Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112516-Modern-Times-The-Criterion-Collection-DVD
ID #112516
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
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Summary of this DVD...
I don't know where to begin. This is a masterpiece. There are so many wonderful moments, memorable moments in this film.

It was made in the early 1930's and is mostly silent, but it has a huge satirical message about man vs. the machine and the ravages of the Depression.

One of my favorite TV Shows, I Love Lucy, stole the conveyor belt chocolate scene from this film. It is Chaplin tightening bolts on a conveyor belt as the evil boss watches from afar, speeding up the belt to a frenzied pace. I never knew that Lucy stole this from Chaplin, but I do now.

Also there is a scene where another man is trapped in the machine (a huge thing with wheels and levers and interlocking things) and the Little Tramp tries to help him by feeding him a sandwich.

Sheep are used to compare them to people trying to find work or even just a life in the city.

My two favorite parts are towards the end. Chaplin sings and dances this ridiculous, hilarious song that you have to see to believe. He's just so adorable when he does it.

Then, the final scene. Oh my goodness. Chaplin and his wife/costar Paulette Goddard walk off into the distance with his song, "Smile" playing. What a cinematic marvel this whole movie is.

I loved it from start to finish. It is not easy to watch a mostly silent film, but this one will make it worth your while. If you don't fall in love with the little tramp, just a little bit, then I don't think you have a heart.
I especially liked...
Chaplin and Goddard together. I liked the extras on the film also - the behind the scenes stuff and the home movie of Alastair Cooke on the boat with Chaplin and Goddard going to Catalina.
Further Comments...
If you want to see a masterpiece that was made during The Great Depression, this is the movie to see. I love the 1930's and Harlow's movies, but this one was a revelation into the genius that was and is Chaplin.
Created Jul 13, 2015 at 12:19pm • Submit your own review...

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