Summary of this Book... | ||
"Charlie and her roommates along with their friends could have never imagined that, after the birthday party of the night before, their morning would take a twisted turn with a macabre discovery: a box containing the head of a stranger. However, because of their different personalities and also because of another unfortunate event, they can't decide on the right way to deal with it. Their disagreement ultimately triggers heated arguments and unsuspected passions. And as the story unfolds, the strain of their situation will take their relationship with one another to the very edge. Yet most shocking will be the answer to the main question that is on everyone's mind: who is the man whose head ended up in the box and who brought the box into their apartment?" | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
Everyone who loves a good detective and mysterious novel should give it a go and see how they feel about it. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
Thanks to Netgalley for providing me the opportunity to read and review Head in the Book by C.P. Kemabia. Okay, so when I started reading the story, I was quite bored. It was entirely and full of descriptions, lots of description and description which made me lose interest in the book in the beginning. However, I didn't shut it just then and kept reading, hoping things would change and so they did! It got to the good part and it actually captured my attention as I loved the new twist and I cannot imagine finding a head in a box in my apartment when it is sealed! The idea of the story is what really made me request this book and then read it. Apart from the boring beginning, I was quite intrigued by the mystery and how did everything happen. As time flew by, truths came up in front of everyone about everything, they were able to solve the mystery and I am so glad it did! Poor Charlie though! I felt really sad for her because she was suffering a lot and kept everything inside her, like about her parents, her brother and then her own relationship problems. When the truths came out and all the friends fought, it kind of reminded me of a movie I once saw "The Devil" where a group of people are trapped and their doings come forward and they all have to pay for what they have done as their unconscious rises and makes them feel guilty. It is strange how when man is about to die, it is the fear that motivates him to do the most difficult and toughest of tasks, including owning the truth. A good read but could have paced a bit faster in the beginning and the beginning could be made interesting. | ||
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![]() Created Oct 09, 2017 at 3:41am •
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