Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112269-The-Road-Less-Traveled-The-Psychology-of-Spiritual-Growth
ASIN: 0671240862
ID #112269
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: ruwth Author Icon
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Amazon's Price: $ 22.99
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Summary of this Book...

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I want to talk to you today about the book entitled the road less traveled by M Scott Peck.in his book he talks about different things different things that can help us live life more productively more soundly. He talks about accepting the fact that life is difficult that's where he starts out. The first words of his book are life is difficult he talks then quickly but like being a series of problems to be solved and he talks about discipline as being the tools that we need to use to be able to solve the problems that life throws at us.

One of the things he talks about it here is the fact that love is work if you are going to love someone it's a matter of extending yourself for that person. Love is more than a feeling love is work.

Another idea he presents is that heart of the problem that people who suffer from different kinds of mental illness have is what he called an outdated map. We need to look at the world accurately. We need to question our perceptions sometimes we need to make adjustments. Our feelings are based on what we believe is happening in any given situation or circumstance. If our perception of the circumstance or situation is inaccurate are feeling response will be off target. We can change that by updating our app are outdated Mac.

Here is a quote the act of love extending oneself as I have said requires a moving out against the inertia of laziness parentheses work parentheses or the resistance engendered by fear parentheses courage parentheses

Love is extending our self. He goes on to talk about other aspects of love its disciplined its separateness just because you love somebody doesn't mean you merge with them healthy true love is two separate people choosing to care for each other. He has some case studies in here or where he talks about different people and one of those case studies I don't care for because his patient is encouraged to abandon their childhood face and I don't like that
This type of Book is good for...
the best thing that you can do with M Scott Peck book the road less traveled is to allow it to prompt you to think.it is not a book to be read mindlessly. It is a book to be read critically. Just because pack has a degree doesn't mean he has everything right. But his ideas right wrong or indifferent or a mixture of both are food for thought.

As you read this book you can like me make some changes in your life the first thing I did was begin to accept the fact that life is not easy. Life is not fair. My first piece that I made in a ceramics class was a coffee cup and I put on it the words life is not fair. No no no take that back I put on it life is difficult. Accepting that makes it easier.
I especially liked...
I guess I am going to start out with what I like about the road less traveled by M Scott Peck. I love the title. The road less travelled brings to mind the poem by Robert Frost. There is a way in which Amscot packs ideas are encouraging people to take that road less traveled by Robert Frost talked about in his poem. For that reason and because I like I was a fan of Robert Frost I like the title.

Another thing I like is the first line life is difficult. Life is, life is difficult. We all know that but do we accept it. Basically the very first page in this book can be life changing.

One thing that happened for myself and my children after I read this book was that I learn to say to them life is not fair get used to it. Up until then up until I read Scott textbook I thought life should be fair on his first page he talk bad about people thinking that life should be easy I thought life should be fair. Life was there. Life is not fair here is the quote that I left here is a quote that I think is food for thought. Quote life is a series of problems. Do we want to moan about them? Do we want to teach or solve them we want to teach our children to moan about them or solve them I didn't quote it exactly right. Let me try again

Life is a series of problems. Do we want to moan about them or sell them? Do we want to teach our children to solve them?

This the truth is the first page of this book is right with what is contained further on discipline is mentioned at the bottom of the first page there's another quote that I like

Discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life's problems. Without discipline we can solve nothing with only some discipline we can solve only some problems with total discipline we can solve all problems. And if quote

That's me see
I didn't like...
what did I not like about this book the road less traveled by M Scott Peck? When got wrote this book when Scott Peck wrote this book he was not a Christian. Some of what he writes in here actually talks about encouraging people to abandon the Christian faith they grew up with as if the Christian faith they grew up with was something to be easily tossed aside if it didn't fit what they wanted to live today. As a Christian I don't believe the Christian faith should be tossed aside and I don't believe in any way that the Christian faith in and of itself is in a row status. Can people be neurotic about how they practice their faith yes. But let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater Christian faith is a good thing if someone is practicing it inappropriately deal with that issue don't abandon the faith or encourage others to do so.

Something that I know is that later in his life after having written this book and Scott Peck came to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and became a Christian I am glad of that.

In spite of the fact that when Scott Peck wrote this book he was not a Christian the book itself contains a lot of truth and truth wherever you find it can set you free.
Further Comments...
I feel a bit cross-eyed right now.I am driving to win Nano Wrimo 2014.

As a Nano Rebel, I have been writing reviews and I am now writing product reviews.

That was the plan all along but now I realize the benefit of writing product reviews -- I can wait to make edits and corrections or even run spell check.

Right now I am just keeping several product reviews preparing to write them.

I am also praying and asking God for a miracle!

A miracle I don't deserve but would like nonetheless! *Smile*

Created Nov 29, 2014 at 3:26pm
Created Nov 29, 2014 at 3:26pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112269-The-Road-Less-Traveled-The-Psychology-of-Spiritual-Growth