Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111349-Dirty-God-Jesus-in-the-Trenches
ASIN: 0849964512
ID #111349
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: KimbleBug Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 11.62
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
In Dirty God: Jesus in the Trenches, Johnnie Moore draws on both Scripture and his extensive experience with other cultures and religions to show how the God of the Bible is unique in his willingness to be near us in all of our messiness. Moore outlines the central importance of the doctrine of grace while introducing readers to a humble and human Jesus who reaches out to us at our worst and pulls us up to our best.

Grace, Moore argues, is something that is both gotten and given, and the two-part structure of the book allows readers to explore both of these dynamics. By offering hope rather than condemnation and showing the practical applications of grace in today’s world, Dirty God will appeal to both the committed Christian and the spiritual seeker looking for a more authentic faith. Challenging and engaging, Dirty God is sure to establish Johnnie Moore as an emerging voice for Millennial and Gen-X evangelicals for years to come.
This type of Book is good for...
Anyone seeking to know Jesus Better and learn to apply to their everyday life the Grace that God gives us.
I especially liked...
I liked the authors writing, the way he applies what he is trying to say to every day life. I liked that I felt I could really understand what the author was trying to convey and when finished I felt like I had learned something.
I didn't like...
The beginning of the book was a little dry, but once I got into it, I really enjoyed the book.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
Find more books by the same author and read them.
This Book made me feel...
It made me feel good and hopeful.
The author of this Book...
Johnnie Moore
I recommend this Book because...
I recommend this book because it is one that uses basic Christian concepts and brings them into the real world, not just the pew on Sunday. It also covers a topic that interests me, Jesus' time here on earth. And it is true, Jesus did get just as dirty as we all have been, felt every pain we all have, and been tempted just as we have...and he still died on the cross for our sins!
I don't recommend this Book because...
There is no reason that I would not recommend this book unless you do not believe in God.
Further Comments...
I received this book for free from BookSneeze in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Johnnie Moore draws on both Scripture and his extensive experience with other cultures and religions to show how the God of the Bible is unique in his willingness to be near us in all of our messiness.

Grace, Moore argues, is something that is both gotten and given, and the two-part structure of the book allows readers to explore both of these dynamics. By offering hope rather than condemnation and showing the practical applications of grace in today’s world, Dirty God will appeal to both the committed Christian and the spiritual seeker looking for a more authentic faith.

When I received this book, I wasn't sure that I was really going to like it, but as I read on, Moore presents God over and over again as he was in human form. Jesus came down here and God Dirty just like us. He felt the things that we feel, he experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly of being human...even bouts of illness, vomiting, diarrhea and as we are so well aware pain.

But he did not let these things stop him from delivering his message to us, and his message was one of love and grace. Grace is a theme that is seen often throughout the book. It is a term often bandied about by Christians, but do they truly understand what Grace is?

Grace is the love and gifts that we receive from God despite our lack of deserving of them. Why? Because no one on this earth deserves God's grace, but he knows this? How? Because Jesus came to earth and got dirty with us and then died on the cross and wiped the slate clean for all of us sinners who seek his mercy and grace.

I really did end up liking this book, the way Mr. Moore had of explaining his concepts, and presenting them in a way that applied to every day life. This is an A+ book that I would recommend to all.
Created Jan 11, 2013 at 2:44pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111349-Dirty-God-Jesus-in-the-Trenches