Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110377-A-Womans-Heart-A-Decade-On
ASIN: B000089YB0
ID #110377
Product Type: Music
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 12.37
Product Rating:
  Length of CDs & Vinyl:
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Summary of this CDs & Vinyl...
This is the third CD in what is now a trilogy of A Woman's Heart CD's. I bought this one while in Ireland in 2004. I could not go anywhere without hearing this CD played in pubs and on the radio.
This type of CDs & Vinyl is good for...
anyone who likes Irish or folk music song by various artists. It gives you exposure to a bunch of women singers and musicians, including Sinead O'Connor and quite a few others.
I especially liked...
Fields of Gold as sung by Eva Cassidy. This is a haunting beautiful song. It is my favorite on this collection, but there are lots of beautiful songs and instrumentals - this has a lot more songs then the previous CD's in the trilogy.

Carrick a Rede by Cathie Ryan and Bless the Road by Mary Black are also wonderful songs. I also love the song, Spanish Lady, which follows Fields of Gold.
When I finished n/a this CDs & Vinyl I wanted to...
hear more Irish music.
This CDs & Vinyl made me feel...
like going back to Ireland and so I did, twice more. This particular CD has been very soothing and comforting to me.
The n/a of this CDs & Vinyl...
are fantastic! It is a collection of artists, including the Cheiftans and some other men. Unlike the first, A Woman's Heart, this one actually includes some American singers like Alison Kraus.
I recommend this CDs & Vinyl because...
it is a beautiful collection of singers and musicians. I think anyone will find something to love about this CD. It is the best of the trilogy!
Further Comments...
I sure hope that there will be more A Woman's Heart CD's. We are coming up on two decades on from the first one. It would be wonderful if a new CD, featuring young artists and some of the favorites would be released every ten years. I am hoping this will be the case!
Created Mar 08, 2010 at 12:22pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110377-A-Womans-Heart-A-Decade-On