Summary of this DVD... | ||
I loved Bridget Jones Diary. That was why I watched this on Netflix when Mr. Hooves was doing something else. This was inane about Bridget having sex with two men (Patrick Dempsey and Colin Firth) and not knowing who is the father of her baby. She's a menopausal 43, which is considered to be a geriatric mom. I always loved Renee Zelweiger because she didn't look like everyone else in Hollywood. That made her believable. She is unrecognizable now. I assume some sort of surgery on her face happened. I wouldn't know it was her. She is no longer believable in a role that was made for her, really. Colin Firth has aged, but naturally. Patrick Dempsey is cute. Colin Firth looks good older, too, but him looking as old as he does and Renee Zelweiger looking like a stranger was pretty depressing. I don't know why these actresses ruin their looks like this. Repulsive. | ||
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Created May 30, 2017 at 12:37pm •
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