Summary of this Book... | ||
1984 is a dystopian novel set in a world that is governed by the totalitarian regime of 'The Party', which uses constant surveillance, public mind control and voiding of citizen's rights to rule. The world which Orwell conjures up is vivid and well-written - I could picture the scenery without feeling that it was all overly far-fetched. | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
I was struck by the way that modern society could relate to the text despite the fact that it was written half a century ago. This book can still be applied to the present and warns us to look out for similar events happening in modern society. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
This book is definately one that will make your mind tick-over with theories and opinions on the subject matter of the plot line. A lot of the book is based around the description of a "future" in which 'Freedom is Slavery'. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
The book takes you on a pretty unemotional journey through 1984, in which you do not particularly become attatched to the protagonists (but will sympathise with them deeply). Also - the ending is not particularly spectacular and in parts the text can get a little too long-winded. | ||
The author of this Book... | ||
Has a knack for making you change your mind. The clever way in which this novel is written may just in the end leave you questioning the opinions that you had in the beginning after reading the first few pages of the book. This surprised me greatly and I found myself engrossed in places as I read on towards the end. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
It is a good book for anyone willing to spend time on reading and contemplation. | ||
I don't recommend this Book because... | ||
There is not a whole lot of gripping action within the pages and it is not one of those books that can't be put down easily. | ||
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![]() Created Jan 18, 2010 at 6:54pm •
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