Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110498-The-Pirates-Of-The-Caribbean---The-Curse-Of-The-Black-Pearl
ASIN: B00005JM5E
ID #110498
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: Captaintaya Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 7.50
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Length of DVD:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
Dated back when pirates rules the waters, this movie tells a strong tale of how the rum runners and fiery thieves of the waters chase after there most loveliest of treasure...gold.

Despite the dangers during their travels and the events taking place when and where they were located, the movie itself turned out to be a most wonderful hit.
This type of DVD is good for...
This movie is great for laughs, entertainment at it's best and something for everyone to enjoy. A whole family can sit back, relax and enjoy the movie with a big bowl of popcorn and just place themselves into a most wonderfully created story.
I especially liked...
The story line behind it all stands out the most
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
Watched the second part, it keeps you yearning for more and it's so beautifully put together,
This DVD made me feel...
This created emotions inside me that i thought were never going to come out, however it made me laugh and cry and want to see it again.
The cast of this DVD...
The cast and stars of the movie were amazing and very entertaining.
I recommend this DVD because...
It is a wonderful chance to see and feel such magic behind disney's best producing film of the year.
Further Comments...
I suggest this movie to anyone who likes great tales, great laughs and don't mind watching something fun.
Created Apr 13, 2010 at 3:22pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110498-The-Pirates-Of-The-Caribbean---The-Curse-Of-The-Black-Pearl