Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114437-Compact-Farms-15-Proven-Plans-for-Market-Farms-on-5-Acres-or-Less-Includes-Detailed-Farm-Layouts-for-Productivity-and-Efficiency
ASIN: 1612125948
ID #114437
Amazon's Price: $ 12.62
Product Rating:
  Overall Quality:
Further Comments...
While not entirely what I was looking for, the layouts for productivity and efficiency were very helpful in planning. The difficulty was the farms weren't very representative of my area, and though the author goes in depth for each farm from the crops, to methods & equipment, to fertilizers & pest control, to harvesting, it didn't feel applicable to me. It also didn't allow me to relate very well to the 'what they do with their harvests' part. All that being said, even though the book wasn't for me, many farms in many regions are represented, so other readers should have something for them. It is highly detailed and contains great pictures along with the layout plans.
Created Dec 01, 2019 at 9:36pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114437-Compact-Farms-15-Proven-Plans-for-Market-Farms-on-5-Acres-or-Less-Includes-Detailed-Farm-Layouts-for-Productivity-and-Efficiency