Summary of this Book... | ||
This is a very complex book. I read it in the summer when I was going through medical stuff to get a diagnosis, so I was distracted. So, I reread it this last week or so, which I NEVER do. This is a thriller mystery that you must pay attention to in order to understand the characters and what happens to them. I am familiar with the actual Wilde Lake area of Columbia, Maryland as it is close to where I grew up and where I attended many softball games for years in the 1980's and 1990's. Familiarity with the area is not required to enjoy the book. The story is about a female States Attorney who thinks of herself as a big shot, coming from a well known and prominent family. She decides to prosecute a murder case that seems a bit muddled. It turns out that working on the case leads to the discovery that most of her life and beliefs are based on lies. Her prominent family is full of deception and falsehoods, including the story of what happened to her own mother. Lu Brant is an interesting character. Every other chapter of the book is 1st person and the others are 3rd person. This is a powerful book with an ending that shocked me and that doesn't happen often in my reading adventures these days. I HIGHLY recommend reading it, but don't do it if you are thinking about something else. Give it your full and undivided attention. | ||
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![]() Created Jan 26, 2017 at 10:06am •
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