ID #110509 |
Amazon's Price: $ 14.10
Summary of this Book... | ||
The story stars a 15-year-old girl named Connie. She's vain and selfish and some of her actions remind the reader of things they may have done a few times in their teen years. Attemptign to bridge the gap between childhood and being an adult, Connie makes many mistakes, gets herself a bad reputation and ends up with her entire life at stake. (Even if you figure out what happens from this review, you'll still want to read this book for the WAY it happens) | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
I would recomend it to parents, college students, and teens- even mature preteens as there isn't much bad language but younger kids might need things explained to them. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
I loved that the story contained such a powerful message. The story seems so typical ad you're almost bored with the character and then BANG everything changes and your heart cries for Connie. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
The author really makes you look deeper, but I know so many people who say they don't understand the story so I kind of wish the author had written a side note about the true story she based her short story on. | ||
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to... | ||
Cry. | ||
This Book made me feel... | ||
Sad, worried, desperate, and very protective over girls I know. | ||
The author of this Book... | ||
Writes very powerful stories and has been called on her 'violent' writing. She says we live in a violent society and need to realize is as ignorance doesn't stop predators from hunting you. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
It's a good lesson. It teaches us what is really important in life. | ||
I don't recommend this Book because... | ||
I would not recomend this book to anyone who does not like to read things they really have to think about or who only want a story to read, not something to annalyze. Also, it's not very long. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
If you read this... I'd be happy to talk about it with you! It's one of those things that has been annalyzed and written about and yet there always seems to be more to it. | ||
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![]() Created Apr 24, 2010 at 3:39pm •
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