Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114286-Escaping-Home-A-Novel-The-Survivalist-Series
ASIN: 0142181293
ID #114286
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: J.L. O'Dell Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 13.63
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Author's Writing Style:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
Things are heating up in Morgan's world as raiders attack farms, and small encampments of people. The raiders kill, take what they want including women and small children. Morgan and his people are considering moving further back into the woods as there own supplies are used up. Strangely enough as the raids continue DHS always seems to show up hours afterwards to take the survivors of the raiders off to a FEMA camp. In this book the plans of the government come more into focus and it's not good. Jess (book 1) is in a FEMA camp and the group with the help of Sarge and his crew plan to recue her. I am trying not to reveal too much. Read the book.
This type of Book is good for...
It is an interesting read and as the story moves forward you will learn more about prepping and the possible shady plans of DHS and FEMA>
I especially liked...
The author continues to build up and fresh out the characters as the story moves.
I didn't like...
Although the editing is getting better, there are still some typos.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
Get ready for the next one.
This Book made me feel...
Anxious. Could this possibly happen?
The author of this Book...
A. American is getting better in his books and turning into a real author.
I recommend this Book because...
It is interesting and makes you wonder, what if?
I don't recommend this Book because...
Further Comments...
A must read. The series is getting better as we go.
Created Aug 19, 2019 at 2:41pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114286-Escaping-Home-A-Novel-The-Survivalist-Series