Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110669-E1-ENTERTAINMENT-Bridge-The
ID #110669
Product Type: Electronics
Reviewer: Keaton Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Product Rating:
  Length of Electronics:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Electronics...
In 2004, documentary filmmaker, Eric Steel, strategically situated cameras at areas which overlook prime suicide spots on the Golden Gate Bridge. Over the year, his cameras caught 23 of the 24 jumpers in their final moments of life. Sprinkled throughout are the commentaries of friends and family members as they reminisce on their lost loved ones.
This type of Electronics is good for...
This film is must-watch for any hardcore documentary film-watcher. Viewers should be warned, however, that this film is unflinching in its depictions and, while not graphic, it is disturbing.
I especially liked...
It might seem at odds to call this film heartwarming but its presentation and its beautiful score by Alex Heffes certainly impart an almost hyper-natural understanding. The interviews with friends and family give us insight into who would otherwise be nameless jumpers; we get to know these people as they pace up and down the familiar orange span, how desperate they were to end theirs lives. It may come as a surprise to learn that the jump is survivable at all to some, but we learn through another interview, that on an all-too-rare occasion someone slips through, and survives. He tells us his own survival story and of his desperation which led to the jump. He did not leave unscathed, however. The highlight of the film, however, is the story of Gene Sprague, the man whose life and death form the structure on which the film is built. His brazen suicidal ramblings had stopped stirring his friends and family years ago - he had said these things so many times. It was perhaps a surprise, perhaps not, that he actually went through with it. It is the iconic image of his backwards fall off the railing which carries this film.
When I finished n/a this Electronics I wanted to...
This is not a documentary you can watch and not be affected by, you will experience something. You will have something to say about it, whether you thought it insensitive or heartwarming.
This Electronics made me feel...
I left this documentary film feeling like I had seen something worth watching, and I knew I have to tell everyone about it.
I recommend this Electronics because...
Anyone who's seen a documentary and loved it, this one will take it another level - you'll either lover or hate it, but it's worth the watch if only to have an insight in to the human mind when its had enough.
Created Aug 30, 2010 at 3:56am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110669-E1-ENTERTAINMENT-Bridge-The