Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113618-Only-Angels-Have-Wings
ASIN: B00000JRW5
ID #113618
Only Angels Have Wings   (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 13.45
Product Rating:
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Summary of this DVD...
I got this movie from Netflix. I am reading a book about the films and history of 1939. This movie was recommended as being one of Cary Grant's best performances. He plays a nasty character here, instead of a hero. Nasty for those days, I guess.

I didn't think it was a great film. It's definitely dated. Jean Arthur was good.

But the real standout and amazing member of the cast was Thomas Mitchell who also (that same year) played Scarlett O'Hara's father in Gone With the Wind and a big role in Stagecoach.

I was amazed at the quality of his performance here. To me, the film was his, not Cary Grant's. And, I normally love Cary Grant.

This made me more of a fan of Thomas Mitchell than I already was. To me, he and Claude Rains are the unsung great actors of their times. Time after time, they steal the movie from the big stars.

Rita Hayworth has a small role in this movie. I didn't think she was very impressive here.

I am glad I didn't buy the DVD because if this is thought of as a great film, it, like Idiot's Delight, is way overrated.
Created May 29, 2018 at 9:30am • Submit your own review...

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