Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113671-Genius-Season-1-Einstein
ID #113671
Genius Season 1: Einstein   (Rated: 18+)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 18.98
Product Rating:
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Summary of this DVD...
This DVD set was a gift from friends for my birthday. It is a wonderful miniseries about the life of Albert Einstein, father of the Theory of Relativity.

I learned so much about him that I never knew before. My general knowledge was very limited. He grew up and was educated in such a volatile time in Germany. He was way ahead of most in renouncing his German citizenship and getting the heck out of there, being Jewish leading up to WW II.

The series portrays him as clueless about dealing with people and his family in his private life. IN fact, for most of his life, he is bumbling idiot, although a genius in physics and mathematics.

One of the biggest villains of his life was J. Edgar Hoover, but he didn't allow him to effect him much, using his own charm to win over Hoover's mindless minions.

I am very interested in WW II and events leading up to it and how some people survived it all, while others did not. Einstein probably survived because of his second wife. It's just a matter of her seeing the world for real while he lived in an academic and sexual fog.

Geoffrey Rush is brilliant, as always, as the older Einstein, but Johnny Flynn is a true revelation as the younger and more dashing and sexually uninhibited scoundrel.

Wonderful casting and flawless acting make this an engaging and phenomenal series. It's much much better than most of the nonsense in TV or the movies these days.
Created Jul 24, 2018 at 9:18am • Submit your own review...

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