Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114392-The-Castle-on-Sunset-Life-Death-Love-Art-and-Scandal-at-Hollywoods-Chateau-Marmont
ASIN: 0385543166
ID #114392
Amazon's Price: $ 35.12
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Summary of this Book...
This is about the storied hotel/residence inn fashioned after a European type model, Chateau Marmont, that is party of Hollywood history since the 1930s.

It hosted many of the most famous stars (Harlow in early days), hangers-on and rock stars.

Several different owners, with different philosophies and styles have taken on the upkeep, maintenance and renovations over the years. Many storied parties have been held at the hotel and John Belushi died there in the early 80s of a drug overdose.

The book is an interesting chronicle of what went on. I have researched some of the Harlow stuff used and found it to be pretty much accurate, except for blaming her mother for her death. That's kind of a debunked myth at this point, but the death of Paul Bern is treated fairly to the best of my knowledge.

I was most interested in what went on in the 30s and during WW II when there was a German owner. I found that to be kind of interesting and creepy at the same time. The book made for enjoyable and sometimes salacious reading. Nothing wrong with some good gossip at times. I enjoyed learning more about the hotel that I have seen pictures of over the years.
Created Nov 12, 2019 at 9:39am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114392-The-Castle-on-Sunset-Life-Death-Love-Art-and-Scandal-at-Hollywoods-Chateau-Marmont