Summary of this DVD... | ||
This is another in the Jason Bourne action type movies. Mr. hooves loved the early ones, so I gave him this one for Christmas. It has a lot of settings (England, Berlin, Las Vegas, D.C.) for Jason Bourne/David Webb to run around in. To me, there is a lot of determined walking going on and crazy driving. It sort of gives me a head ache, but it was Christmas so I watched it with him. I don't think that much acting is required, but maybe a lot of stunts are. I am not sure how much Matt Damon does. Julia Stiles was killed in the beginning, but there is a new female character who seems dangerous in the end. Tommy Lee Jones made a good villain and Gregg Henry (from Gilmore Girls - Logan's Dad) appeared in flashbacks as David Webb's father. It was good and I could follow it pretty well. The best action stuff was towards the end in Las Vegas. The story was that the CIA is trying to either get rid of Jason Bourne or bring him into the fold again. They can't seem to figure on what they want to do and he always has the upper hand in the end. That was the case here, too. Enjoyable, but not really my preferred kind of movie enjoyment. | ||
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![]() Created Dec 27, 2016 at 12:29pm •
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