Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112262-The-Passion-of-the-Christ-Widescreen-Edition
ID #112262
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ruwth Author Icon
Review Rated:
Amazon's Price: $ 8.39
Product Rating:
Summary of this DVD...
The Passion of the Christ

NOTE: This review is a WORK IN PROGRESS. folks please see the comment section below so you will understand why this section may have typos and such at this time.

I will never forget the first time I saw this movie. It was in a local theater with some of my children and my mother. I remember how very moved we all were. I know for a fact my mother's experience mirrored the amazement Peter, John and James h had on the mount of transfigeration.

That may sound of or exaggerated but she was almost speechless after the movie and when she did try and express herself, it was like Peter suggesting they build three tabernacle on that mount. He wanted to do something. My mother wanted to say something. My children and I were all speechless. My mother said, "I feel so clean."

We all just looked at her but as I thought about it, I understood. It was the most moving spiritual experience my mother had ever had. Those were the only words she could think to say at the moment. The blood of Jesus does cleanse us from all sin.

His blood was shown she'd for us in this movie. We see vividly the stripes He took for us - almost to vividly.

I have been told this segment, the segment in which He was beaten was shortened for the DVD. I am not sure but I do know that a an advantage of watching it on DVD is the opportunity to fast-forward through those savage scenes.

Regretful, sad, shameful parts o of humanity are revealed as we see the attitudes of those administering the punishment, the scourging. Then we see Mary cleaning up His blood. Later, I realized something like that might very well have happened. Someone may have noted up the blood He shed at that time. After all, the Jewish people who were His family and followers at that time all knew the truth that the life was in the blood. It was their law. If the blood from animals sacrificed on the alter was holy, how much more so this blood.

I personally wish Mel Gibson had chosen to put more emphasis on other aspects of the scourging - the past whet He was mocked and the crown of this smashed down on His holy head.

When He looked down from the cross and said, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." I believe He was paying for all those who had been involved in what happened that day - I believe those words covered more than just those who were crucifying Him. I believed those words reach so far as to also cover us.

He gave us an example in those words. We need to pay them for those who hurt us, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."

It has been a while since I watched this movie but, if I remember correctly, there is little emphasis on the resurrection. I wish there was more for that was His victory dance and our salvation. He has overcome this world.

In this world we will have tribulation but we can rejoice because He has overcome!

This is an awesome and awe-provoking movie.

The movie itself is in a different language. I believe it is in Aramaic with English subtitles. It is the first movie I ever watched like that, in a language I did not know and what I had to spend on subtitles to know what was being said. I think the strategy had an impact on the audiences watching in movie theaters but I was also half to find an English sound track on my DVD. (It might say it is for the visually impaired or something but it was good for me especially as I shared this movie with my grandchildren (fast-forwarding when appropriate).

I did not like Satan but should I? I don't think the scene where something called out of his nose was necessary and I don't think I would have cast a woman in the role, would you? Of course, it is not a role I would have ever wanted to play.

The Bible does teach that Satan can appear as an angel of light. Perhaps this is one place Mel Gibson was not particularly accurate. Satan is beguiling. How would he have appeared to Christ and to the disciples as he tempted them?

Overall, I give this movie 5 stars and highly recommend it. I hope to open a community center and I might show this movie at the opening. It is worth seeing and worth sharing!
I especially liked...
Well, I just discovered there is not an author's section for DVDs. I am going to y use this section to talk about Mel Gibson.

Truthfully, before this movie came out, I did not know who he was. I still know little about him. I know he produced this movie. I think he directed it as well. I know he financed it with his own money. This is an amazing movie. It lifts up Christ in a dramatic way and in a world that has not honoured Him (the movie industry as a whole).

The movie has made millions. Gibson got a good return on his financial investment but he has also suffered.

The world was made project to a series problem he had when recordings of a trade were made public. I am sure he was humiliated. I prayed for him, did you?

I have wondered if all the ugliness happened because of an adverse reaction to a medication prescribed to him. Needs can have that kind of affect Sequel had been retired to cause some folks to b behave extraordinarily violent and contrary to their nature. Did something like that provide Mel's violent outburst? We don't know.

We only know he took a huge risk to make this movie and then had a big downfall, these things happen.

I am grateful to him for making this movie I appreciate the adherence to the scriptural account of the crucifixion. Mel Gibson has both my appreciation and my prayers. May God bless him for being instrumental in bringing us this moving film and this visual reminder of what God through Jesus Christ did for us all.
Further Comments...
Today is the next to the last day of Nano Wrimo 2014' I need to write a ridiculous number of words today if I am to have any chance of finishing on time.

I am less than half-way to the goal of 50000 words. I would like to write a few more reviews but probably will not have time to do that.

Personal reviews of the items written her by members of writing.cook those longer because I have to read what they have written and then I also have to spell check and preview my work v before I send it out.

I don't have to do that with these product reviews. I can come back and Fox them when nano Wrimo is over and, hopefully, I will do just that.

Please come back and see.

Created Nov 28, 2014 at 10:10pm
Created Nov 28, 2014 at 10:10pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112262-The-Passion-of-the-Christ-Widescreen-Edition