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by Elysia
Rated: 18+ · Book · Environment · #1269688
Welcoming the city-withered...
Notes on the natural.
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December 3, 2007 at 11:13pm
December 3, 2007 at 11:13pm
I watched a lone oak leaf spiral like a brown petal out of the sky this afternoon. It snowed sporadically, but cleared dramatically tonight. I could see Orion, and there's a bright orange star whose name I'd like to learn. I caught a snatch of salt air, too, cold and tangy. Something unseen munched in the darkness.
December 3, 2007 at 2:10pm
December 3, 2007 at 2:10pm
Last night was the first snow of the season. I could hear it rasping on the dry leaves, hissing as it hit the barbecue. Gazing into a night snowfall is mesmerizing.
November 30, 2007 at 9:33am
November 30, 2007 at 9:33am
Despite my abiding love and compassion for all living creatures, there is one species that so consistently behaves contrary to hope and expectation that I must steel myself to regard it with a sour mixture of contempt and suspicion. It has the healthy vigor of an opportunistic parasite, yet also demonstrates an unsettling propensity for self destruction, often turning upon itself. It fouls its den area, wreaking havoc in a few short years that will remain evident for centuries.
November 15, 2007 at 7:03pm
November 15, 2007 at 7:03pm
Today I gazed up into silver steel clouds as dry brown oak leaves danced and swirled down through the sky. Pumpkin beetles flew about, and the dog munched up a daddy longlegs spider.
October 10, 2007 at 3:02pm
October 10, 2007 at 3:02pm
At first glimpse he looks just like any shorthaired, grey domestic cat. His green eyed gaze is as inscrutable, his little head is pointed like a viper's, he drifts about like catlike fog. But closer inspection reveals a small, tough creature that has adapted a different path than his feline brethren. He flits through a forest populated with small cat monsters; a fox has dined at the same midden that summoned the cat, a coyote has danced by mere feet away. Not for him, the warm hearth and large bipedal servants, but a wilder existence than many of either species has enjoyed in some centuries. Prey and predator exchange places in the natural chaos of life and death, and this creeping grey beggar has been both. But there is a speculative look in his eye, a frantic bobbing of the head in suicidal curiousity when the open door is proffered. It is, after all, nice when someone else looks out for the big bad wolf.
October 6, 2007 at 11:52pm
October 6, 2007 at 11:52pm
Air, land abound with the sound of life. Tomato pots moved cause merry brown crickets to hop and spooky spiders to creep. True frogs jump about the yard. A gray cat ghosts from the forest for supper. Coyotes stroll through the yard; a baby skunk waddled through the rock garden; some beastie chews the trash, who and when we may never know. A fat fluffy fox dined on my leftovers. I've heard raccoons squalling across the street. During the winter, large hawks enjoy riding the thermal from the clearing. I've seen picture perfect bunnies and sleek little snakes. Mourning doves, cardinals, noisy jays and distant crows... Today, I felt that there is a very old path that runs through the forest behind.
September 27, 2007 at 9:05pm
September 27, 2007 at 9:05pm
We removed the air conditioner from the window last week, so now I can hear the forest through the screen. Several nights, I heard crashing in the woods, but couldn't see the culprit. Last night, I finally spotted him-a beautiful, large coyote in the prime of health, running across our yard. The wild ones don't seem to run so much as dance, suspended on tippy-toe. He heard me at the window and paused, poised, to stare at me. Tonight, a wild grey kitty snacked at our compost pile; he ran off when I went out to give him some kitty kibble, skulking back minutes later to gobble.
August 2, 2007 at 11:38pm
August 2, 2007 at 11:38pm
Last night my fiancee called me to see the fox dining at our compost heap (which I've dubbed the "midden"). The fox had a rich red head , a grey body rather like a wolf's in colour, and a full grey brush with a black tip. He looked very healthy! I'm going to put extra tasty goodies in the midden (if this is the same fox I saw during the winter, he has a weakness for the bread that comes with Chinese food) and try to sneak a picture or fifty through the bathroom window. Yay!
July 31, 2007 at 9:50pm
July 31, 2007 at 9:50pm
This evening, hundreds of dragonflies pulled their jerky stitches through the silk of the dusk sky.
July 23, 2007 at 11:20pm
July 23, 2007 at 11:20pm
Today I saw a bright red cardinal fly across the yard, chirping like a wooden wheel in need of grease. Last night, while I was outside smoking a cigarette, I looked up to see a black and white kitty sitting, watching me, eyes aglow in the light. I called to him ("Meow?") and he trundled off through the grass. A few minutes later, I looked out again to find him sitting, regarding me intently from another spot. I wonder if he wants to be adopted. I'm afraid my two wouldn't agree with that.

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