Summary of this Book... | ||
This is the story of the Newtown Connecticut Elementary School Massacre There is way too much attention and focus on the monster who gunned down small children and their faculty in their school. There is not enough time spent on getting acquainted with the victims. Descriptions of them are brief and perfunctory. I don't even like knowing the perpetrator's name or the name of his mother. His mother encouraged his interest in guns even though she knew he was deeply disturbed and uncontrollable. I find that access he had to expensive and vicious weaponry to be beyond the pale. This book just totally upset me. Those poor kids and their brave principal and teachers. Wow, they are the heroes here. I hope they are in a much better place now. The book's references to Columbine were completely erroneous. This author didn't do his homework about the victims or the history of violence in schools. Thumbs down. | ||
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![]() Created Aug 27, 2017 at 12:15pm •
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