non-members of Writing.com and appear to have been directed here from some unknown website. I guess some website must have mentioned this storoem of mine in such a way to drive all these people to come and read my storoem. I sure wish I knew what was going on, but I know no way to find the website or the comment there. It will have to remain a mystery to me, I suppose. Strange goings-on!

 A Lifetime of Walks Along the Seashore  (ASR)
A storoem about an old couple who walk along the seashore together.
#1800341 by Harry
October 17, 2013 at 12:30am
October 17, 2013 at 12:30am
On most days if I check My Summary Stats under My Account, I find that my portfolio of 430 items (almost all poetry) has received between 15 and 40 total views. However, on some days my items have over 450 total views, for example on Wednesday, 9 October, I had 426 items viewed for a total view count of 459 and then again on Wednesday, 16 October, 428 of my items received 465 total views.

What is there about Wednesdays? Whatever it is that causes so many views of the items in my portfolio on certain days I much appreciate it. My thanks to whomever you are. I hope you enjoyed reading my portfolio items. *Smile*


June 13, 2013 at 4:45am
June 13, 2013 at 4:45am
Ten days remain in the giveaway for A Wandering Warrior at Bookkaholic. Enter for great odds at winning a free copy of the book.

A Wandering Warrior is an action-adventure, historical fiction novel set in late 12th century England. It follows the exploits of a commoner itinerant soldier as he travels throughout the shires of England seeking revenge, finding love, and engaging in battles.

Only ten days remain at present in the giveaway hosted by Bookkaholic for A Wandering Warrior. Why not check it out and enter to win one of three free copies to be given away: http://www.bookkaholic.com/a-wandering-warrior-book-giveaway-may-20-june-23/

Enter now.

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