Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110575-Miss-Potter
ID #110575
Miss Potter   (Rated: E)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: KSutton working on 6th book Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 17.87
Product Rating:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
This was a dramatized true story about Beatrix Potter (Renee Zellweger), one of the earliest children's female book writers and illustrators. The story takes you from her experiences as a child and how those experiences nurtured her imagination. It follows her through the adolecent years of not being sure of herself and discovering the person she was to become. The story takes you through her trials of finding a publisher during a time when women where expected to find a good match, not a career. She was already at an age that most considered spinsterhood and she received pressure from outside, as well as, inside her home.

We are treated to her late first romance with her new editor (Ewan McGregor) and the unique encouragement he gives to her creation. And we also see the depth of her commitment to her work and her love while she creates the story and illustrations of Peter Rabbit.
This type of DVD is good for...
This movie is great encouragement to any person setting out on a creative endeavor. It also gives a good idea of the stiff proprieties of the late Victorian era. I also believe it is a wonderful movie to lighten the mood and lift the spirits.
I especially liked...
This was a total departure for Renee Zellweger. I could never have imagined her cast in this role. When the movie was finished, I could not see anyone else play the part.

I really liked the concept of Potter's illustrations and how they presented her relationship with her drawings. She spoke to them as if they were real and she imagined them interacting with her. Also, I very much enjoyed the way they presented her determination in gaining her goal. Even in this day and time women still have a hard time breaking through when they have a new idea that is as yet untried. The example of Beatrix Potter helps to see the value of being tenacious with what you believe in to gain your goal. This movie was not an epic, there were no steamy love scenes and there were not any bombs going off, however it still held me rapt. I would watch this movie again.
I didn't like...
Actually, after thinking hard on it, I can't find anything wrong with the film. Of course, this would not appeal to action adventure fans, but it still had fine effects.
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
I felt like going back to my computer and putting more confidence into my writing. If an untried girl of that era can believe in herself, so can I.
This DVD made me feel...
More confident in choosing writing as a career.
The cast of this DVD...
Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Emily Watson, Barbara
Flynn, Bill Paterson, Matyelok Gibbs, Lloyd Owen, Anton Lesser, David Bamber, Judith Barker

Excellent casting and acting. All top notch actors with a very good script. Even the imaginary critters were believable.
I recommend this DVD because...
In this time of true crime and violence, it is nice to sit back a be completely entertained while learning about a true artist ahead of her time.
Further Comments...
I would love to have this in my library so that if I get down about rejections I receive I can watch this movie and live to fight another day.
Created Jun 11, 2010 at 3:33am • Submit your own review...

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