Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/109998-The-Dark-Tower-The-Dark-Tower-Book-7
ASIN: 1880418622
ID #109998
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: Ryan Long Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 24.67
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
(9/27/2004) The final volume of the Dark Tower cycle left me wrecked. I mean, I actually had a physical response by the time I finished reading the last page (pounding the book with my fists, a few tears, etc.), and I'm not usually the type of person to be affected by books or films in that fashion, although the Tower stories have always been a noticeable exception.

I'm even having trouble forming a coherent review. I mean, how do you encapsulate everything that goes on this book, like the resolution of a story arc and the fates of characters that I have been following for 10 years, since I was eleven years old (and that many other readers have been following much longer)?
How do you write a review where you don't dare reveal any of the plot points, because revealing even a minute point may detract from the emotional wallop that DT7 packs (assuming that you're not a total jackass and you care about preserving the experience for potential readers)??

Well, I suppose I can make a few comments on the ending without revealing much of anything. The final resolution (if you can call it that) is faithful to the original Robert Browning poem, not in a literal sense, but in the fact that it is bittersweet and offers a ray of hope that shines through the seeming gloom.

One of the most intriguing features of the book didn't even become prominent to me until the day after I finished reading the story. At one point, the reader is given basically the same choice that a major character is given at one point in the novel. I leave it to you to discover what the choice is, who makes it and where it falls in the story. Maybe that's a cop-out on my part, but believe me when I say the consequences of that decision (both the reader's and the character's) will stick in your head for long afterward.

Or better yet, just read the damn thing yourself.
Created May 05, 2009 at 9:55pm • Submit your own review...

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