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ID #113256
Jackie (DVD+DHD)   (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 21.06
Product Rating:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
This is a historical drama, the story of First Lady, Jacqueline (Jackie) Kennedy. It is about the time right after the assassination of her husband, President John F. Kennedy. This is a riveting drama about someone I admire immensely.

Her husband was shot in the head while sitting next to her in a limo. She narrowly escaped death, herself, by a slight movement of her head. In an instant, her whole life was changed. She had two small children (aged 2 and 5) who had birthdays within a week or so of the killing of their father.

She had to hold it together for her kids, family and most of all for her country. Through 4 days of horror, she never flinched and even marched in a procession out in the open next to her husband's coffin for blocks. She shamed dignitaries into following along with her.

If ever there was a profile in courage in the White House it wasn't any of the modern politicans or their free spending wives, world traveling wives.

This woman is the profile in courage that her husband wrote about. She lived it and lived up to it.

I think this captures some of what she went through over the course of that horrific weekend in November when the country lost so much.

She gave America some dignity in the face of base horror.

I admire her more than any other historical figure of my lifetime, male or female, for what she did in those four days.
This type of DVD is good for...
anyone who is unfamiliar with the extraordinary happenings of November 22 - 25, 1963.
The cast of this DVD...
See below in "Further Comments".
I recommend this DVD because...
it is a riveting story.
Further Comments...
Here is my issue. I did not buy Natalie Portman as Jackie. The voice, movements and inflections are all there. But, to me it is an imitation. Jackie was a much larger woman physically and her voice had a certain resonance to it. Portman sounds more like Marilyn Monroe than Jackie.

I like her and think she is a good actress. I do not know who could have done better, but it was not quite believable for me as a viewer. I have a very clear view of the Jacqueline Kennedy that I remember so well.
Created Mar 26, 2017 at 10:21am • Submit your own review...

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