ID #113309 |
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand: A Novel (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: BookReviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Review Rated: 13+ |
Amazon's Price: $ 8.90
Summary of this Book... | ||
A retired, widowed Major lives in a charming English village, loaded with insular snobs. His son represents the worst in greed and snobbery in the younger generation. Faced with his own mortality and the death of his brother, the major must choose between the woman he loves and living the life he is propelled toward living. The woman he loves is a shopkeeper of Pakistani descent and very perceptive about the ways of the village. The book is funny, insightful and charming and says a lot about the ruts people get into. All the characters were interesting and well drawn. I enjoyed reading the book very much and can see why this author has been compared to Jane Austen. She has a lot of humorous observations about the world around her in modern England. | ||
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Created Jun 19, 2017 at 11:04am •
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