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ID #111862
The Misfits   (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 7.09
Product Rating:
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Summary of this DVD...
I wrote a really long remoo for this and the internet kicked me out. I will try my best to recreate it.

This is a story of a bunch of misfits in Reno. They go after a bunch of misfit horses. The plot is sort of heavy handed with the symbolism about the modern world destroying the good things about olden times.

This is the last film of Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe. I am pretty sure Gable died within weeks of finishing his part because I read somewhere that Marilyn Monroe was guilty about always keeping him waiting on the set. He was the consummate professional about being on time and she was the opposite.

Monroe would be dead within two years.

The plot is dopey, but it is worth seeing to see the last movie of two such great icons.

The movie was written by Monroe's last husband, Arthur Miller, while their relationship was falling apart. The Director is the great, John Huston.
This type of DVD is good for...
any fans of classic movies. It is not a great story, but it has great stars. Montgomery Clift and Eli Wallach, and to a lesser extent, Thelma Ritter, have the supporting roles.

I think this was after Montgomery Clift's tragic car crash that almost killed him - he was saved by his best friend, Elizabeth Taylor, who pulled him from the wreckage.
I especially liked...
Eli Wallach. He is great, usually underestimated, and the only one who lived to an advanced age. As far as I know he is still kicking at 98. He twinkles as Guido.
I didn't like...
the story because it is dopey.

Clark Gable doing his own stunts at that age was sad, too. You can see the strain of it killing him. He seems much older than 59.
This DVD made me feel...
like I wanted to yell at Gable to take it easy and yell at Monroe to not be so sad.
The cast of this DVD...
is great. Montgomery Clift is especially good, too. It is interesting and poignant to see what Hollywood did to Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable. He has strength but she has none. I wish he could have given her some of his. It is sad to see her and Montgomery Clift together, too. They bring out a tenderness in each other.

Eli Wallach gave a great performance in this, as he always does. His character is moody and at times heroic and at times sort of villainous.
Further Comments...
Montgomery Clift also died young at 45, about six years after making this movie.

The cast is a bunch of misfits, when I think about it. Clark Gable is the one with the longevity, but living to 59, does not seem old enough to me.

Gable, Clift and Monroe all were tragic figures in real life. Gable, losing his wife in a plane crash in WW II and not living to see his son, Monroe, being used and discarded by a host of men and Clift, being gay not being able to be open about it and having a horrible car accident that destroyed his looks. And, then there was the drugs and drinking with Monroe and Clift.
Created Jan 22, 2014 at 9:39am • Submit your own review...

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