Summary of this Book... | ||
Maisie Dobbs is a private investigator in England in the late 1920's - 1940's in this detective series. She worked as a servant in a big house, was taken on by the family and educated. Then she volunteered as a nurse in WWI and ended up as a private eye who solves cases by trying to understand people and bring them together. In this first book in the series, she investigates a home for men who were terribly disfigured in the war. The owner and operator of the place is not who he seems to be at first and he requires all the patients in his facility to turn over their money to him (a la a cult like operation.) Maisie sends her assistant, Billy, undercover at the facility to find out why and how people are dying. The book is a gentle mystery set in a turbulent time. I am looking forward to reading more in the series. | ||
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![]() Created Aug 24, 2017 at 2:02pm •
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