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3 things: I LOVE STEPHEN KING. I HATE HAVING TO RATE THIS BOOK SO POORLY. READ STEPHEN KING BOOKS. Just not this one. It's actually making me sad to rate this to the point I don't want to review it. I'll just pretend I never read it is what my soul is saying. One a 1-5 scale, if 3 means "I liked it", then this is barely scraping the 2 that I'm giving it. Barely. I'll say it's a 2, assuming that means "it was okay." Except I'm not convinced that it was, but I don't have the heart to rate it lower. This 500-page (+/-) whopper could easily have been culled by 100 pages if not more. Between all the repeated introductions, "Call-me-so-and-so", "No, really, call me so-and-so", "No,no, REALLY, call me so-and-so", the discussion of the unsub's name under every possible legendary name imaginable, the unnecessary dialogue and the number of times people went pee was unbearable. The characters felt like caricatures, from husband-clinging wives, to hell-bent cops on the wrong trail, to abhorrent Speedy Gonzalez accents, to pitiful vague and soulless renditions of bona fide illnesses. Character inconsistencies plague the book. His use of language, in both dialogue and narrative, was repetitive and at times felt almost juvenile. "Sometimes life can be very poopy", spoken by possibly the unintentionally worst King character ever, was enough to make the cutting down of that particular tree a murder more worthy of a story than this book was. Now, it is possible that Mr. King does not own a cell phone, or a newer car, or a tablet or a computer, I suppose, except that he tweets so he is at least somewhat aware of technology and other worldly advances. Yet we are using Mapquest. Taking Motrin. Riding bikes with banana seats. Technology is very confusing overall. In 2018. *facepalm* I was not thrilled and it was not mysterious. The research for the book was thin, the characters were so awful they could have all died and I would have thought, "meh.". I was not only NOT horrified, I wasn't even marginally creeped out. The baddie was a potentially good idea, but just turned out to be ridiculous and if I'd known I could have easily killed him off myself I would have done so at page 300. Thriller: no Horror: no Mystery: for about 5 seconds Supernatural: vaguely Cop Drama: 1950 keystone cop meets 1990 Law and Order | ||
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![]() Created Dec 06, 2018 at 9:50pm •
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