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ID #112263
God's Not Dead [DVD]   (Rated: )
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ruwth Author Icon
Review Rated:
Amazon's Price: $ 6.86
Product Rating:
Summary of this DVD...
God's Not Dead

NOTE: This review is a WORK IN PROGRESS. folkse see the comment section below so you will understand why this section may have typos and such at this time.

God's not dead is definitely a movie worth watching. It is very well done. I have seen two movies produced by your flicks that have impressed me bye the quality and the message.

I first I saw this movie entitled God's not dead it movie night at church I attend. I watched it with the other members of the church and one of my grandchildren. My grandchild was equally impressed with the movie and he is 10 years old I believe. The

The main story in the movie focuses on young man in a college class. I believe it is a humanities class. I have never taken a humanities class. I don't think I would enjoy taking one from an instructor like the one portrayed in the movie.

The young man the young the students religious faith was challenged. At the start of the class the professor insisted that everyone sign a paper saying or acknowledging or stipulating to the fact that God was either dead or did not exist.

This young man, contrary to advice that he received, contrary to the feelings expressed by his girlfriend, chose to defy the professor. They young man shows to stand his ground.

He wrist failing the class. The young man risked failing the class. Because he refused to sign the stipulation that God was dead or did not exist, he was required to deliver talks and instruction in the classroom that would approve God exists.

Because the student does this in this
I especially liked...
because the student takes on the professors challenge, the audience gets to listen two very good arguments for the existence of God. The movie has back stories. The professor is in a relationship with a woman who is a Christian but I believe she is living with the professor or at least in an intimate relationship with him outside of marriage. He likes the woman loves the woman. He but he sees himself as her intellectual superior. He appears to believe that if you are intellectually superior person you will not believe in Jesus. Therefore he believes anyone who does believe in Jesus is intellectually inferior.

The end of the movie is amazing and dramatic and moving. I won't give it away I will just say the information shared by the student in the movie the left me the idea that we have to take a stand for our faith blessed me this sadness that at one point a young woman was beaten by her father because I believe they were Muslims and he found out that she had become a Christian and beat her and rejected her. It is sad to realize that that happens.
This DVD made me feel...
as Christians we must be willing to take a stand for our faith. We must be willing to suffer persecution if the only way to escape persecution would be to deny Christ the most important thing in our lives as Christian is the Lord Jesus Christ we must choose to honor him before honoring man. Honoring Jesus is more important.
Further Comments...
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Today, November 29th, I am trying to write enough words to win Nano Wrimo this year. I have written reviews for other members and now I am focusing my efforts on writing product reviews. I am very far behind but with God's's help I have made among progress today. I may have written more already today than I have ever written in a single day before this.

In have changed from reviewing other members her at writing.com to spend product reviews simple because I can edit and Edit these after the end of the month when nano Wrimo is over. When sending a review to another member, I must take the time to make corrections. With price reviews, that step in the process can wait.

If you are reading one of my rough first draft, you will notice I have not entered a rating. If and when I do get back to these and consider the product review to be completed, I will then add the reading so you will easily be able to tell if these have been updated. Just use the link above our go to my port and click on product reviews. *Smile*

Created Nov 28, 2014 at 10:20pm
Created Nov 28, 2014 at 10:20pm • Submit your own review...

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