Summary of this DVD... | ||
This is a Netflix disk that we got in the mail to watch. It is the true story of Annabelle Beam, a young girl diagnosed with a fatal stomach disorder. She ends up surviving when no one thought she could, after falling into the base of a hollow tree and being rescued. Something about the fall apparently made her heal afterwards. During her time in the tree, she experienced an out of body experience where she was told she would live on and be cured when she was ready to die. As I indicated, this is a true story that was in the news - the family lives in Texas, but had to obtain treatment in Boston. While it is mentioned that money is an issue, they live pretty well and manage to keep things going. God help them, I do not know how they did that. What really stood out to me is the callous disregard of the medical profession. What a bunch of a-holes, except for the doctor on board when she finally is cured (really, no thanks to anything he did). I hate hospitals so we fast forwarded a bit through that stuff when the arrogant E.R. doctor misdiagnosed her and wanted to send her home with an arrogant roll of his eyes when a little girl was suffering. I hope, whoever that a-hole is, that he is good and ashamed right about now after being portrayed like that by Hollywood. Jennifer Garner was the star. Mostly she was good, but at times she has a tendency to over act it. The kids were all stellar. It's a movie where I was happy at the ultimate outcome, but seethingly angry at the medical profession for the way they are. They can't seem to help themselves sometimes even when there is a miracle afoot. The church people were annoying although I do firmly believe God was in charge of Miss Annabelle's fate. Sometimes medical and church know-it-all jerks try to insert themselves between God and what is right. The truth usually comes out in time about these self-righteous types of arrogant so and sos. This was an okay movie, not a great one. | ||
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![]() Created Jan 29, 2017 at 9:07am •
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