Summary of this DVD... | ||
I was so looking forward to this DVD, that I bought it from Amazon. It arrived on its first day of release, last Tuesday. What a disappointment! The book is terrific, but the movie had a lot of problems. It is set in New York while I seem to remember the book is set in London. Emily Blount is totally wrong for the part of Rachel - she's too beautiful and too fit. The story is about a woman who rides the train every day. She sees things from the train and imagines the lives of the people she sees. We learn that she is connected to them via the past. She thinks everyone else has an idyllic life, but her. We learn gradually that she has been manipulated into her present state. That is the basic story, but a lot was changed for the movie. A lot was left out, as is normal. But some of it was key to the story. It makes a much better mystery thriller as a book than it does as a movie. I was so disappointed and so was Mr. hooves. He hadn't read the book, but I told him it was a great story. I wish Hollywood would leave books alone if they can't be bothered to tell the real story well. Thumbs down here. ![]() | ||
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![]() Created Jan 22, 2017 at 12:57pm •
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