Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114261-Last-of-the-Summer-WineVintage-08-BBCDVD
ID #114261
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: Krista Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
This is a Region 1 version of season 29 (out of of 31) from the longest-running sitcom in the world, Last of the Summer Wine. A trio of senior delinquents and their friends in the Yorkshire Dales pass the time with various shenanigans. It includes 11 episodes featuring Cleggy, Truly, and Alvin.
This type of DVD is good for...
This gentle comedy is a great way to relax after a tiring day. With humor that doesn't come at the expense of anyone and can't offend anyone, it's a perfect show to enjoy with family.
I especially liked...
After the passing of one of the original cast members, the newer members do a good job of keeping the laughs coming without attempting to replace him.
I didn't like...
As the cast members grow older and slow down they have smaller parts giving focus on new characters. The absence of the character Nora Batty (actress Kathy Staff passed away) left me longing to see her and her broom.
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
I've been slowly collecting the Region 1 DVDs as they are released, so after I finished this one I preordered the next season.
This DVD made me feel...
This series has brought me plenty of chuckles over the years. The humorous adventures are lighthearted and lift my mood. It is a bit sad to see my favorite characters have smaller roles, but they still do a wonderful job.
The cast of this DVD...
The featured trio in this season are:

- Peter Sallis, who plays Norman "Cleggy" Clegg, is the only cast member to appear in every episode. That's 295 over 31 years!

- Frank Thornton is probably best known for his role of Captain Peacock on Are You Being Served?, but he does an excellent job here as former police officer, Herbert "Truly of the Yard" Truelove.

- Brian Murphy has a childlike personality that compliments his physical comedy routines as Alvin Smedley.

I recommend this DVD because...
I recommend this show to anyone and everyone because it's just an all-around good show. After airing for so many years the writers still come up with new subplots and storylines.
Created Aug 01, 2019 at 10:49am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114261-Last-of-the-Summer-WineVintage-08-BBCDVD