Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112078-MURDOCH-MYSTERIES-SEASON-5
ID #112078
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 16.26
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
This is the 5th Season in this wonderful Canadian Detective series. As the turn of the century (it is 1899) approaches, Murdoch must deal with his broken heart at Dr. Ogden's marriage. He encounters a lot of inventors, including Alexander Graham Bell and others as he uses forensics that are way ahead of his time.

I like the ending with him and Julia (in the last episode) *Smile*. I won't give it away. This is one of the best seasons so far.

The whole cast is brilliant and very funny.
I especially liked...
Thomas Craig as Inspector Brackenried and Constable Crabtree. They are so funny together!

I also especially liked the time travel episode. *Smile*
I didn't like...
how sad William is throughout most of the season.
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
watch Season 6!
I recommend this DVD because...
it is one of the best shows I have ever seen. The cast is just outstanding. It is much better than most of the junk on U.S. TV right now.
Created Jul 31, 2014 at 12:07pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112078-MURDOCH-MYSTERIES-SEASON-5