Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111254-Hello-Dolly
ASIN: B00005JL1P
ID #111254
Hello, Dolly!   (Rated: E)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Product Rating:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
I saw this musical on TV (the last part of it), enjoyed it and ordered it from Amazon.com.

It is the story of Matchmaker, Dolly Levi and her attempt to matchmake herself with grouchy businessman, Horace Van Der Gelter, played by Walter Matthau.

Barbra Streisand is luminous and wonderful as the indomitable Dolly Levy. Michael Crawford (Phantom of the Opera) is outstanding and goofy as Cornelius Hackl. This was directed by Gene Kelly.
This type of DVD is good for...
anyone who wants to watch a great musical directed by a genius.
I especially liked...
the whole cast. Barbra Streisand is wonderful.
I didn't like...
The fact that the critics panned this gem. It was a flop because of that. If you can find a better adaptation of a hit Broadway Musical, I don't know of it.
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
watch it again. My dog agrees. She was wagging her tail throughout.
This DVD made me feel...
very uplifted. Isn't that what a great musical is supposed to do?
The cast of this DVD...
is fabulous. I wouldn't have expected Walter Matthau to ever be this appealing. Pairing him romantically with Streisand works because of her timeless beauty and poise. Her beauty (unconventional as it was) has stood the test of time. While acclaimed beauties of the day have long since faded, she is still gorgeous.
I recommend this DVD because...
it is a wonderful adaptation of an American musical. Gene Kelly's featurette is awesome too. To see the details and joy that went into the direction of this movie is really something.
Further Comments...
I was surprised at how much I liked this movie that came out when I was a kid. I remember the critics hated it at the time because they were mad that Carol Channing wasn't cast as Dolly since she played Dolly on Broadway.

Once you see Streisand in the role, there is no other Dolly for me. It takes quite a talent to make Walter Matthau seem as adorable as he does here, in all his grouchy glory.
Created Aug 16, 2012 at 1:01pm • Submit your own review...

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