Summary of this DVD... | ||
(1/6/2004) "Escape From L.A." is one of the most interesting movies to come along in a long time. Basically a bigger budget remake of the first movie under the guise of being a sequel (kinda like "Evil Dead II" or "Desperado"), a lot of people thought it sucked when it first came out. But, like other John Carpenter/Kurt Russell collaborations, it found a core audience later on down the line. There are a lot of theories about what "Escape From L.A." is all about: it can be viewed as a straight sequel to "New York", it can be viewed as an attack on government intrusion upon personal freedoms, etc. Personally, I like to think of it as a very subtle satire by John Carpenter & Kurt Russell, based on the Hollywood machine, where the big studios get their hands on a successful independent flick--like, say, "Escape From New York"--and remake it on a huge budget with mixed results. What I'd really love is for this movie to get the "Big Trouble in Little China" DVD treatment. 2 discs, lots of extras, documentaries and such, and obviously commentary by John Carpenter and Kurt Russell. Their commentaries are always amusing and informative. I'm sure a lot of people out there would also be interested in such a reissue. Unfortunately, getting Paramount to do a special edition DVD of anything that isn't "Star Trek" or "Tomb Raider" is like trying to get Robert De Niro to say "You talkin' to me?" like Travis Bickle. | ||
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![]() Created May 05, 2009 at 10:18pm •
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