Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111804-The-Sound-of-Music-Three-Disc-45th-Anniversary-Blu-rayDVD-Combo-in-Blu-ray-Packaging
ID #111804
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Product Rating:
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Summary of this DVD...
This was my mother's favorite movie. I got her the VHS tape. I took it out to watch it and it was all gobbled up. So, I got out a DVD to watch it - I usually watch it around the holidays. My mom died on Thanksgiving and my Dad died the day before New Years.

Watching the Sound of Music is something I do to brighten the hellish holidays.

This is the story of the Von Trapp Family in Austria during the time of the Nazi occupation. Captain Von Trapp has 7 children who are in need of a governness. He finds one at the local Abbey - Maria is in training to be a nun, but with her musical and lively spirit the nuns feel she is not suited to a life of that kind of prayerful devotion.

Maria comes to take care of the children and they fall in love with her. She teaches them how to sing - they all have a great deal of natural ability. The Captain, who is constantly traveling to Vienna to court a Baroness, is absent a lot. So, for a time, Maria has free reign.

When the Captain returns home, with an intention to marry the Baroness (Eleanor Parker), he discovers that the children aren't the only ones who love Maria.

At the same time he is being pressured to join the Nazis - something he can never do.
This type of DVD is good for...
anyone who loves a good dramatic story set to spectacular music.
I especially liked...
Christopher Plummer. After you see him as Captain Von Trapp, there is magic about the man and his singing that he carries in the twinkle in his eye, even today.
I didn't like...
the fact that NBC felt the need to do a remake. I like Carrie Underwood.
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
see it again soon. I wanted to sing, but I have no talent to carry a tune.
The cast of this DVD...
is awesome.
I recommend this DVD because...
it was my Mother's favorite movie of all time. That is enough for me. When I watch it, I feel uplifted.
Created Dec 29, 2013 at 10:16am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111804-The-Sound-of-Music-Three-Disc-45th-Anniversary-Blu-rayDVD-Combo-in-Blu-ray-Packaging